Submitted by mike.mcnerney on
This is just a preliminary post to set up this event following agreement at the AGM.
The event organiser will post full details here as and when the planning progresses.
If you are interested in this event feel free to post your interest whenever you wish - it will help the organiser even if you are not a "definite"
Re: Windermere - September
Submitted by john.jennings on
Gail and John in Snowflake have made a diary note to attend this event.
Re: Windermere - September
Submitted by liz.healey on
We would be interested in this for a short weekend as it will be in term time
Liz and Dave
Re: Windermere - September
Submitted by simon.wagstaffe on
we will be moored on the river leven from early april until october so should be able to attend this event
Re: Windermere - September
Submitted by john.jennings on
Simon is that the River Leven off the Clyde ?
Re: Windermere - September
Submitted by quentin.sands on
The River Leven runs out of the southern end of Lake Windermere and on a Mac you can follow the river down for half a mile or so to The Swan Hotel where there are moorings for boats - presumably this is where Simon has his boat moored? I've seen several Macs down there over the years. I have taken my 26C down there on several occasions and often wonder how much trouble I could get into if my engine failed - just below the pub the river hurtles under a low road bridge.
Quentin Sands (Editor)
1993 MacGregor 19, Margarita
Re: Windermere - September
Submitted by quentin.sands on
Went to view a new mooring option on Windermere yesterday and saw three Mac Cs, two moored behind Belle Isle and one at the visitors jetty in Bowness, fully loaded with seven or eight teenagers all having a pretty good time from what I could tell. I suspect the skipper was Jason Le Mesurier - the boat was Poppy - and this was an end of exams cruise for his daughter and her mates. I would have said hello but conditions were choppy and they were leaving the jetty when I arrived. My wife and I then went for a drink at the Swan in Newby Bridge and saw three more Macs, two Ms and an X - so in theory the September rally should be well attended - although I think I might be working that weekend, darn it. The mooring I went to see was at Mitchell Wyke, just to the north of where the ferry comes in on the west side of the lake, and is one of the most sheltered moorings on Windermere - so I've taken it and will be launching next week.
Quentin Sands (Editor)
1993 MacGregor 19, Margarita
Re: Windermere - September
Submitted by david.robbens on
4-6th September outing on Windermere.
Please let me know if you want to join this event. I am most likely going to be just back from sailing the Clyde on the Friday so may only join as a shore supporter/ event organiser on the Friday -- probably launch on Saturday if nothing gets broken on the Clyde.
Its safe sailing (appart from the odd rock you might find if you are not paying attention!) although winds can be very cranky and spin through 180 deg in just a few second at some spots depending on wind direction.
My suggestion is that we take bouys behind Bell Isle (about £12.00 per night. Car parking/traier will be £10.00 per day (for a fair bit more you can take a marina berth with electricity etc- but the views at Bell Isle in the morning are priceless if its not raining or foggy)
Slip charges are about £12.00 each way at Ferry Nab if on different days. The slip is very good and they will tractor launch you if you do not want to give your car a fresh water wash for the end of the season (extra charge). Slip will probably be open 9am to 5 pm in September.
There are showers and loo emptying facilities at Ferry Nab.
If you want to join, please confirm by emailng me at
, I will then sort out accurate prices and negotiate with the Lake wardens etc. and send you more infornation of travel, directions and registering you boat for the lake etc.
I do not normally read these things on the web site so add your name here for others to know whats going on but email me too please!
Best regards
David (Humbug)
Re: Windermere - September
Submitted by jason.lemasurier on
Looking forward to meeting other Mac owners on 4th September. Yes it was me Quentin with the boat full of teenagers and yes it was a post exam outing for my daughter and her friends. Hopefully we will get to meet soon