Preliminary ideas/proposals

Welcome to the "2015 Events Section" where you can raise and discuss ideas/proposals for next year's events programme in the run up to the AGM.

A number of ideas have already been aired on the website including Clyde, Isle of Man, North Wales and North West. These ideas are particularly interesting because attendance at northern events seems to have tailed off in recent years compared to the very well attended events just a few years ago in Windermere and Clyde.

When agreeing on the programme for the year, the Association tries to co-ordinate things so that events occur throughout the main sailing season and include a range of events to meet the needs of as many members as possible. So geographic location, inland, coastal, school term times, etc are all considered.

The next newsletter will contain all the usual information regarding the Agm but in the meantime please keep the ideas coming including any possible totally new locations. If you have an idea but don't want to be the organiser then don't hold back - just let us know what you have in mind and maybe another member will offer to organise the event.

By the way, if you are at all interested in any of the ideas do please respond early if only to express "provisional interest" as this will help considerably at the AGM when finalising the programme.

Mike McNerney


Re: Preliminary ideas/proposals

Overseas Event

In recent years we have arranged an overseas trip in the early part of Summer. I'm happy to organise a similar event for 2015.

A popular location is Golfe du Morbihan which is an area of inland sea on the West coast of Brittany about midway between Quimper & La Rochelle. It is a spectacular sailing area comprising many islands and channels with the major towns of Vannes and Auray at its inner most ends. Off the coast are 3 very pleasant Islands that can be visited - weather permitting. It is ideally suited to the Mac with a mixture of coastal sailing and very shallow inland waters. The sea conditions are generally as one would expect and the Morbihan itself is very sheltered with many islands, anchorages, moorings. A strong tidal stream runs in various places especially at the entrance to the Morbihan which should normally only be tackled at the correct time relative to slack water. so if you are unsure about this do ask.

To get there we cross the Channel on the ferry and then drive down to La Trinite sur Mer which is just outside and to the north of the Golfe.Portsmouth to St Malo has been the usual choice in previous years but there are plenty of options for cheaper ferry with longer road trips. Normally an overnight stop is made at a French service area, although this depends on the ferry route chosen and the time of day.

You are responsible of course for all aspects of your own journey but here are a few pointers to consider:-

Because of the distance it is wise to ensure boat and all usual gear are well prepared for use
The same goes for the tow vehicle and trailer
For the trailer don't forget spare wheel (spare bearings may be a useful addition), tyre pump and jack, lock or wheel clamp for the trailer
Warning triangle & first aid kit and high vis. vests and self test breathalyser
A GB or EU sticker for the trailer and car and light deflectors.

Car insurance for driving on the Continent (trailers are usually covered by your boat insurance – but check!)
Recovery insurance
Driving Licence
Boat insurance – you will probably need to extend the cruising range of your policy
Travel insurance for people too!
An ICC or some form of certificate to wave at the French if they ask for it may be helpful but not strictly required – see RYA website
A VHF and a licence for it, and an operators licence
VAT receipts for the boat showing VAT has been paid
Charts of the area.
The Imray pilot book is very useful and a great souvenir afterwards
Ferry tickets for car, boat and people and passports.
Some euros to spend.

An anchor and chain/rope with lots of length
Flares (in date)
A dinghy (with or without outboard) will be highly useful
A radar reflector
An anchor light
A French courtesy flag
Swimming gear (incl plastic sandals or similar)
Fishing gear
A means of navigating.
A sense of humour is also useful!

What can you expect?

A brilliant break (weather permitting)
Good food
Good sailing
Some exciting new waters and places to see
Most of all, some Mac camaraderie and friendship.

This will require a little more planning than a purely UK event so early indications of interest (without commitment) will be very helpful.

Any questions, just ask.

