Submitted by rick.jones on
Summary of events in 2009
Our 2009 programme was very successful. If you didn't attend any of our events, see below to see what you missed!
See additional posts with details of many of the rallies.
9th - 13th April, Norfolk Broads, Bill Millar
23rd - 25th May, London Canals, Mark Kinnard
May/June, Scotland Firth of Clyde, David Holmes and Ron Stanfield
20th - 27th June, Gulf of Morbihan, David Robbens, (click on image below for details)
17th - 19th July, Solent, Andy Bates and Steve Woods
August, Cardiff, Maurice Newman
September, Windermere, David Robbens and Mike McNerney
We would also be delighted to hear from you if you have any ideas for future events. Just contact any committee member or any organiser (or "float" your ideas on this website).
Rick Jones (Treasurer), former 26X & 19 owner, Isle of Wight