Submitted by rick.jones on

Original forum:
- AGMs
Announcement - 2020 AGM
This year's AGM will be held on 4th April at Lechlade on the River Thames. It is a very picturesque location, and we will be using the Riverside Hotel, which as the name suggests is right on the river.
The meeting will be in the afternoon, gathering at 3:00 for a 3:30 start. This should give members plenty of time to travel in on the day. After the official business is concluded we will run into general discussions of Mac stuff, followed by dinner for all that wish to attend. We will contribute £5/head towards the meal.
For those travelling any distance we recommend booking an overnight stay. The Riverside itself only has a few rooms, which may well be booked by now, but there are several other hotels nearby. If you are going to stay, please book as soon as possible as it is the weekend before Easter and may get busy.
We look forward to meeting as many members as possible, please RSVP if you are planning to come. Just reply to this thread, or email Please let us know how many people will be attending, and if you will be staying for dinner. We will circulate a menu for dinner nearer the date.
You will receive a leaflet by post soon, you can read it here by opening the attachment.
Looking forward to a great meeting!
Rick Jones (Treasurer), former 26X & 19 owner, Isle of Wight
Hi, Rick,
Submitted by simon.armitage on
Hi, Rick,
Caroline and I will be attending. We are booked into The Waterside luckily but through a booking agency. Hotels offer their rooms via these agencies so if you contact the hotel direct they won't have a room so best to 'google' hotels near Lechlade' and check out the replies.
Looking forward to the gathering and a fun and informative session.
We are staying on until the Monday to re-visit the Cotswolds and see some friends
Simon Armitage
Sowenna 26M
H Rick sorry Ann and I can’t
Submitted by keith.barton on
H Rick sorry Ann and I can’t be there as we are away in East Yorkshire.
Ann & Keith
Hi Rick,
Submitted by john.pompei on
Hi Rick,
I'll be there for the get together and dinner.
Look forward to seeing you then.
Hello Rick,
Submitted by john.richardson on
Hello Rick,
At last - the change of date has enabled me to attend! It will be just me, and I've managed to get in at the Riverside (thanks to Simon for the booking tip), and I will be having dinner.
Kind regards,
John Richardson 'Sonny' 26M
Submitted by stuart.mcwilliam on
Judy and I plan to attend the AGM. There was no room at the inn (and it was me that added the advice to book early to the newsletter!!) but we have found alternative alternative accommodation close by. See you all then.
Hi Rick
Submitted by jonathan.knight on
Hi Rick
Miriam and I wish to come so pleae book us in for both afternoon and evening meal.
Regards Jonathan
Submitted by henry.court on
Hi Rick
Kim and I will be attending. We will be staying nearby. It will be good to meet some of the MacGregor clan.
Great Henry . Itll be great
Submitted by roly.simpson on
Great Henry . Itll be great to meet you both . If its a clan gathering I shall have to pull out my kilt !....(non-existant ) .....well a jig has been known !
I am planning on coming this
Submitted by chris.harnan on
I am planning on coming this year and contemplating a trip up river, probably launching at Oxford Cruisers near Eynsham, Oxford. It is about 23 miles and 7 locks to Lechlade. I will probably leave Eynsham on the morning of Thursday 2 April. Will head back down on Sunday.
Anyone interested in joining for a spin up (and then down) the River?
Chris H
That's great Chris, it'll be
Submitted by rick.jones on
That's great Chris, it'll be good to see you again.
Good luck with your river trip!
Rick Jones (Treasurer), former 26X & 19 owner, Isle of Wight
I'll be in Lechlade from the
Submitted by michael.buxton on
I'll be in Lechlade from the Friday evening, if anyone is about for a pre-AGM meet-up?
Have just booked an Airbnb
Submitted by quentin.sands on
Have just booked an Airbnb called the Pigsty for Saturday night. It is in staggering distance of the Riverside. Looking forward to seeing everyone.
