Submitted by bjorn.sjoling on
Saturday 24th to Sunday 25th July
Poole Harbour and surrounding waters.
Contact: Björn Sjöling (send a PM to contact privately)
In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice; In practice, there is.
Submitted by bjorn.sjoling on
Saturday 24th to Sunday 25th July
Poole Harbour and surrounding waters.
Contact: Björn Sjöling (send a PM to contact privately)
In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice; In practice, there is.
Re: Poole Harbour, July weekend
Submitted by bjorn.sjoling on
Poole Harbour and surrounding waters.
We're considering a couple of options here... If conditions are favourable there's the odd voice calling for a trip to Weymouth/Portland with an overnight stop at Lulworth / man-o-war cove
Lulworth Cove

Man-O-War Cove just round the corner. The other side is the well known Durdle door.

Here is an overall view
There is also a good stop-over at Studland. So if conditions are not so good then there is ample scope to stay locally.
My feelings are that if the weather is good then the lulworth stop-over is a really good one to do. however it is quite a squeeze to get it all in a weekend. I reckon it's worth taking a day off or perhaps even considering recovery in Weymouth/Portland. There is a free slip in the latter, Castletown, trains every hour:58 to Poole for £11.10. If a few elect for this option I may leave our 'minibus' to do the return run.
So we put this one out to the polls and let's see how it evolves.
Looking at my gps tells me that it's a 1.9 high tide (at swanage, see arrow on map) at 06:44 dropping to 0.9 at 14:28. (if anyone has current tide tables please feel free to correct me!)
So this would mean that we ought to be setting off fairly early from Poole yacht club to have a run with the tide to Lulworth.
If we're on typical westerlies that would mean beating from St Albans head for the last stretch.. maybe a bit of Macpowering so we can regroup at Lulworth Cove for lunch/explore, then heading to Man-O-War cove a couple of miles west for a beach BBQ.
Now St Albans head has a big shelf so the race can be a little boisterous at times, though we have gone through it against a spring tide with minor splashing.. did need to steam through at 7kts as the contra flow was a good 4.5.
If the wind is southerly then this option will be a bit lumpy for an overnight as both bays are south facing. Plan B beach BBQ at Studland would be a better option, same goes for cold n windy.
South tip of Studland bay. Cruising close to the cliffs to Swannage is a brilliant scene of chalk cliffs and its stacks.
Other thoughts up for discussion will be friday night dinner at the Thai restaurant in Poole.. very good. Should the elements be against us then we'll do another restaurant in town if BBQ at Studland looks too soggy.
As for the Spetsai challenge.. I'm not sure yet as to whether this is the Solent Rally or not... If so I'm sure we'll come up with something innapropriate!
Look forward to hearing some feedback and interest so we can get booking organised. If weather permits this is a spectacular sail. If it's 'orrid, then there are still plenty of backup options that should not be dissappointing. Ultimately the final plan will be decided at an early skippers meeting on the saturday. Any questions.. post 'em! :D
In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice; In practice, there is.
Re: Poole Harbour, July weekend
Submitted by bill.millar on
If the wind is fresh South-westerly that could be an uncomfortable trip in a Mac. If considering a one-way trip perhaps the option of starting at Portland and coming East to Poole could be an alternative? Decision could be made based on weather forecast a few days ahead?
Anyway, Avocet will probably be there.
Re: Poole Harbour, July weekend
Submitted by bjorn.sjoling on
Hi Bill
Very good thought. Will have to find out about parking at Portland.
In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice; In practice, there is.
Re: Poole Harbour, July 24th to Sunday 25th
Submitted by jose.teixeira on
We would love to help/crew if anyone needs a hand
This rally looks very promising but it is impossible to bring Ariane up for the rally.
Mi crew switch or crew share still stands...
Re: Poole Harbour, July 24th to Sunday 25th
Submitted by stephen.hinde on
Hello Bjorn
Any more thoughts on the one way trip suggestion starting from Portland?
It would be interesting to see the Developements and preparations for the Olympics.
Stephen Hinde
Re: Poole Harbour, July 24th to Sunday 25th
Submitted by bjorn.sjoling on
Hi all
sorry for the late reply regarding a one way trip. I would like to do it, and had it been a bank holiday I would have really pushed the option. There has not been enough feedback as yet so I'm mainly prepping for an event based in Poole Yacht club. I wouldn't need much persuasion... Doing the longer haul will also be very weather dependant, which will mean last minute co-ordination. I could really do with knowing who and how many are up for it and if we're likely to take an extra day or so. I'll talk to the portland slips and get some facts n figures up.