Mike McNerney

Re: Preliminary ideas/proposals

This one is probably above my ability at this stage but I am pleased to see that this kind of event is organised. Perhaps if it is repeated in 2016 for me though. Best wishis with the proposal. Gail and John

Re: Preliminary ideas/proposals

we did in 2013 so I'm only a possible on Moribhan,

what about a channel crossing ?

richard.greenway's picture

Re: Preliminary ideas/proposals

I am interested in spending a week in Fishguard and sailing around the area (memory lane for me).
There is a good wide slip at Goodwick and a picturesque harbour at Lower Town Fishguard with a great smugglers pub.
I do have a relative still living at Harbour Village, Goodwick (my mothers cousin whose 73) who I also want to pay a visit.
I also want to go an pay my respects to my great grandfather who worked on the harbour all his life after fighting at the Somme in 1916 (injured but survived).
The port is a ferry terminal to Ireland and a trip to the emerald isle is another option either as a day trip or overnight stay in B&B.
Some other trips might include Solva Creek, St, Brides Bay.
The Pembroke coast is one option for a Welsh Event and I would like to see a Scottish one annually too - How about Loch Ness!


Re: Preliminary ideas/proposals

On the Scottish rally. The council is about to complete (MARCH) a slip and boat yard and crane project at Stranraer Marina Loch Ryan. Anyone interested in a Scotland 2015 regatta? John (Snowflake) Just an idea at this stage. There is plenty of parking and accommodation at Stranraer.

Re: Preliminary ideas/proposals

I have noted tbat there is a resurgence of interest in a rally in Scotland. For a number of years we had one at the end of May but for me that always clashed with another commitment. Since bringing Rahui back from Holland I have not sailed much
but did base myself on the Clyde for a few months last year. I would be interested in a Scottish rally and have pencilled in a trip with friends up the Crinan canal between 29th June and 13th July, leaving from Largs. Probably the first week and only one way, leaving the boat at Croabh Haven for the time being. I have seen at least 2 other Macs based at Largs.
The problem with dates is that we have other hobbies and most organisations have their dates set by the end of the previous year and by now there are not many gaps left. Maybe the Mac owners should try to have something in place a little earlier ( or is it the date of the AGM that gets this discussion going so late?). I would be quite willing to run or help run a rally up north sometime, either from Largs or up the Caledonian canal/ Lochness/Loch Lochy if a gap can be found between Macs, the farm and Austin 7s.

I'd love to go to the Mobihan Mike but expect it clashes and crew not so keen on long trail from Scotland.

Hope for good discussion at AGM.

Anneke Wallace
Rahui Mac26X

Re: Preliminary ideas/proposals

Just thinking that in the last two years weve had events north west and south. Is it time to go east again. I dont know it but what does the Blackwater tiver and the Colne have to offer? Any ideas from mac owners that way?


Re: Preliminary ideas/proposals

I have noted tbat there is a resurgence of interest in a rally in Scotland. For a number of years we had one at the end of May but for me that always clashed with another commitment. Since bringing Rahui back from Holland I have not sailed much
but did base myself on the Clyde for a few months last year. I would be interested in a Scottish rally and have pencilled in a trip with friends up the Crinan canal between 29th June and 13th July, leaving from Largs. Probably the first week and only one way, leaving the boat at Croabh Haven for the time being. I have seen at least 2 other Macs based at Largs.
The problem with dates is that we have other hobbies and most organisations have their dates set by the end of the previous year and by now there are not many gaps left. Maybe the Mac owners should try to have something in place a little earlier ( or is it the date of the AGM that gets this discussion going so late?). I would be quite willing to run or help run a rally up north sometime, either from Largs or up the Caledonian canal/ Lochness/Loch Lochy if a gap can be found between Macs, the farm and Austin 7s.

I'd love to go to the Mobihan Mike but expect it clashes and crew not so keen on long trail from Scotland.

Hope for good discussion at AGM.

Anneke Wallace

This discussion could get lost in the 2015 general chat on ideas. Do you think switching to the topic in 'General Discussion' - 'Members in Scotland' might reap more reward for a get-to-gether in the North? John.jennings (Snowflake)
Rahui Mac26X

Re: Preliminary ideas/proposals

Yes John, we will be down for the AGM. And as to the East coast Roly, we were very taken with the Orwell and Stour at the last rally and have talked about going south east again but don't think we have time this year. Life is just too short!