Submitted by rick.jones on

Original forum:
- On the water:Association events
Postponed from 2020!
The planned Big Mac for 2020 had of course to be cancelled due to Covid. If things nationwide go to plan then by this July we will be free of restrictions. We are therefore planning to run the event that we would have run last year. Here's the plan, same as before:
Our last Big Mac was at Windermere in Cumbria, so this year’s gathering is planned for the South of England. We have used the excellent Solent area several times before, but this time we’ve decided on Chichester Harbour as a base.
“Harbour” is a bit of a misnomer, as it’s more of a reverse-delta - a number of separate channels all converging at one mouth into the sea. You can see on the section of Navionics chart shown here that it’s all the water to the East of Hayling Island (you can view all the Navionics charts on our web site, just login and look under Members Area).
This provides a safe area for pottering around, especially if the weather conditions don’t favour sailing out to sea. Except at very low tides, most of the green areas are under water of course, but other than at high springs you need to be a bit careful of shallows if you sail outside the marked channels.
We will be using Chichester Marina on the Eastern arm as our base (it’s the largest marina in the harbour) from where you can venture up the different channels to historic Bosham - birthplace of King Harold - or Thornham, Emsworth, or Northney, or stop off at Itchenor, or beach at West Wittering.
By venturing out to sea, you can visit the unspoilt Langstone Harbour to the West, or Portsmouth Harbour a bit farther on, where there are several more marinas. It’s also an easy sail across to Bembridge or Ryde on the Isle of Wight, and further West to the rest of the Solent.
There’s plenty of scope for land-based activities, either in case of bad weather, or for those that prefer not to spend all their time afloat. Chichester itself is a charming place, a small historic city with a largely pedestrianised center and impressive cathedral. Substantial sections of the old city wall are still intact, which you can walk along. It’s only 3 miles by road, or you can take a 3½ mile walk along the old canal towpath.
If we stop over in Portsmouth Harbour, there’s the Historic Dockyard with HMS Victory, Mary Rose, and lots more, as well as Spinnaker Tower, or if you like shopping, Gunwharf Quays. There’s also plenty of opportunities for country walks, including on the Isle of Wight. So something for everyone!
Chichester is part of the Premier Marinas group, and is very well serviced. It’s accessible at all states of tide via a lock. It is easy to reach by road, being just 3 miles from the A27 South coast trunk road, itself directly linked to the M3 and A3. There is a slipway and trailer parking.
You can find more information about the marina on the web at
We plan to make a provisional group booking for 21 - 28 July We have now booked a provisional 12 berths for 28 July - 4 August 2021, we don’t have an exact price, but anticipate around £25/night.
Please let us know as soon as possible if you are interested, in particular we need to form a good idea of how many boats will be attending so we can firm up the booking.
You can post on the forum thread, or email me using, or phone me on 07970 183631. Use these channels either to confirm your interest or ask any questions.
Let’s hope 2021 will make up for what we missed in 2020!
Rick Jones (Treasurer), former 26X & 19 owner, Isle of Wight
Submitted by rick.jones on
A change of date is required, I've just heard from Chichester Marina that they're booked with another rally on 21-22 July, so can't accommodate us that week until the Friday.
We've found in recent years that the Wed-Wed format works well, so I have changed the dates to 28 July - 4 August. I hope that will fit in with members plans.
Please respond here if you are interested and plan to attend. I have provisionally booked 12 berths, if it looks like more members than that are interested I will increase the number. It will help if we can get fairly firm numbers to the marina sooner rather than later. I suspect a lot of people will be making summer sailing plans this year to make up for last year!
(If you can't reply here, please email
Rick Jones (Treasurer), former 26X & 19 owner, Isle of Wight
Hi Everyone
Submitted by frank.jaschinski on
Hi Everyone
I would very much like to join. Even if only for a few of the day.
Thank you so much for organising!
Best Regards
Hi Frank
Submitted by rick.jones on
Hi Frank
Do you have a boat? We don't have any details of one. I will need the boat's name and type to book the mooring.
Or are you just hoping to crew for someone?
Please let us know a few more details!
