Submitted by mike.mcnerney on
A fantastic schedule of rallies for the MacGregor Owners Association in 2011 will soon be published. Our main summer event will be in June in Brittany reached by cross channel ferry. This will require a little more planning than a purely UK event and it is further complicated by my not being available by telephone after 12 March for a couple of months. So this is advance notice of the event to give you plenty of time to consider it so that you can contact me as soon as possible if you are interested.
Here are the details:-
Golfe du Morbihan
Thursday/Friday 16/17 June to Saturday/Sunday 25/26 June (or maybe longer for those wanting to add a few days)
The Golfe du Morbihan is an area of inland sea on the West coast of Brittany about midway between Quimper & La Rochelle. It is a spectacular sailing area comprising many islands and channels with the major towns of Vannes and Auray at its inner most ends. Off the coast are 3 very pleasant Islands that can be visited - weather permitting.
To get there we cross the Channel on the ferry and then drive down to La Trinite sur Mer which is just outside and to the north of the Golfe.
Portsmouth to St Malo has been the usual choice in previous years but there are plenty of options for cheaper ferry with longer road trips. Normally an overnight stop is made at a French service area, although this depends on the ferry route chosen and the time of travel.
The slip at La Trinite is easiest to use at or around high water and there is space for
parking cars and trailers.
Possible itinerary dependant on weather
Ferry to France and overnight in service area en route
Arrive La Trinite, rig, launch and moor in Marina for the night.
Depart La Trinite to Sauzon on Belle-Ile and stay overnight.
Sail to Ile D’Houat and anchor off, BBQ on beach and stay for night.
Depart Ile D’Houat and enter Golfe Du Morbihan and either anchor off island for night or enter marina.
Sail up to Vannes and have day in Town – if desired with meal in Vannes in the evening. Overnight stay.
Depart Vannes and sail in Golfe with overnight anchor or possibly up to Auray for the night.
Depart Golfe for La Trinite and pull out to de-rig for trip home.
Depart with view to arrive in ferry port with some time to spare – with or without overnight stay in service area.– probably night or early morning ferry back.
Arrive back in UK on Sunday refreshed and relaxed (we hope) to drive home.
If people travel early or stay on after the rally, the outward and return journeys may
be somewhat scattered
What is the Macgregor Owners Association responsible or liablefor on this rally?
Nothing! Please remember that you are responsible for all aspects of your own journey/boat/crew. All the information here is intended as a guide but please ensure you consider all aspects for yourself.
Things you will need
A boat in good order, with all the usual stuff.
A trailer in good order with spare wheel (spare bearings may be a useful addition).
Tyre pump and jack.
Lock or wheel clamp for the trailer
A tow car in good order.
Warning triangle & first aid kit and high vis. vest
A GB or EU sticker for the trailer and car and light deflectors.
Car insurance for driving on the Continent (trailers are usually covered by your boat insurance – but check!)
Recovery insurance (check out Britannia as mentioned in previous newsletters)
Driving Licence
Boat insurance – you will probably need to extend the cruising range of your policy
Travel insurance for people too!
An ICC or some form of certificate to wave at the French if they ask for it may be helpful but not strictly required – see RYA website
A VHF and a licence for it, and an operators licence
VAT receipts for the boat showing VAT has been paid
Charts of the area.
The Imray pilot book is very useful and a great souvenir afterwards
Ferry tickets for car, boat and people and passports.
Some euros to spend.
An anchor and chain/rope with lots of length
Flares (in date)
A dinghy (with or without outboard)
A radar reflector
An anchor light
A French courtesy flag and somewhere to hoist it from, on the starboard spreader Swimming gear (incl plastic sandals or similar)
Fishing gear
A means of navigating.
A sense of humour is also useful!
What can you expect?
A brilliant break (weather permitting)
Good food
Good sailing
Some exciting new waters and places to see
Some very fast (but not usually dangerous) tides in very small areas
Most of all, some Mac camaraderie and friendship.
If you wish to attend I will need:-
Phone number
Mobile number
Boat name
Boat type
ETA day in LaTrinite
Do you want to form a convoy on the ferry/ French roads?
Preferred departure port from UK
Please email
as soon as possible (even an indication of interest at this stage is fine). I will not be available by phone after 12 March until mid May so if you want to chat please call before then on 01695 576905. Subsequently you can reach me by email or ask via the website for guidance from other members.
Mike McNerney
Re: Fantastic Mac rally in Britanny June 2011
Submitted by simon.lill on
Are you ever required to stern moor in this area, not sure how this is done in a Mac ?
Re: Fantastic Mac rally in Britanny June 2011
Submitted by mike.mcnerney on
The places we moor have a variety of arrangements for swinging moorings or trots with lines that can be secured fore and aft. Also marinas with finger pontoons as well as some anchoring in sheltered spots.
Stern mooring wouldn't be too difficult apart from actually getting on and off. If the conditions are calm it would be possible to get the boat close to the shore edge and make a fairly big step off ( No one ever "jumps" off Hera!)