Windermere "Warm Down" Event September 2016

End of season September “warm down” event – Windermere – or elsewhere?

In the past we have had some very successful “warm down" events on Lake Windermere which provides the convenience of freshwater, interesting winds, stunning scenery and some rather nice local hostelries – surely everything a Mac-er would want?

This was on this year’s schedule although it was attended only by local boats. September has yet again been a great time for good weather so a “warm down” event for 2016 really could be a significant part of our schedule as it has been in the past.

So the proposal is to offer this idea again for next year – there have already been some expressions of interest but we want to find out from you – where would you like to go?

Is an event in September of interest?

How many folk want to tow their boats?

Is Windermere a convenient location or would there be more support for other locations further South eg Thames, Avon, etc (or further North or West or East of course!)?

I will be glad to organise this event and all the usual up to date information about precise date, facilities, moorings, etc can be provided.

So over to you – PLEASE post a reply – tell us if it’s a good idea or a bad one - say if you are interested – there’s plenty of time to do the organising – but we need to know what you think so that we can decide on the schedule of events.

Please rely to this website post or let us know your thoughts by phone or whatever
Mike McNerney


quentin.sands's picture

Hi Mike, my wife and I are

Hi Mike, my wife and I are planning to be on the lake for the w/e of 23/24/25 September. I mentioned it to Jim and Susan and I think they are available then too. Is this a starting point for a 'warm down' gathering? Regards, Quentin

Quentin Sands (Editor)

1993 MacGregor 19, Margarita 

Hi Mike and Quentin

Hi Mike and Quentin

Pen Gwyn is already moored on Windermere. We will probably look to get there on the morning of the 24/09.

Will there be any other Macers there?


Jim and Susan

Hi Mike

Hi Mike

we are going to the lakes on the 20th and would love to take Pilchard we have family back from various parts of the world and we have an apartment for the week so would be great to leave her there and do a bit of boating with others!


quentin.sands's picture

Hi Rod, Jim and Susan and any

Hi Rod, Jim and Susan and any other potential Warm Downers

We are still hoping to be there and it would be good to meet up....possible Mac-hinations

Friday: gather at Ferry Nab on the by/on the public pontoons (nicely expanded in recent years) late afternoon followed by a walk into Bowness for some social time in The Hole in the Wall; or, use the public jetty at Bowness, if space, and meet in th pub....dine there or wherever

Saturday cruise north or south depending on weather.....various hopping off points at hotels or at Ambleside where there is a public jetty and short-term visitor moorings. I will have a dinghy available for tendering, Evening dining? If interested, there is, from our mooring area, an invigorating 2 mile walk through the woods and over the top to The Cuckoo Brow Inn at Far Sawrey - quality grub, nice views and fine ales. The walk back in the dark is an interesting after dinner challenge but no problem in moonlight. There are many other dining possibilities to suit all budgets.

Sunday.....morning sail....depending on weather, we will probably head off lunchtime-ish

Last time I was up Jason Le M had taken Poppy off the water and his mooring was free and unless it has now been taken by his mate (which is the plan) it should be available. Alternatively, there are many free moorings in the area that you could hi-jack for a night.

Rod, if you don't bring Pilchard I am sure you could join myself or Jim at any point.

If the weather forecast is seriously bad our plans might change.

Quentin Sands (Editor)

1993 MacGregor 19, Margarita 

Hi everyone 

Hi everyone

we are abroad at the moment - only just seen these posts

Had seen that there was no prior interest so unfortunately we are now otherwise committed

Anyway, all seems to be in hand - so have a good time everyone and we look forward to reading how it all goes

Mike and Bobbie

quentin.sands's picture

Well Mike, it didn't really

Well Mike, it didn't really go. My Mum passed away a few days before the event (she had a great and long life) but it meant the w/e was disrupted. However, brother Nick and I did get up on the Friday night and did have a very interesting Macgregor moment when we spied a lovely looking C, anchored close to the back of Belle Isle, not far from my mooring. On our way across to Bowness we nudged up to the visiting boat and called the skipper from below. He was a welcoming fellow, and had owned his C (was it called Bluestone? I cannot remember) from new in '91 - and it was absolutely pristine and superbly set-up. His pride and joy AND he had sailed her around Britain, not in one go, but in a series of runs over a couple of years. He had written an article in YM about a section of it, which I remember reading, years ago. He lives near Preston and his name, I think I remember rightly, is Rod Collins. Anyone know him? We were thirsty for beer and it was dusk so we didn't stay long and in the morning we had to scoot - but he was still at anchor. I mentioned the MOA and he's not a member; it would be good to talk to him again, in more depth. An interview for the Newsletter perhaps. If anyone can help me track him down I'd be up for the task.....Quentin

Quentin Sands (Editor)

1993 MacGregor 19, Margarita 

Sorry to hear about your mum

Sorry to hear about your mum Quentin but glad to know you had your brother with you.

The guy with the current sounds interesting. Don't suppose you have a contact

Great to have spent time together in Plymouth

God bless.