Rick Jones (Treasurer), former 26X & 19 owner, Isle of Wight
These dates look good for me
Submitted by quentin.sands on
These dates look good for me Rick and I am intending to attend along with crew, which I hope will be Nicola.
Quentin Sands (Editor)
1993 MacGregor 19, Margarita
I can probably make this but
Submitted by roly.simpson on
I can probably make this but have to run it past the work partners with children who normally have priority for August.
Count me in please
Submitted by john.pompei on
Count me in please
Please count me in (health
Submitted by stuart.mcwilliam on
Please count me in (health permitting).
Just Add Water, 26X
Submitted by chris.hawksworth on
With the date change I won't be able to make it now due to a postponed wedding. 😢
'89 Macgregor 26D: Getaway
Submitted by david.claassen on
We are having houseguests that leave just before the Big Mac dates. I am planning (hoping) to be able to do all or part of this event.
David Claassen
"Logan's Run"
2006 26M
Hi Rick
Submitted by jonathan.knight on
Hi Rick
Sorry to be slow, end of August we plan taking the boat up to Bute so the date change needed a bit more thought.
Miriam and I would like to attend (Mist 26M). We propose coming down on the 24th if we can find a birth. I will sort the extra days but would like to be part of the group booking if boats are together. That said, being dotted about at Windermere still worked very well.
Regards Jonathan
Roger, Anne, Mark and Bethany
Submitted by roger.morris on
Roger, Anne, Mark and Bethany Morris would like to join in, in our 26M (Previously "Ulster Scot"). Looking forward to meeting you all.
Is this a sufficient RSVP? Is the Club booking all the berths over the period centrally? When and how are booking fees due, please?
Thank you for having us. Looking forward to it!
Update on members planning to
Submitted by rick.jones on
Update on members planning to attend at Chichester.
If you plan to come and are not in the list, please reply in this forum.
Specifically in reply to Roger: I will make all the berth reservations. As far as I know, advance payment is not required but I will check. Skippers will be responsible for paying berth fees at the time.
Jonathan: I'll ask if I can book your berth from 24th.
We probably won't be in Chichester for every night, so should only need to pay for nights we are there.
Rick Jones - White Lightning (19)
Quentin Sands - Margarita (19)
John Pompei - Ashanti (26M)
Keith & Ann Barton - Star (26M)
Chris Harnan - Skylar
Stu McWilliam - Just Add Water (26X)
David Claassen - Logan's Run (26M)
Jonathan & Miriam Knight - Mist (26M)
Roger Morris & fmly - Ulster Scot (26M)
Roger & Chris Gabriel - Pas de Chat 2 (26C)
Frank Jaschinski - Pipe Dream (26M)
Roly Simpson - Aranah (26M)
Mark Pearce - Mac Marie (26X)
Adrian & Trish Cox - Shema (26M) berthed at Birdham Pool
14 boats, 13 in the marina.
Looking forward to seeing everyone in July!
Rick Jones (Treasurer), former 26X & 19 owner, Isle of Wight
Good work Rick. Very hopeful
Submitted by quentin.sands on
Good work Rick. Very hopeful that Nicola will be with me. I presume dogs are permitted.
Quentin Sands (Editor)
1993 MacGregor 19, Margarita
Thank you Rick Jonathan
Submitted by jonathan.knight on
Thank you Rick
Hi all
Submitted by keith.barton on
Hi all
Have just phoned the Marina to get a quote to lift Star into the water as opposed to dipping the trailer into the salt. Just wondering now if I asked the right question or did they miss understand me as they have quoted me £430 for lift & launch! Having re stated that I only wanted to lift Star off the trailer and put her in water, I didn't dare ask how much they charge to lift out.
I certainly won't be using this service.
Is this a reasonable price?????
Being new to sailing, I hope that other necessary service are charged at a level that we can afford.
Star 26M
Submitted by simon.armitage on
I don't know about South Coast prices but it seems an awful lot to me. East Coast c£160/180 but I still have to book in a lift this year so will see if it has gone up in about 2 weeks.
