Submitted by mike.mcnerney on
This is just a preliminary post to set up this event following agreement at the AGM.
The event organiser will post full details here as and when the planning progresses.
If you are interested in this event feel free to post your interest whenever you wish - it will help the organiser even if you are not a "definite"
Re: Solent - 25 July - 1 or 2 weeks
Submitted by john.richardson on
Hello Mike,
I'm a definite for the Solent Rally, probably 1 week, 2 of us on board.
John Richardson 26M Sonny
Re: Solent - 25 July - 1 or 2 weeks
Submitted by liz.healey on
We are interested in this one
Liz and Dave
Re: Solent - 25 July - 1 or 2 weeks
Submitted by rick.jones on
Almost certain for this, but can't join until 26th.
Not sure about 2 weeks, but might dip in and out seeing as it's on my doorstep!
Rick Jones (Treasurer), former 26X & 19 owner, Isle of Wight
Re: Solent - 25 July - 1 or 2 weeks
Submitted by paul.coombs on
Dependent on dates as I'm away in Cape Verde I would like to attend some of the event.
Re: Solent - 25 July - 1 or 2 weeks
Submitted by tim-jen.arnold on
not sure if you know, the Americas Cup race is in The Solent on 25th and 26th July. This is likely to mean that many of the marinas and The Solent will be busy. for more details. From the looks of the tickets it would appear that most of the racing is being done off Southsea Common. May be interested in joining part of the trip
Re: Solent - 25 July - 1 or 2 weeks
Submitted by rick.jones on
FYI, this is not THE Americas Cup race, that's in Bermuda in 2017. Portsmouth in June is part of the promo circus, featuring AC45 "flying cats". Probably no busier than the round-the-island weekend, and a lot quieter than Cowes week!
Rick Jones (Treasurer), former 26X & 19 owner, Isle of Wight
Re: Solent - 25 July - 1 or 2 weeks
Submitted by tim-jen.arnold on
yes, sorry, point taken just flagging that part of The Solent may be busy
Re: Solent - 25 July - 1 or 2 weeks
Submitted by roly.simpson on
orry guys , I thought I had psoted some suggestion / a plan but maybe it was not accepted so I shall try to paste in my article that will appear in the next magazine. I hope we can get a good bunch of us on this event July starting Friday pm 24th July at Mercury Yacht Haven on the Hamble River for 1 week.
" Please come and join in this event. The Solent is probably the best
area to sail around the UK if you want a large variety of places to
saty within a short half day sail. We have had a great time in each
of the last few years and I hope this year will be equally great fun
.Starting as before from Mercury Yacht Haven we have the chance on
Saurday to watch Americas Cup racing as we cruise up to Portsmouth
where we can moor opposite the spectacular Spinnaker Tower , HMS
Victory and the Mary Rose Exhibition. Avisit to the quaint little
Harbour at Ryde is possible and also a return to Chichester Harbour
before returning to Bembridge where we can beach overnight before
deciding whether to go round the back of the Isle of Wight or stay in
tthe Solent eastwards towards Keyhaven or Yarmouth. We missed
Beualieu last year so that is on the cards and perhaps a trip up the
Medina river past Cowes to the famous Folley Inn. Finally , if
their is any demand a sail down Southampton water to Hythe which
is a locked marina village for lunch and a return to the Hamble ready
for pulling out Saturday morning.
This program can be varied upon discussion on the website or on
arrival and if weather is poor we can stay around Southampton Water
till it gets better.
Regarding tides , it is good for launching Friday pm 24 th , but then the tide is dropping from
6 am Saturday morning so it will be best if all boats can launch
Friday afternoon by 6.30 pm .
w shall never be more than a few hours from the Hamble so it should be
possible for anyone needing to shorten their trip to return alone or
likewiise to catch up with us.
Re: Solent - 25 July - 1 or 2 weeks
Submitted by rick.jones on
I'll be joining, but not until Sunday. There's a day of Morris dancing in Portsmouth, which I'm taking part in, so I might be able to wave from shore!
