Submitted by adrian.lockwood on
Saturday 1st to Monday 3rd May (and longer if you wish).
New Posting: Please do login and click on the image below to read the latest program on the attached pdf.
This years proposed rally in Falmouth will again hopefully offer something for everyone, combining a weekend of local fun with some leisurely extended Cornish cruising for any boats wishing to either arrive early or stay on. Despite the suggested early dates for this meeting Cornwall enjoys an almost sub tropical climate and the chances are always good for fair weather.
A little local history: Founded on its important port and superb location at the southern end of the Fal estuary, Falmouth has sandy golden beaches, spectacular scenery and exceptional sailing in the Carrick Roads.
In 1688 the post office was established and by 1817 a fleet of 40 packet ships was carrying passengers and mail to the West Indies and Americas. Falmouth's maritime climate is responsible for the exotic sub tropical quality of its parks and gardens, with many specimens successfully introduced by Victorian plant hungers and packet ships captains.
Falmouth's natural harbour is the third deepest in the world and regularly plays host to major international sailing events. Today, the port offers marina facilities for the yachtsman, quays for visiting cruise liners and it has gained an international reputation as one of the great sailing and watersports centres of the world.
The protected waters of the Carrick Roads offers great Macgregor sailing for beginners and experienced alike, with the additional prospects of a short coastal passages (weather and crews permitting) to either the delights of Fowey to the East or The Helford River to the West. Past fun and frolics have included visits to waterside pubs, beach BBQ’s and light hearted treasure hunts
There are some 15 Falmouth based Macs and it is hoped (as always) to whip up further local support to increase the numbers on those visitors making the long trek down to Cornwall. In addition Richard Hallowes (formerly of MacGregor Yachts International) has very kindly offered both to assist and to be on hand with all of his wealth of experience and excellent advice.
For anyone wishing to stay on to cruise local waters afterwards, much local knowledge and information can be provided. So once again this is a great opportunity for beginners or the experienced to meet with many like-minded souls and sail in some delightful waters. Just add some great weather.
If you want to register to come along (or to discuss more details) either post a reply here, or send me a PM.
Adrian Lockwood
Re: Falmouth, Mayday Bank Holiday weekend
Submitted by roly.simpson on
Thanks Adrian, I have booked the weeks holiday so that I can trail down to Falmouth. Hopefully have one crew so far and should be able to stay on , probably to Wednesday. ASre you going to be on Rocky?
Re: Falmouth, Mayday Bank Holiday weekend
Submitted by adrian.lockwood on
Hi Roly,
Really glad to hear that you are coming along, and Yes" I will be there with Rocky Raccoon. There are more detials about this event about to appear, but for now I plan on launching Thursday evening and will be on the water until the following Tuesday morning.
Best regards
Re: Falmouth, Mayday Bank Holiday weekend
Submitted by bill.millar on
Hi Adrian. We hope to be there on Avocet - with a new mainsail so we might be able to keep up with everyone! Probably driving down on Friday to Falmouth.
Bill & Jean