Online AGM - part 2

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Original forum: 

  • AGMs

We are going to hold the AGM online using Zoom!

The regular AGM was due to be held on Saturday 4th April (tomorrow) at 3pm, and just in time we've scheduled an online meeting for the same date & time.

We are using Zoom, which has become very popular recently - you may have already used it. If you haven't it's really straight-forward, and will work on any kind of device - PC or laptop, tablet, or smartphone (but if you have a choice of devices you'll find it best to use the one with the biggest screen). Zoom uses audio and video, so you can see and hear everyone in the meeting.

Simply clicking on the link below will take you to the meeting in a browser window.

Alternatively you may download and install the Zoom app, which will usually offer a better experience. If you plan to do this I recommend doing so in advance so you are ready. When using the app you just need to enter the Meeting ID, shown below.

Here are the meeting invitation details:

Topic: Online AGM
Time: Apr 4, 2020 03:00 PM London

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 486 866 362


We will as far as possible follow the agenda for the original meeting, as published in the flyer that was posted to all members. A copy is attached below.

The AGM is of course open only to members of the Association, so please don't share these meeting details with anyone who is not a member.

We're looking forward to seeing lots of members online tomorrow!

Rick Jones (Treasurer), former 26X & 19 owner, Isle of Wight


rick.jones's picture

The first item on the agenda

The first item on the agenda is approval of last year's minutes. They were published in the newsletter, but to save you rummaging, here's the relevant pages.

Rick Jones (Treasurer), former 26X & 19 owner, Isle of Wight

rick.jones's picture

Thanks to everyone who joined

Thanks to everyone who joined us for our first virtual AGM, I think it went pretty well.

Special thanks and welcome to those from across waters, for whom getting to a normal meeting would have been impractical: Tom & Micheal in Ireland, Iñaki in Spain, and Marc from Belgium in Portugal (yes I'm confused too!). It was great to see all of you.

At one point we had 30 members in total, that's a lot more than we normally get at a physical meeting, so it was good to see so many members getting involved.

Hopefully Roly will post some notes summarising the proceedings here soon (no pressure!).

Important highlights decided were that the Big Mac 2020 is cancelled, to be run in 2021 instead. If possible we will arrange one or more lower-key events in September or October.

Also, we will enhance your membership profiles on the web site to enable those, who wish, to indicate their readiness to offer help and advice to other members. I haven't yet worked out exactly what form this will take, but keep an eye out for changes and new features.

It was agreed that we'll run another online gathering in 3 months time, so watch out for announcements in the forum and by email.

I'd like to wish everyone fair winds, but however fair the wind there's not much chance of taking advantage of it at the moment. Let's just hope we all have the chance to get on the water before the summer is out.

Rick Jones (Treasurer), former 26X & 19 owner, Isle of Wight

rick.jones's picture

The minutes of the online AGM

The minutes of the online AGM are now available - thanks Roly.

You can find them on the AGM page in the Members Area, or click here.

Rick Jones (Treasurer), former 26X & 19 owner, Isle of Wight