Morbihan 1st June 2015

Following the AGM, here are some more details for the Morbihan event.

Commencement will be 1st or 2nd June - some folk may wish to make this a one week affair others will be staying for 2 weeks. There should be no problem in arranging the itinerary at the time to make it easy for one week folk to leave as the favourite locations are dotted around the home base of La Trinite - nothing is too far away.

There was good support for this event at the AGM so here's hoping for a good turnout - it's a great location as has been mentioned previously but if you want any more background information do please ask. If you are new to this there are a few extra things to think about but it's all been done before so we can help you with the checklist!

Confirmed definites so far are:-

Hera - Mike and Bobbie McNerney with guest crew David Holmes
Humbug - David and Chery Robbens

I will let La Trinite marina know of our plans although launching/parking etc is usually straightforward and all forward destinations are available on an ad hoc basis.

The main thing is to get ferry crossings booked so if you are interested I do suggest you consider trying to confirm as soon as you can and aim to book your ferry early.

Portsmouth - St Malo has been used in the past although there is the option of the short Dover-Calais route with a longer driving leg to the journey. Plymouth - Roscoff has been mentioned - I think some folk too this route in the past - it depends to some extent on where you live. Distance down to Plymouth from the North is actually not that much more than to Portsmouth. Ferry crossing is a good bit cheaper and journey distance the other side is very similar from Roscoff or St Malo. (I don't know what the Roscoff roads are like - does anyone know? There are other possibilities as well but I think these are the main ones.

Plymouth sailings every day, Portsmouth not on a Tuesday

That's about it for now - look forward to hearing from those who want to confirm and/or any queries



Re: Morbihan 1st June 2015

Hi all. I am just wanting to state my intention to bring aranah to this event.
It is a great place to sail or motor and a super experience of french life. I think this year I shall keep it simple and take the ferry to st malo.
I presume date just after the bank holiday weekend is intentional for cheaper crossing. I have a commitment on 31.5.15 otherwise would have gone earlier.
I shall probably just fo one week. ..bbut still worth it.

Several others put theIr hands up..sso let's have some shouts of interest. ...vive la france !!?

Re: Morbihan 1st June 2015

Roly what date are you going on this event because we are thinking of going and would like to be there when you are there love jill

Re: Morbihan 1st June 2015

Update on Morbihan event:-

Hera - travelling 4th June Plymouth to Roscoff. Prepare boat Fri 5th. HW time makes launch a bit tricky so probably aim to be ready for a Sat am launch. Staying 2 weeks

Humbug - probably ditto

Aranargh - probably ditto but travelling from Southampton and staying 1 week

richard.greenway's picture

Re: Morbihan 1st June 2015

Roly, am I still crewing with you? Richard

Re: Morbihan 1st June 2015

Oh aeye....ararrh on arranah....mehearty! That be a mighty good plan if ya font mind swabbing the decks!

richard.greenway's picture

Re: Morbihan 1st June 2015

Roly, are you on the rum again! That 'd be smashing capt. R&R

Re: Morbihan 1st June 2015

Hi All

am busy preparing the boat.

Sure I saw a 'list of essentials' somewhere - cant remember where?



rick.jones's picture

Re: Morbihan 1st June 2015

Hi Rod

Check the thread on Morbihan in the 2014 Events section, there's a post of Mike's which I think is what you're looking for.


Rick Jones (Treasurer), former 26X & 19 owner, Isle of Wight