Submitted by david.robbens on
[Note - moved this post to a new topic, as it's a different excursion from the now-complete Firth of Clyde event. RJ] Hi, heading North to luanch on the 31st Aug but probably head for Dunstaffenge Marina near Oban for a bit of west-west Coast sailing Depending on the weather may go into Clyde at Largs instead. Will be hauling out on the 4th or 5th Sept. This will not be a trip for novices and I hope to be covering some quite large distances and anchoing/ visitor bouy rather than marinaring some of the nights. Be pleased to hear from other boats who might like a bit of what might be quite wild sailing. EMAIL me on to catch my attention please. I am afraid I do not normally manage to read posts (Old and darft!!) David (bah Humbug)