Renewing your membership

Your membership expires at the end of February each year, but we ask that renewal subscriptions are paid by the 1st February, as it saves us chasing up renewals unnecessarily.

There are three ways to renew your membership of the MacGregor Owners Association:

By bank transfer

Make a direct payment from your bank account, preferably by setting up a Standing Order. You need to make a payment of £15 to the Association's bank account, as follows:

Sort code 52-30-04
Account number 30656125
Account name MacGregor Owners Association
Reference Your membership number (if known - see below)

For overseas members, if you want to make a transfer from a non-UK bank, you will need the following codes for International Bank Transfer (please make the transfer in Sterling so we do not incur currency conversion costs):

IBAN GB91NWBK52300430656125

If you set up a Standing Order, please make the payment date to reach the Association on 1st February each year.

Please email if you make or set up any kind of bank payment, so we know to expect it. Also let us know if there are any changes to your details (address, tel, email, etc.).

Automatically by PayPal

Subscribe using PayPalIf you joined using PayPal, then your renewal was automatically set up at the time.

If not, or if the automatic renewal has failed, you can set up automatic renewal by clicking the Subscribe button:

Manually by PayPal

Renew using PayPalIf you'd like to use PayPal, but prefer not to create an automatic subscription, you can make a single payment by clicking on the Buy Now button:

By cheque

We would greatly prefer that you use one of the above methods rather than send a cheque!

Cheques involve extra work for us, as well as the cost of postage for you. They also can (and do) get lost, which creates extra work and hassle all round. However, if it is your only way to make payment, please view and print the renewal form (below), fill it in and post with a cheque for £15 to the address on the form.

Check and update your details

Please also take a moment to ensure that the details we hold are correct (esp. address, phone numbers and boat details). You can view and update your account details on this site.

Make sure you are logged in, then go to My account in the User Menu on the right. This page shows all the details we hold about you. For information specific to your membership click on Membership at the top of the page. This is where you'll find your membership number.

To make changes, click the Edit tab at the top. You can update key information on that page, including your mobile number and email address. This is also where you can change your password if you wish, as well as personalise your account.

There are separate pages you can click on for Address and Boat details. If you change anything on these pages, make sure to click Save before switching to a different page.


Just fill in the form below, and click the Pay Now button –
this will take you to the PayPal web site where you can complete the transaction.
Click to renew-all