Roly - where do you plan to be on the Saturday night?
Rick Jones (Treasurer), former 26X & 19 owner, Isle of Wight
Re: Solent - 25 July - 1 or 2 weeks
Submitted by john-jean.hollows on
Just trying to sort out our plans for the summer and hope to be able to make it to Solent meet . Can you sleep on the yacht over night at the marina car park?
John & Jean Hollows
Re: Solent - 25 July - 1 or 2 weeks
Submitted by rick.jones on
I don't know if it's officially sanctioned by the marina, but I do know that members have done just that in the past. It's a large car park so there's no problem finding space for the car and trailer overnight.
Rick Jones (Treasurer), former 26X & 19 owner, Isle of Wight
Re: Solent - 25 July - 1 or 2 weeks
Submitted by roly.simpson on
Yes , definately possibly to sleep overnight in yachts on the hard although they have sometimes charged a fee for more than in the Marina.
Good to have recieved the interest so far. I will post more soon re details .
Re: Solent - 25 July - 1 or 2 weeks
Submitted by john.richardson on
Hi Roly,
Just in case you're getting around to booking marinas, I can't join you until the evening of Saturday 25th as Bob is only arriving back from holiday on the Friday. We'll be sailing early from Christchurch on the Saturday so we should be able to get to you by that evening wherever you may be - I'll watch for the final plan.
Cheers, John Richardson 'Sonny' 26M
Re: Solent - 25 July - 1 or 2 weeks
Submitted by roly.simpson on
Im off to Morbihan in a couple of days so wont be able to reply to anyone till 15th.
We have enough to make a small core group for this event but now is the time for any others to make plans for the summer .Weather permitting the Solent is a great place to sail . We have lots of options for poorer weather or for those who cant stay the whole time.
It will be great if we can get a look in on the Americas Cup action on Saturday 25th.
I shall be making some provisional bookings before I go away and hope to finalise details on return.
Have a great summer, Roly
Re: Solent - 25 July - 1 or 2 weeks
Submitted by david.claassen on
I wish I could join you but will be away during most of these dates. Perhaps next year!
David Claassen
"Logan's Run"
2006 26M
Re: Solent - 25 July - 1 or 2 weeks
Submitted by liz.healey on
We're still hoping to come - with the usual provisos.
Have a good time in France - I'm looking forward to the photos and stories - will they be in time for the July issue I wonder??! I'm just winding up for my next nagging session.
Re: Solent - 25 July - 1 or 2 weeks
Submitted by roly.simpson on
Hi , everybody.
Just back from another great Morihan event. french weather held up for us so we had some good sailing and exploring.
Lets hope for the same for the Solent.
Its looking like some people might not join us till Saturday eve so I am wondering about keeping things close to Soton on the first weekend. I am keeen to get out and see the "flying cats" on Saturday off Portsmouth .I hear there will be an airshow etc .
It occurs to me that some people might only be free for a weekend. Our agenda could be adjusted to suit anyone who just wanted a "brief encounter" so please let me know.
Also please let us know if you want to crew or need crew.
I myself will probably need to get home Friday night or early Sat will ned to be back at Mercury by then.
Re: Solent - 25 July - 1 or 2 weeks
Submitted by john.richardson on
Hello Roly,
Bob has decided that he doesn't return from holiday until the Friday (24th) night now, and consequently we can't join you until the Sunday evening wherever you may be.
However, if the weather is perfect I will consider setting off from Christchurch single handed on Friday morning (if we're all still meeting up that evening?). Bob can drive to Bucklers Hard (where he keeps his boat) on the Sunday, and he can leave his car there. I'll sail over there to pick him up and rejoin the rally later on. This is my preferred option as I'd like to see those big cats on the Saturday too!