Sowenna 26M
Hi Keith
Submitted by john.pompei on
Hi Keith
I agree with Simon at Gillingham it's about what Keith quoted
Hi Keith,
Submitted by harry.childs on
Hi Keith,
I think Thornham marina would be much cheaper - also in Chichester Harbour, need to depart at high tide but have secure trailer parking. Also try Bosham Yacht Company, I think they crane over the side of the quay at high tide, I think they are quite reasonable. Chichester Marina will be about as pricey as it gets so worth checking out a few more down to earth places, Chichester Harbour is not short of yacht services.
We're based at Birdham Pool,
Submitted by adrian.cox on
We're based at Birdham Pool, just 200 yards from Chichester marina on foot. I asked them today for their charge for lifting off AND on which is £285 inc VAT. We keep our trailer securely in a locked field 50m away. No trailer storage in Birdham Pool. If anyone is interested I can give details for the trailer storage. Note that Birdham is accessed 3hours either side of HW Portsmouth.
Hope that's useful.
Adrian Cox
Shema 2008 26M.
Apologies for late posting.
Submitted by mike.mcnerney on
Apologies for late posting.
Bobbie and I intend to join the Big Mac on Hera.
Our plan will be to add days either before or after or both.
Thanks Mike, I've added you
Submitted by rick.jones on
Thanks Mike, I've added you to the list in the post above.
It'll be good to see the both of you down South again!
Rick Jones (Treasurer), former 26X & 19 owner, Isle of Wight
Thanks to all who replied.
Submitted by keith.barton on
Thanks to all who replied. Will contact Bosham & make a decision from there.
Hi Keith
Submitted by rick.jones on
Hi Keith
Have you made any progress with Bosham? If so, have you found any facilities for trailer parking? I'm casting around for parking for those launching at Chichester.
Rick Jones (Treasurer), former 26X & 19 owner, Isle of Wight
Hi Rick,
Submitted by keith.barton on
Hi Rick,
just got back to Tim at Bosham. He's doubtful as he has limited space but says he will think about it tonight.
He did say that he has no vehicle parking other than in the public car park on ticket payment only.
I will keep you informed as soon as he gets back to me.
Having now rearranged things
Submitted by roger.gabriel on
Having now rearranged things we can make the changed dates in Chichester if there is still room.
sorry things took so long to sort.
looking forward to meeting up.
Roger and Chris Gabriel plus 2 dogs (hopefully that's ok)
Pas de Chat 2
Submitted by mark.pearce on
I should be back in the water by then so pencil me in if you can
stay safe
Mark (Mac Marie)
Hi Mark
Submitted by rick.jones on
Hi Mark
Just to confirm, I've added you to the count. That's now 15 boats in total!
Rick Jones (Treasurer), former 26X & 19 owner, Isle of Wight
Just to be clear, I am
Submitted by david.claassen on
Just to be clear, I am planning on attending with Logan's Run.
David Claassen
"Logan's Run"
2006 26M
Hi everyone
Submitted by rick.jones on
Hi everyone
Here's an update on the plan for the Big Mac week.
We've planed an itinerary around local marinas. We had hoped to include a sail westwards to Cowes, but then realised that Cowes week starts on the Friday! Not only will it be total mayhem on the water, but the Cowes marinas are booked solid. So we will be keeping to the Eastern end of the Solent.
Here's the plan.
Wed 28/7: Boats arrive at Chichester marina, those on trailers launch. Overnight in the marina.
Thu 29/7: Leisurely exploration of Chichester harbour, and/or sort any first-day issues in the marina. The tide will be rising during the day, so there should be no risk of getting stranded on sandbanks - something of a Chichester hazard. Second night in marina.
Fri 30/7: Sail out of the harbour and westward to Portsmouth harbour. May take a circuitous route according to weather and preferences - decide on the day. Overnight in Haslar marina, Gosport.
Sat 31/7: Scope for exploring Portsmouth harbour, potentially up to Fareham, or landlubber day in Portsmouth - Historic dockyard, Spinnaker tower, dare I even say Gunwharf Keys shopping? Second night in Haslar. We are hoping to arrange an "event dinner" for everyone.
Sun 1/8: Move to Bembridge harbour, Isle of Wight. Decide route, lunch stop, etc. on the day. Overnight in Bembridge marina. Possibility of a big BBQ.
