Submitted by rick.jones on

I know the current season is barely under way, but I'd like to remind everyone to please think about possible events for next year while you're with other members on this year's events. We published a note to this effect in the latest newwsletter (page 5, at the end of the AGM report). I've reproduced the text at the end of this post.
The idea is to be able to publish a programme (albeit provisional) before Christmas, rather than try to move the AGM, and one of the best times to think about a future event is while you're already in the middle of one! I'd like to ask event organisers to dedicate one of the evening get-togethers to talking about "what shall we do next year?"
Here's a check-list you could use:
- Do we want to do this again next year?[/*]
- If so, same dates or different?[/*]
- If not, something similar?[/*]
- Or Something Completely Different (cue Monty Python theme!) ?[/*]
When you have an idea (more than one is allowed!) please post a new topic describing what you propose in the 2016 Events section of the web site forum. Any one else interested can then add their thoughts.
We will review all the ideas around October time, and try to put forward a potential programme for 2016. This will hopefully help everyone plan their holiday activities well in advance.
Post meeting additional comments from your Committee:
The Committee has carefully considered all aspects of this proposal in relation to the rules and concluded that calling an AGM in November is neither practical nor constitutional. However, we recognise the desire of members to formulate a summer programme before Christmas, so we are asking everyone organising and attending events this year to get together during the event and come up with an idea for another one (same or different) in 2016. Ideas should be posted on the web site before the end of the summer (the "Events 2016" section will be open soon), or emailed to Liz for publication. A full provisional programme will then be published in the October newsletter. We will see how it all works out and decide at next year's AGM how to take it forward.
Rick Jones (Treasurer), former 26X & 19 owner, Isle of Wight
Re: Please gather ideas for 2016
Submitted by bill.hunt on
I am a new member living in Dartmouth Devon. Each year we have the Dartmouth Regatta in late August. Maybe other members would be interested in meeting here for the 2016 regatta? The river Dart is very attractive and navigable up to Totnes and the South Devon coast has many nearby sailing destinations. I have a mooring in the river and launch my 26X on a (somewhat narrow) slipway in town. There is also better launching facilities just up river at Blackness Marine or one of the other nearby ports like Brixham.
Re: Please gather ideas for 2016
Submitted by stephen.hinde on
Dartmouth Regatta
For a number of years there was a special race for MacGregors at Dartmouth Regatta as there were so many Macs based there.
Stephen Hinde
Re: Please gather ideas for 2016
Submitted by anneke.wallace on
Hi Rick
I would like to suggest another trip to Holland, either the South for a change or back to the Friesian lakes and islands. I am willing to do the organising if there is enough interest and a suitable date can be found. I did not know how to post this on 2016 subject.
Re: Please gather ideas for 2016
Submitted by roly.simpson on
Friesland was great . Id love to do it again with Ros....maybe?
Equally Dartmouth....a few years ago I organised an event launching at Torquay whee there is a very suitable ramp. We went around to the Dartmouth regatta but not for the race. Enjoyed Brixham and Teignmouth.
We have also had some suggestions for Looe , prerhaps from Plymouth.
Also need to think about a canal trip.
Re: Please gather ideas for 2016
Submitted by patrick.saddler on
How about Loch Lomond?
I have taken GladNick sailing on the loch several times and have always enjoyed the scenery and exploring the islands. One of them is reputed to have a colony of wallabies on it! The slip at Duncan Mills Memorial slipway is still the best one I have ever used and the costs for launching are reasonable. The only down side is that all powered craft (including tenders with outboards) need to be registered with Loch Lomond and the Trossachs National Park authority. They produce an excellent 'Guide to Navigation' that has now superseded the Armiralty chart that was over 100 years old.
I have sailed there around Easter (it got cold overnight), during summer the skies were incredible and in September it got chilly at night again.
There are three marinas on the loch, Cameron House, Duck Bay and Adlui at the north end of the loch. You are allowed to anchor virtually anywhere it is shallow enough to get the hook to grip.
So how about July or August 2016?
Pat Saddler
Re: Please gather ideas for 2016
Submitted by graham.kill on
AGMs are clearly a great opportunity to get to meet people and socialise. However, not all of us can make such a meeting. Perhaps an online participation through Google Hangouts or a webex could be arranged at virtually no cost in order to allow virtual participation?
Re: Please gather ideas for 2016
Submitted by rick.jones on
This is indeed an interesting idea. I can look at the technical possibilities, but before I do, how many people would actually take part in the AGM online if it were available?
Rick Jones (Treasurer), former 26X & 19 owner, Isle of Wight
Re: Please gather ideas for 2016
Submitted by quentin.sands on
Re the Looe suggestions. My mother in law lives in Looe and my wife's family have been there for years. Many is the time when I have sat on the family balcony, watching the boats come in. I'd definitely be up for a trip out of Plymouth taking in, perhaps, Looe, Polperro and Fowey. My mother in law is on speaking terms with the harbourmaster and I know all the pubs. It's the sort of cruise I'd like to do on my own but would feel a lot more confident if I was doing it with others - Looe harbour has certain challenges. Yours, recently returned from the Clyde Rally with the MacGregor fire burning in my belly, Quentin
Quentin Sands (Editor)
1993 MacGregor 19, Margarita
Re: Please gather ideas for 2016
Submitted by liz.healey on
Nick - Wallabies on Lock Lomond!! See Issue 82, page 10.