Quentin Sands (Editor)
1993 MacGregor 19, Margarita
Hi Rick,
Submitted by robin.gwynn on
Hi Rick,
If its not too late can you book us in for the AGM evening meal, 2 places Pam and myself. It will be good to meet up with everyone.
We will not require a room as we will be 'glamping' in the campsite down the road.
That's great Robyn. It'll be
Submitted by roly.simpson on
That's great Robyn. It'll be good to meet up with you both again. Glamping eh!
Regarding the meal the plan is that we shall advise The Riverside of expected numbers nearer the time and at the same time mail out or post on this site a menu option which we shall probably coordinate on spreadsheet order with payments individually to the venue on the night. That was their suggestion . Obviously once the main order has gone in any late entries would have to order direct.
Ps...some people have emailed me direct regarding attendance so we shall be more than shows on this thread
Thanks Roly,
Submitted by robin.gwynn on
Thanks Roly,
I saw that option on the recent correspondence but thought I'd go public. We will probably get to Lechlade on the Friday so if there is an informal meet up in the bar could you ask all members to wear a red carnation and a bowler hat so that they can be recognised.
PS glamping is really the same as camping but spelt differently!
What a lovely venue for the
Submitted by ian.tyrrell on
What a lovely venue for the meeting
wish we could make it but have the offsprings holidaying with us but wow looks really nice
Ian T
Submitted by david.claassen on
I am very sorry to say that I will not be attending this year. We will be out of the country on holiday. I am really looking forward to the Big Mac event.
David Claassen
"Logan's Run"
2006 26M
I think it will be no
Submitted by quentin.sands on
I think it will be no surprise to inform you that the AGM has been postponed to a date yet to be confirmed. The MoA committee had come to this decision even before the most recent recommendations. Optimists by nature, we hope somewhere ahead there will be a silver lining to this situation and we will come back stronger and more committed than ever to the simple pleasures of our sailing craft. The Big Mac is likely to be affected too - although, who knows? - but I will leave it to Rick to pronounce on that. I hope everyone is well.
Quentin Sands (Editor)
1993 MacGregor 19, Margarita
Fair enough Quentin.
Submitted by jonathan.knight on
Fair enough Quentin.
I'm hoping the Big Mac can go ahead if only for the accompanied sailing, w e can always shout from boat to boat to socialise!
Hi Quentin,
Submitted by john.pompei on
Hi Quentin,
Its a pity about the AGM, as it did seem that it was going to have a much better attendance than recently. Mores the pity, you wont be able to buy me that pint !
Lets hope that we can have the Big Mac even if the dates have to shift a bit - my plans were to stay down in the Solent area afterwards for 3 or 4 weeks but we'll just have to see how it goes.
Hope your getting some time to use your new toy,
Kind Regards,
I got a call from the
Submitted by rick.jones on
I got a call from the Riverside this afternoon to tell me that we would have to cancel our meeting - before I'd had a chance to tell them our decision.
So in the end we'd have had no choice.
They did emphasise that anyone who has booked a room should call them to cancel, and will get a full refund. I know a few of you had booked to stay there - so don't forget to call them!
Rick Jones (Treasurer), former 26X & 19 owner, Isle of Wight
That's very handy Rick -
Submitted by john.pompei on
That's very handy Rick - thanks for the update.
Keep safe,
Best regards,
dont know if this has been
Submitted by rod.wassell on
dont know if this has been addressed before but do we have any plans for an alternative AGM? on Zoom perhaps?
What about the Constitution of the club if no AGM?
Hi Rod
Submitted by rick.jones on
Hi Rod
I do think we should arrange some kind of online meeting, but I haven't had time to give it much thought. We could just devote a forum to it, and get an exchange of ideas. Zoom is all over the place these days, I've only just taken a look at it. Does seem possible, and even quite friendly for technophobes!
The rules don't take account of the current situation (hardly surprising!), the only relevant clause is:
10.10. In default of a valid general meeting the outgoing Committee shall arrange election by ballot of members. Existing Committee members shall remain in office until such election is concluded.
So we should at least organise a ballot for the committee, which can be done via the forum.
