Submitted by roly.simpson on
Saturday 28th to Monday 30th August.
West Bay (Bridport), the Exe and Dartmouth regatta.
Contact: Roly Simpson (send a PM to contact privately)
Submitted by roly.simpson on
Saturday 28th to Monday 30th August.
West Bay (Bridport), the Exe and Dartmouth regatta.
Contact: Roly Simpson (send a PM to contact privately)
Re: Lyme Bay, August Bank Holiday
Submitted by rick.jones on
West Bay to Dartmouth is around 40 miles in a straight line. That's a long way there and back with only two overnight stops!
I would think it might be best to limit ambitions to the Exe, which is under 30 miles. We'd do well to get that far.
Rick Jones (Treasurer), former 26X & 19 owner, Isle of Wight
Re: Lyme Bay, August Bank Holiday
Submitted by roly.simpson on
Yes I agree its a bit far from West bay to Dartmouth. I have been looking into this further and think that may not be so good to launch from West Bay since it can be a bit tricky in a Southerly wind and then we would have a longish stretch to get to Exe, unless we stopped at Lyme Regis.
I suggest we launch at a slip I have read up at Teignmouth. It says it is newly re-furbished and good access through the old docks. Plenty of space for trailer storage too.Launch is v sheltered, max 8m boats. It is just a short 6m hop from there to Exe so easily explored if whether not so good. If whether is good we could forray 13m to see regtta boats in Start Bay / Dartmouth for late lunch and maybe drop back to Brixham marina for Sat night then maybe to Exe (topsham ) for Sunday night with an explore and easy run home to Teignmouth on the Monday. I havent checked tides etc for this plan yet.
What do you think?
Re: Lyme Bay, August Bank Holiday
Submitted by bjorn.sjoling on
sounds pretty good to me.
In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice; In practice, there is.
Re: Lyme Bay, August Bank Holiday
Submitted by jose.teixeira on
We would love to help/crew if anyone needs a hand
This rally looks very promising but it is impossible to bring Ariane up for the rally.
Mi crew switch or crew share still stands...
Re: August Bank Torbay,Dartmouth
Submitted by roly.simpson on
I have done some more research on this and found that there is a good sheltered all tides slip at Torquay (which has good road access). We can leave trailers on the adjacent sea wall for £5.00 a day or 20.00 for the week, but have to pay for local car- parking at 10.00 a day. Launching fee is about 20.00 I recall.
Plan is to launch on arrival either Friday 27th night or Sat am and make our way round Berry Head to explore Dartmouth and view racing/air display before returning aound the Head to quaint old fishing port of Brixham. Sunday sail to Exemouth or Topsham and return to Torquay for recovery on Monday.
Space in Brixham marinas is already very limited so I shall need to know numbers ASAP .
Bad weather options are to stay on our floating hotel rooms within Torbay and /or visit Dartmouth and other local attractions, cycling , Dartmoor walking etc.
If you wish you could arrive on 22nd and enjoy Torquay Regatta fireworks Red arrows and more touring before our event but would need to find alternative parking arrangement.
Re: Lyme Bay, August Bank Holiday
Submitted by rick.jones on
I think it's unlikely I'm going to be able to bring my boat on this rally now. I have a rather sick trailer which may not get fixed in time due to other priorities, and it would also be another expensive trip from the IoW (done one this year already!).
However, I'd be more than pleased to crew for anyone else who is going and is short-handed. I'd very much like to be there, even if not with Milestone.
Rick Jones (Treasurer), former 26X & 19 owner, Isle of Wight
Re: Lyme Bay, August Bank Holiday
Submitted by roly.simpson on
This is an update for all those interested.
Itinery is largely unchanged from my earlier posting but is flexible according to weather and participants.
So far we just have 2 definate on Aranah with crew of my son and or a friend, and Richard Green wy from Somerset on Lonarch. His friend , Nick Laing is 80% to come aswell on Another Toy together with wife and son.
Restless has gone from definate to possible due to Mandy not being too fit . Maybe someone would like to crew with him...please call Bjorn to check the stuation see members details or text me.
Ian Godwin was interested but is literaly up the creak without a rudder while his friend Pete who has an X said he was going to sail down from Chichester but I have heard nothing from him since.
This will be Richard and Nicks first rally so it would be really good if more people could attend.
Richard has a friend at Torbay YC so we hope to join them there on Friday night ad on Sunday, if we get to the Exe we have an invite to go to Lympstone YC , guests of David Speight who has an X but is finding it ard to handle these days.
I cnnot get good internet where I am but will collect texts every day so please txt me on 07971074525
my eail is
Roly Simpson
Re: Lyme Bay, August Bank Holiday
Submitted by roly.simpson on
Another thing, I have found a much cheaper place to store trailers and cars in Pagnton for just 15.00 in all......daignton Self Store.....TQ4 7QA tel no..01803 553 874....have provisionally booked for 4. they are only there 8 to 6pm.