Solent May Event

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  • On the water:Association events

It was suggested at the AGM that there was interest in a Solent Event in May. Launching at Chichester is proposed as Chichester Harbour gives plenty of options for sheltered waters sailing if the winds are strong, or going further in the Solent (Bembridge, Portsmouth, Cowes/Medina River, Yarmouth etc etc).

This event is for all including those who are new owners or novice sailors as well as seasoned old salts. the emphasis is on looking after everyone there and ensuring a safe and enjoyable event.

Date is not yet decided and will be determined by the best date for all those expressing interest. Duration is also up for discussion (e.g. long weekend or full week).

There are Bank Holidays on May 1st, 8th and 29th. Apart from Springs, entry into the Marina is possible at most times, although the bar needs a little more planning. Chichester Bar has a bit of a reputation as difficult, although many that give that view have never actually tried. As long as wind and tide are right, it is absolutely no problem and I have many years experience of it.

If you are interested, could you please email me and let me know when is suitable for you.

Kind regards Chris


Hi Chris,

Hi Chris,

I'm in. I'll email in a mo.

Around a Bank Holiday would be my preference if that works. Long weekend, 4 days prob max for me given I plan to do BigMac Cardiff.

Just to add... having bought the boat two years ago I joined the BigMac at Chi - and only my second launch. I was a little concerned as it was pretty blowy!

I was well looked after by all, helped to rig and Chris jumped aboard to help me launch. Roly took me out for a sail and then fed me to boot.

Learnt a lot in a few days and gave me a lot of confidence in rigging, launching and chucking the thing about in a blow.


So far I have had positive

So far I have had positive responses from:

Matt Rose


Mike Buxton (maybe without boat)

Andrew Leach

Is anyone else interested?

Kind regards, Chris

quentin.sands's picture

When the dates are firmed up,

When the dates are firmed up, I will definitely consider it, but until then, cannot commit.

Quentin Sands (Editor)

1993 MacGregor 19, Margarita 

Dear All,

Dear All,

Really looking forward to it, working to get boat shipshape. Can't do the last weekend of May, the first weekend looks pretty busy, too, with coronations etc.. (Not had my invitation yet, though.)

Thanks for the initiative and the leadership.


Solent Mini Mini Mac

Solent Mini Mini Mac

It is now time to sort the date which suits the majority. I think that everyone prefers a Bank Holiday weekend so May 1, 7 or 29 are the options.

In gentle weather, the bar is easy to get through at nearly all states of the tide, especially with a boat with lifting keel. If breezy or springs more caution is needed. To exit, the best plan is to leave Chi Marina about 2 hours before high water. the stream is then getting less and you get to the bar about 1 hour before HW which is the start of the westgoing (ebb) stream. This is great for getting down the Solent but not important if heading to Bembridge.

Mon 1/5 Neaps HW 0951

Mon 7/5 Springs HW 0116 and 1340

Mon 29 Neaps HW 0717 and 2006

Could you please give me your preferences including 1) preferred date from and to 2) preferred duration (Full week or long weekend) 3) ideas on where you would like to go. I would of course highlight that this is a unique opportunity to sail in company with the only Self Appointed Honorary Member of the MOA.

Kind regards Chris

Unable to do anytime in May

Unable to do anytime in May as may and August are our busiest time at work. I can do anytime in June July September. I'm looking at coming down to the south/south west coast for two weeks June/July but more likely early to mid July before the schools break up. I work most if not all bank holidays. I would like to start from anywhere between Chichester and Poole Dorset then head west & if the weather on our side try & get to the Isle of Scilly & back. We are also looking at taking our boat down to the Southampton area for a week during the boat show in September.

1st of May is a bit tight for

1st of May is a bit tight for me to be ready and weather is variable. Whitsun BH probably better. Otherwise I am flexible throughout the Summer but obviously not for the time of the Big Mac event in Cardiff. I was thinking to do an extension of Cardiff along to Pembrokeshire and maybe across to Bideford before return. I shall be planning to sail from Solent earlier in the summer and up for a trip westward. Alternatively I would trail to Falmouth and aim for Scillies weather permitting and then run with the wind back eastwards.

Purely selfishly my

Purely selfishly my preference would be the 27th/28th/29th as this is the start of half term week. I am flexible tho with no plans on the other options.

The 29th option I can extend longer than the three days but this will likely depend on weather if I have the kids....

Those late May Bank Holiday

Those late May Bank Holiday dates are fine for me.

The date for the Solent event

The date for the Solent event is now fixed for Sat 27 May to Mon 29 May. Many have said they want to do longer than the 3 days.

The plan is to launch in Chichester Marina, then visit Bembridge, Cowes, Yarmouth, and Portsmouth. This takes about 4 days so may be shortened if not enough time available.

Could you please therefore advise:

1. The dates from/to that would suit you.

2. Boat Name, type, length and beam.

3. Your mobile number. If you do not want to disclose this on the Forum, please send me a text on 07720 444713. I will then start a Whatsapp group.