I'll try to give this some though in the next few days. Suggestions from members welcome!
Rick Jones (Treasurer), former 26X & 19 owner, Isle of Wight
ok thanks Rick
Submitted by rod.wassell on
ok thanks Rick
Just for info I actually had a choir rehearsal last week by Zoom. Frankly singing is difficult but talking seems to work fine. You get 40mins free at the moment and then it shuts you off but you simply restart the session and your off for next 40 mins.
Having said that apart from the election of Commitee I expect there's not much to talk about currently and the Forum might be simpler
Yes. We've had several zoom
Submitted by roly.simpson on
Yes. We've had several zoom meetings quite easily. Works best with computer screen otherwise you don't see everybody....and need an etiquette of not shouting over each other.
It could be fun, quite apart from the official aspect and maybe we could decide to make it a regular event , say monthly.
I think everyone who was planning to attend this year has internet access . What about next Saturday as planned? For those of us who have boats on the driveway it could be held on board!
Keep safe and well, Roly
Hi As a suggestion, if the
Submitted by jonathan.knight on
Hi As a suggestion, if the existing Committee members would be prepared to continue until such time as it is reasonable to call an AGM this could be taken as read unless more members than the size of the committee object. Members would have had adequate notice through this medium.
Regards Jonathan
Love the idea of doing it on
Submitted by jonathan.knight on
Love the idea of doing it on board. Mine is at the back of the garage, I had booked to launch on the wednesday after the Sunday lockdown. That was quite lucky as it means that it now isn't sitting just collecting barnacles.
We are using Google meet with
Submitted by david.claassen on
We are using Google meet with my school. It works pretty well and is free.
David Claassen
"Logan's Run"
2006 26M
An online meeting would suit
Submitted by keith.barton on
An online meeting would suit us. At the moment we are, I’m very pleased to say, Stuck on the West coast of Scotland House sitting a mad Flat coat Retriever dog. The owners are now stuck in Australia and unlikely to be able to get home until mid May. So we have had to, obviously reluctantly, offer to stay for as long as they need us 😁😁😁. We were due to go to our next sit today but it’s been cancelled leaving us almost homeless as we’ve rented our house for a year😮.
If the online AGM is a goer, please let us know as early as poss so my novice computer skills can attempt the necessary instal.
Just a thought:
we have Skype installed already and Ann uses the free edition for business meetings very successfully.
Ann & Keith
Star 26M
Iam an apple user and have
Submitted by simon.armitage on
Iam an apple user and have been happy with Face Time for yonks as a way of keeping in touch with my widely spread family.
I gather that after the 40 minutes on Zoom when you all get cut off, all the users have to log on again which an be a bit of a pain. I haven't used zoom but co-incidentally I was talking about it this morning with a pal. I believe it costs £15.00 to set up a group which the association should be able to afford and the there is no time limit.
I am happy to wait for normality to return, which could be some time, download zoom or use the forum which is probably less stressful for us non techies.
Simon Armitage
Sowenna 26 M
Submitted by dave.newton on
My experience of all online meetings and webinars, including those from the Institution of Engineering and Technology (who should know better), is they never work first time and despite the categorical assurances of the IT types that they are simple and idiot proof they always fail to work for us mere mortals.
To quote Douglas Adams:-
"A common mistake people make when trying to design something completely foolproof is to underestimate the ingenuity of complete fools"
Can I suggest a brief trial meeting of some techie types and as many non techies as possible to try out the system before the agm. This should allow the problems to be identified and hopefully solved before the real thing. If only you could find a time when everyone will be at home!
Dave Newton Sailbadthesinner
I used Zoom today, first time
Submitted by simon.armitage on
I used Zoom today, first time) for a 3 way chat between my wife and I, My daughter and husband in Australia and my son and family in South London. My son was the host which made it effortless for me. After 40 minutes the app closed itself and it was a good 10 minutes before we re-connected ourselves and this with 2 professional IT boffins, (not me).
The free version of Skype now
Submitted by chris.harnan on
The free version of Skype now works with 50 attendees.