Mon 2/8: Back to Chichester marina. Good opportunity for a lunch break beached on the Witterings inside the harbour.
Tue 3/8: Messing around in the harbour again, or for a break from the water, a walk along the Chichester canal into the town. Last night in the marina.
Wed 4/8: Those with trailers pull out, all head home.
So in summary it is 2 nights in Chichester, 2 in Haslar (Gosport), 1 in Bembridge, 2 in Chichester.
Places have been reserved, and can be paid at the time, except for Bembridge. Moorings in Bembridge must be booked and paid online in advance. If you cancel at least 3 days in advance you get 75% refunded, which is not too much of a risk.
Booking Bembridge
To book Bembridge, go to (or follow the booing link on The process is a bit odd, to my mind, but here's what you do. The page says "register or login", and there are boxes for email and password. Unless you've already got an account (in which case you know what to do), just enter your email address and click the Login / Register button.
There's no "registration" process as such, what you do is book a Visitor Mooring by clicking the button on the next page. Enter all your boat and personal details over the next pages, and pay for your booking.
Note: on the first page where you enter your boat details, there is a box Rally Code. Please enter our rally code which is MG512. This will ensure your booking is associated with our allocated moorings.Getting to Chichester
For address and contact details for Chichester marina, see this page.
Any comments or suggestions on the plan welcome!
Rick Jones (Treasurer), former 26X & 19 owner, Isle of Wight
This all sounds good Rick. I
Submitted by quentin.sands on
This all sounds good Rick. I have booked Bembridge, £23. Looking forward to it.
Quentin Sands (Editor)
1993 MacGregor 19, Margarita
An update on Chichester for
Submitted by rick.jones on
An update on Chichester for trailers.
Slipway launching is self-serve, but there's a charge of £34 for launch & recover together.
The marina don't offer trailer storage, but we will find something close by, at minimum cost for the week. There are a number of possibilities we're working on.
Rick Jones (Treasurer), former 26X & 19 owner, Isle of Wight
Hi Rick
Submitted by jonathan.knight on
Hi Rick
That's excellent thank you
We are booked into Bembridge.
I don't know if you recall that we would like to come down on the Sunday before. Should I contact Chichester direct and would you ask about trailer storage for us please whilst you are looking.
Thanks Jonathan and Miriam
Hi Jonathan
Submitted by rick.jones on
Hi Jonathan
As it happens I've just had a reply from the marina about your extra days, and they ask if you'd contact them directly. We will keep your dates in mind when sorting trailer parking.
Rick Jones (Treasurer), former 26X & 19 owner, Isle of Wight
Thanks Rick. Jonathan
Submitted by jonathan.knight on
Thanks Rick.
Hi Rick
Submitted by mike.mcnerney on
Hi Rick
Sorry to add extra complications to your already heavy workload on this.
We are hoping to add some extra days but not yet sure if it will be before or after.
I can talk to Chichester marina direct regarding launching and mooring but would you please bear in mind the possibility of these extra days for trailer storage.
Many thanks
(Pity about the storage. They have - or at least they used to have, plenty of car and trailer storage around the slipway)
Thanks Rick!
Submitted by david.claassen on
Thanks Rick!
David Claassen
"Logan's Run"
2006 26M
Update on trailer parking:
Submitted by rick.jones on
Update on trailer parking:
We have found a promising place, quite near the marina. Roly is going to check it out next week, and if it's all OK I'll post the details and leave people to make their own reservations - I'm aware that not everyone will want the same dates. I've been quoted £10/week, so hopefully it will work out.
More to follow!
Rick Jones (Treasurer), former 26X & 19 owner, Isle of Wight
Sunday is BBQ day!
Submitted by rick.jones on
Sunday is BBQ day!
We have arranged a group BBQ at Bembridge marina for the Sunday night stop.
They have a large covered seating area on the harbour side, and have two large gas BBQs for hire, all of which we have booked. This should be enough space and cooking facilities for the whole fleet!
The MOA is paying the hire costs, but we ask crews to bring their own food for cooking. You will need to stock up in Gosport before we leave Haslar as there is nothing at Bembridge. There is however a bar on the harbour side :-)
Please also remember to book your Bembridge mooring as in my previous post. Could you all confirm here when you've done so.
