Submitted by keith.barton on
Original forum:
- AGMs
Hi Rick, must have deleted your original AGM email. Have searched the first 3 pages of search results to no avail. Also when searching is there a way of searching by date, in particular for spares where you get search results from the early days appearing almost first. I think I must be missing something but would appreciate your help
For everyone's reference, the
Submitted by rick.jones on
For everyone's reference, the AGM date was given in the latest newsletter - I hope you've all received your copy!
The date is 16th February 2019, though we haven't yet decided a location. More information will follow in due course.
Regarding search results, you're right Keith, the order is pretty random. There are some tweaks available in the site configuration, but I've never tried using them. I need to do some experimenting!
Rick Jones (Treasurer), former 26X & 19 owner, Isle of Wight
Thanks Rick
Submitted by keith.barton on
Thanks Rick
Some updates on the AGM
Submitted by rick.jones on
Some updates on the AGM arrangements. Full details will be sent out in print shortly, but as the date is fast approaching here is a summary -
The location will be:
Best Western Grosvenor Hotel
Warwick Road,
CV37 6YT
It will be on Saturday 16th February starting around lunchtime, and will start with a presentation by a representative of the RNLI on their work.
Many people (committee especially) will be staying overnight. We will organise an evening meal for those who wish, and hopefully we will do something sociable on the Sunday morning.
Rooms are available in the Grosvenor, there is also a Premier Inn a short walking distance away, as well as other hotels in the area. Buffet lunch on the Saturday is included.
Please indicate as soon as possible if you plan to attend, so we can get an idea of numbers. This is important for us to be able to order a buffet for the right number of people.
Thanks, and look forward to seeing as many as possible there.
Rick Jones (Treasurer), former 26X & 19 owner, Isle of Wight
Hi Rick,
Submitted by keith.barton on
Hi Rick,
Ann & I will be there for the lunchtime start. We are looking forward to meeting everyone.
Ann & Keith
2007 Macgregor 26M “Star”
Submitted by chris.hawksworth on
Unfortunately I'll have to send my apologies as I will be out of the country.
'89 Macgregor 26D: Getaway
I am hoping to be able to
Submitted by john.pompei on
I am hoping to be able to make the AGM but won’t be able to confirm until later this week
Hi Rick,
Submitted by john.pompei on
Hi Rick,
I will be attending the AGM - just booked my room at the Grosvenor
Thanks for your comments on the twin roller reefing item.
Look forward to meeting everyone again,
Hi Rick
Submitted by rod.wassell on
Hi Rick
sorry for late reply (been in Aus for a month)
we will come if thats ok
Rod and Jill
I look forward to seeing you
Submitted by stuart.mcwilliam on
I look forward to seeing you there, all being well.
Best Regards
I plan to be there for
Submitted by david.claassen on
I plan to be there for Saturday
David Claassen
"Logan's Run"
2006 26M
Hi Rick,
Submitted by nick.beeton on
Hi Rick,
Regretfully unable to make the AGM this year.
Nick & Sue Beeton
Navigation is a series of plots. In fog the plot thickens...
Unfortunately we will be
Submitted by mike.mcnerney on
Unfortunately we will be unable to attend this year's AGM as we will be abroad in February.
Best wishes to everyone
Mike and Bobbie
Submitted by david.claassen on
Is it possible for me to stay for supper? I am less than 2 hours away, so will not be staying over.
David Claassen
"Logan's Run"
2006 26M
Rick and all,
Submitted by david.claassen on
Rick and all,
I have been called out of town for this weekend so will very reluctantly be missing the gathering. I will certainly be joining in for a shared adventure this summer.
David Claassen
"Logan's Run"
2006 26M
Just got back from the AGM in
Submitted by quentin.sands on
Just got back from the AGM in Stratford and while everything is fresh-ish I thought I would provide a brief, unofficial, update for those of you hungry for exciting news from the committee room.
We enjoyed an excellent talk from Paul and Lorraine from the RNLI who told us about the origins of the RNLI, it's present reach and the amazing rescues it performs almost every day of the week. Some association members have benefited from the assistance of the RNLI in the past and it is good to know the RNLI will be around, quietly in the background, should any of us get into trouble in the future.
We spent some time re-visiting the Big Mac event and I heard some interesting tales about the exciting conditions on the days following my departure.
Roly was awarded the Janita Shield for his sterling efforts over the years as a good egg and technical expert - I was surprised he hadn't won it before.
We discussed 2019, decided that Windermere would be this years 'Big Mac' and made several proposals that might require formal ratification in the future. One is to have the main MacGregor gathering/Big Mac on the same week every year and to try and plan at least two years ahead. So, Windermere this year from Wednesday 24th July to Wednesday 31st July, and then the equivalent week the following year will be a South Coast event - not sure precisely which venue but committee will confirm asap. We thought that we should try and choose venues that suit all abilities but particularly sailors who are new to their boats, perhaps new to sailing. We also thought it would be good to choose venues where their was alternative accommodation available locally for those wishing to visit, crew, build experience who might not wish to bring their boats and might not find berths easily on other members' boats.
We also discussed the idea of having the AGM during the Big Mac week. Turn out in Stratford yesterday was quite low, perhaps including it during the Big Mac week would make the meeting more meaningful and at the very least ensure we are, I think the word is, quorate....I heard Rick use it, anyway.
Although there weren't many of us there we had useful discussions that we hope will keep the momentum of the Association going strong through the website, newsletter and the Big Mac. We also hope that there will be other informal gatherings this year - for instance Roly and I are thinking of meeting in Largs during the last week in May (all welcome) - but the main focus will be on Windermere and we hope to get as many boats as possible there, for some, if not all of the week at the end of July. I will start a separate Windermere Big Mac 2019 thread sometime soon and hopefully people can start making plans.
Hope all is well.
Commodore Q
Quentin Sands (Editor)
1993 MacGregor 19, Margarita
That's great Quentin.
Submitted by david.kirk on
That's great Quentin.
I shall endeavour to join you at Windermere.
David Kirk
David Kirk
26X Glissando
Dumfriesshire, Scotland
A little late - I forgot to
Submitted by rick.jones on
A little late - I forgot to post this last week! At the AGM, Quentin presented Roly with the Janita Shield.
The shield is awarded annually by the commodore to a member who has made an outstanding contribution to the Association. Roly has been a stalwart of the MOA for many years. and has been doing a sterling job as secretary since 2016.
Congratulations Roly!
Janita Shield for Roly
Rick Jones (Treasurer), former 26X & 19 owner, Isle of Wight