Kind regards, Chris H

Thanks Chris. I'm in !  I'm

Thanks Chris. I'm in ! I'm free during the week following as well. Roly

Hi Chris,

Hi Chris,

Yes it is in the diary along with extending into the following week (caveat - this will be a little weather dependent as will have kids).

I plan to come via water..

@ Roly & anyone else... my loose plan is to head somewhere (maybe Hamble) on the Friday night and sail over Saturday morn if you fancy sailing in company?

07498 429065



chris.hawksworth's picture

Hi Chris, sorry about delay.

Hi Chris, sorry about delay.

We can come along but we would have to leave on the Tuesday - plan to travel down and launch on the Friday

Chris & Chris in Getaway (26D)



'89 Macgregor 26D: Getaway



I am a new member and looking forward to meeting you all, i would like to put my name down for this trip.


To date, we have Greg Kiddell

To date, we have Greg Kiddell, Chris Hawksworth, Matt Rose, Roly and me attending. Any more takers?

@ Greg: Are you coming with a boat? Could I also pls have your mobile number.

I still need boat name, type, length and beam for all pls.

Provisional plan is to launch at Chi on Friday and head to Bembridge Fri pm where those arriving by water can meet up. Then Cowes, Yarmouth, Haslar and recover in Chi on Tuesday. Tides are not ideal but.......

Please comment on whether this works for you.

Thanks and regards


chris.hawksworth's picture

Sounds good to me.

Sounds good to me.


Type:Macgregor 26D

Length: 8m

Beam: 2.4m

Thanks a lot



'89 Macgregor 26D: Getaway

Hi Chris,

Hi Chris,

I plan on sailing down at this stage, but will make final decision week prior ( will depend on weather, sailing from the wash ). If weather not in favour I will trailer down.

boat: 26s 1991

name: Bella

length: 8m

beam: 2.4m

mobile: 07876743852



I unfortunately I am

I unfortunately I am committed to a retirement do in honour of myself which is on 26th May so I can't join you till the next day which possibly is Cowes.


Hi Chris, apologies I must

Hi Chris, apologies I must figure out boat dimensions - was hoping someone with an M would get there b4 me.

My girls are at school on the Friday so best case of leaving Marchwood around 18.00 on 26th Without checking tides I think the window for getting to Bembridge is a little tight in daylight.

Given this we will prob aim to head towards Bembridge Sat and depending upon your departure time meet you there or on route to Cowes.

Hi Chris,

Hi Chris,

Thanks for the call this afternoon. Now the meet is in Chichester on Fri, my plan is now to head to Chichester for Friday early eve (6.30 ish) with boat on trailer.

in any event, I have booked Bembridge for the Saturday night.

Just a thought, is it worth me sharing on the Faceache page - see if we can get anyone else not on here interested?

quentin.sands's picture

Why not try the 'faceache'

Why not try the 'faceache' page? I will do the same for our Windermere visit. What can possibly go wrong?

Quentin Sands (Editor)

1993 MacGregor 19, Margarita 

Love the reference to

Love the reference to Faceache. 😉



I have not been to Bembridge before, booking online is this the Duver Marina?



chris.hawksworth's picture

Hi Greg,

Hi Greg,

yes, visitors moorings are at Duver Marina



'89 Macgregor 26D: Getaway

Oh , I didn't realise it had

Oh , I didn't realise it had now changed to Saturday at Bembridge...That fits better with me so I shall book too. Looking forward to it . I shall be looking for crew so anyone interested please contact me . I need to return back to Hamble on Tuesday.


Last chance to join the

Last chance to join the Solent Minimac 23!!

We now have the following attendees:

Chris and Chris Getaway

Matt Rose Song of Life

Roly S and Rick J Humbug

Greg Kiddell ??

Chris H Skylar

Meet either at Chichester Marina on Friday 26 May or at Bembridge on Saturday 27 May. The itinery thereafter will be agreed later subject to the wishes of those attending and the weather. Likely to be Cowes, Portsmouth, Newton, Lymington/Yarmouth or Beaulieu (in no particular order).

Chris H



I am hopefully splashing my boat on Friday in Bembridge, if I can I'll join you for a beer if I know where you are.


Mac Marie



Not sure what you mean about splshing your boat?? If you give me your mobile I will give you a call.

We are all hoping to arrive Bembridge Sayurday afternoon.

Kind regards Chris

Mac Marie is currently ashore

Mac Marie is currently ashore in her winter home in AA COOMBES yard in Bembridge, I am heading down next Thursday to check her over and give her a wash and brush up, hopefully the yard can get her in the water on Friday. If that's the case I may just hang around Bembridge until Saturday. I need to get her around to her summer berth at Island Harbour on the river medina just down from Cowes sometime over the weekend.

I think my mobile number is

I think my mobile number is on my membership details if you need it.