Rick Jones (Treasurer), former 26X & 19 owner, Isle of Wight
Hi Rick,
Submitted by john.pompei on
Hi Rick,
ASHANTI is booked in at Bembridge.
Fred's Stores was at Tollesbury - when we eventually found it !!
Bembridge booked, hopefully
Submitted by mark.pearce on
Bembridge booked, hopefully there will still be some water in the harbour!
Mac Marie
Thanks Mark.
Submitted by rick.jones on
Thanks Mark.
We should be fine for water, tides are not far off neaps and HT is around 7pm. The marina has water at all states of tide.
Rick Jones (Treasurer), former 26X & 19 owner, Isle of Wight
Aranah booked at Bembridge.
Submitted by roly.simpson on
Aranah booked at Bembridge.
Submitted by arndt-michael.meyer on
I really appreciate the organisation of this event. Thank you.
I plan to come to Chichester for some 4-5 days. I will not have a boat and would like to ask someone to give me the possibility to take part in the day trips. Maybe to the Ile of White or so...
I will drive by car from Germany to Dieppe at the northern French Coast. From Dieppe I will take the ferry to Newport and then ride my bicycle the 60 miles to Chichester where I will stay in a b&b or Hotel. I hope that we will have good weather and enjoy the company on the boat(s) and maybe even in some pub.
Looking forward to meeting you all in person, face to face.
Best Regards
Searching4MacGregor 26M (2010 to Tattoo) to use for 1) motoring (10km/h) all European channels, rivers & lakes 2) sailing (10km/h) all European coasts 3) trailering (80km/h) to all European destinations. Oh, I forgot 4) waterskiing :-)
Submitted by david.claassen on
I will be single handing and would welcome additional crew.
David Claassen
"Logan's Run"
2006 26M
Hi David,
Submitted by arndt-michael.meyer on
Hi David,
Fantastic. Thank you.
I am looking forward to some water under the boat and wind in the sails and maybe a beer in the hand ;-)
Searching4MacGregor 26M (2010 to Tattoo) to use for 1) motoring (10km/h) all European channels, rivers & lakes 2) sailing (10km/h) all European coasts 3) trailering (80km/h) to all European destinations. Oh, I forgot 4) waterskiing :-)
Beware sat-navs!
Submitted by rick.jones on
Beware sat-navs!
Roly tells me that he drove to Chichester marina last week to check things out, and his satnav directed him down some very narrow roads, not good for trailers. So for those coming by road, here's what to look out for.
You'll be driving East on the A27 towards Chichester, and your satnav may direct you to turn off on the A259. If so, ignore it, continue to the next roundabout and turn right onto the A286 instead. This road takes you directly to the marina.
Rick Jones (Treasurer), former 26X & 19 owner, Isle of Wight
Star is booked in at
Submitted by keith.barton on
Star is booked in at Bembridge.
Ann & Keith
So is Logan's Run
Submitted by david.claassen on
So is Logan's Run
David Claassen
"Logan's Run"
2006 26M
Hi Rick,
Submitted by keith.barton on
Hi Rick,
What's the situation with the trailer storeage that Roly found. I didn't get an answer from Tim at Bosham despite calling a couple of times.
Submitted by rick.jones on
Trailers - updated
Full details:
We have arranged a location for trailers at a camp site only a short distance from the marina.
It is Ellscott Park camp site, Birdham, PO20 7QL, email:, tel: 01243 512003, owner's name: Mike Parks
The trailers will be parked in a corner of a camping field, Roly has been to visit and is happy with the arrangements. We've agreed £20 each for the week.
If you're coming for Wednesday - Wednesday then your trailer is booked in, no need to do any more, just take your trailer to the site after launching. See below for payment.
However, if you're planning to arrive earlier or leave later than the organised week please do phone him directly to make arrangements. Just say that you're one of the MacGregor owners that Roly spoke to him about, and that you'd like to arrange a slightly longer storage period. Mike will want an extra £3/night for each extra night above the 7.
Payment in cash - correct money please - is required on arrival, so please make sure you're prepared.
Rick Jones (Treasurer), former 26X & 19 owner, Isle of Wight