Cheers, John
Re: Solent - 25 July - 1 or 2 weeks
Submitted by rick.jones on
Hi Roly
Looks like things are coming together!
Please keep us up to date on plans for the Sat. night. As I said earlier I won't be setting off from the island (Newport) until Sunday morning, so hope to rendezvous sometime on Sunday.
Rick Jones (Treasurer), former 26X & 19 owner, Isle of Wight
Re: Solent - 25 July - 1 or 2 weeks
Submitted by roly.simpson on
ok, So , just waiting for final confirmations from people....
It seems that there is Americas Cup event off Southsea Thursday onwards but main racing Sat and Sunday with viewing area for craft designated just Esat of Southsea. Sonny wants to be back at Bucklers Hard on Sunday am and white Lightning cant join till Sunday so I am going to suggest that those of us who are ready to set sail Sat am go up towards Portsmouth perhaps to view any racing and then retun back to Hamble or ? Bucklers Hard Sat night . We can then all go up to see Americas cup together on Sunday . Sunday night is likely to be less busy so should be easier to stay in Ryde / Bembridge or even Gosport that night.
We are currently 5 definates , Aranah, Iona , Tenacity , White Lightning and Sonny
plus ? SmartCookie (Coombes) and Lady J ( J&J Hollows)
Final details to go out this weekend
Re: Solent - 25 July - 1 or 2 weeks
Submitted by roly.simpson on
sorry Paul Coombes boat is called Zakanaka....I must have read membership list incrrectly!
Promise I will post full event details and tide times etc tomorrow
Re: Solent - 25 July - 1 or 2 weeks
Submitted by roly.simpson on
Not long now !
Although some last minute crewing rearrangements may affect our choice of destination for Sat 25th we at least have a good week in store.
For those 2 or 3 boats arriving by road the post code for Mercury Yacht Harbour is
SO31 4 HQ
Satchell Lane , Hamble , Southampton . 02380455994
ihave booked berths for 5 and trailer space on the hard for 3.
Management have agreed a 10% discount on the overall charge for use of slip , trailer storage and berthage. As I recall carparking is generally free for those joining boats departing Mercury.
Unfortunately it is possible I might have to work till 6.30 on Friday but I shall try to get away earliear to meet and greet.
If I am not there when you arrive at Mercury , the slipway i s found by continuing along the access road past tthe gates of the carpark and then a sharp righand turn down to the water. Rigging up is possible close to the slip and there is enough space to reverse back around into the water.
High water is at 17.48 and launching shoulfd be fine for about 3 hours. I hope we can all be launched and ready for dinner 8ish.
Bon Voyage.....Roly
Re: Solent - 25 July - 1 or 2 weeks
Submitted by liz.healey on
We plan to trundle down on Friday and launch about 6-ish. Should we exchange mobile numbers?
07811 394339
Re: Solent - 25 July - 1 or 2 weeks
Submitted by rick.jones on
Everyone's numbers should be in the membership list. That's the theory anyway!
Rick Jones (Treasurer), former 26X & 19 owner, Isle of Wight
Re: Solent - 25 July - 1 or 2 weeks
Submitted by liz.healey on
I wasn't sure how easy it is for everyone to access that!
Re: Solent - 25 July - 1 or 2 weeks
Submitted by rick.jones on
As a reminder to everyone, you can always find the latest membership list in this post:
You need to be logged in - this ensures the list is confidential to members only.
Rick Jones (Treasurer), former 26X & 19 owner, Isle of Wight
Re: Solent - 25 July - 1 or 2 weeks
Submitted by liz.healey on
Might there be a BBQ opportunity at any time??
Re: Solent - 25 July - 1 or 2 weeks
Submitted by liz.healey on
Many thanks to Roly for all his organisation and looking after us "down South" with all those millions of boats! Hope everyone is home safe by now. We had a great time and look forward to the next one!
Also looking forward to all the photos and stories for MacGregor Sailor Issue 91 (please)
Liz and Dave