Regarding PYC: They have a lovely protected slip, must just avoid the odd swarm of dinghies!
The charges per boat would be as follows: Slip Fee (total In and Out) £21.50 and berth for Friday night £18.50 Total per boat £40.00 (any further nights would be at our normal rate of £20.80 per boat per night). Trailers can be parked in the ferry departure car park right near the Club entrance and cars can be parked in our car park.
As far as food goes, you could book a table in our restaurant and eat a’la carte or we could do a set menu to suit your budget.
In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice; In practice, there is.
Re: Poole Harbour, July 24th to Sunday 25th
Submitted by roly.simpson on
Hi Bjorn , Im planning to trail my boat over on the Friday eve . Ros will come I hope for the weekend and then I have Monday and Tuesday free to sail along coast if you or others are around.
Please post any more details ( now that I have a new password and can read them!)
Re: Poole Harbour, July 24th to Sunday 25th
Submitted by bjorn.sjoling on
Great stuff
Now we have a doctor with us perhaps I can plan some sea stack climbs or potholing... ;)
In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice; In practice, there is.
Re: Poole Harbour, July 24th to Sunday 25th
Submitted by mike.mcnerney on
Hera plans to be there. We are planning a bit of a get together with our daughters and "other halves" who will all be camping somewhere in the vicinity over the weekend. Therefore we are more interested in staying local over the weekend. I guess there will be facilities to moor for Fri, Sat and Sun night?
We would then be available to join in a couple of days Mon, Tue or whatever to go a bit further afield. Sounds a bit like what Roly is saying?
Anyway, if the "fleet" head off over the weekend then at least we can put in an appearance.
Re: Poole Harbour, July 24th to Sunday 25th
Submitted by bjorn.sjoling on
Hi Mike
Nice one.
Looks like we're up to 5 boats on an extended sail (till wednesday or whatever). E-me your plans and I'll organise some bookings if you like.
Look forward to seeing you.
In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice; In practice, there is.
Re: Poole Harbour, July 24th to Sunday 25th
Submitted by rick.jones on
I'm afraid I won't be able to make this now. I'm forsaking MacGregors for heavy rock! I'm going to a rock festival in London to see a lineup that includes Gary Moore and ZZ Top among others. Always wanted to see those guys, and I've finally found someone who wants to go with me.
Also my engine is still in a mess, and I can't yet bring myself to fork out for a new one. Used ones are like rocking horse s**t.
Hope the rally goes well.
Rick Jones (Treasurer), former 26X & 19 owner, Isle of Wight
Re: Poole Harbour, July 24th to Sunday 25th
Submitted by stephen.hinde on
Hi Bjorn et al
I have persuaded our ex Honorary Editor/Publisher, Morris Rooms, to risk joining me on Duette for the Event. We are free till the Tuesday or Wednesday. I am hoping the one way trip from Weymouth/Portland to Poole may still be an option. Fingers crossed for good weather. Will "watch this space" for updates.
Stephen Hinde
Re: Poole Harbour, July 24th to Sunday 25th
Submitted by bjorn.sjoling on
Greetings all
As decision time approaches the weather unsettles... typical!
Looking at the bbc monthly, they reckon the low and it's wind n rain should have moved out by the weekend, so hopefully it should be fairly pleasant, particularly for the 'extended' bit. It also looks like all who are coming are planning on staying for the whole trip, around 5 days which is great.
How about the concept of launching in Poole (or Portland) and heading for Dover?? Without going silly we could just see how far along the coast we could do in the time. See where we get to, hire a car between us to go back and collect the trailers and haul out at Eastbourne - Rye - Dover?? If feeling up for it one could go south side of the IOW too...
In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice; In practice, there is.
Re: Poole Harbour, July 24th to Sunday 25th
Submitted by stephen.hinde on
Hello Bjorn et al.
As per our telecon I am keen to start at Portland & then be able to sail East with the prevailing wind.If we are Storm/Harbour bound in Portland there is plenty to see. We can day sail from Portland & return there or into Weymouth if conditions demand. If aok we can go to Lulworth Cove for a night & if push comes to shove we could motor on to Poole in a day from Portland although not keen on being at sea for long days. Not keen on recovering East of Poole. Calshot can be tricky. Morris & I have to recover on Tuesday.
Stephen Hinde
Re: Poole Harbour, July 24th to Sunday 25th
Submitted by morris.rooms on
Bjorn and Mac-ers,
Mike, Bobbie and myself spent a night at the new Olympic Marina, Portland Harbour last season with Adrian on his big boys toy and the facilities there were very good, seemed to be lots of space for parking etc. Also from Portland a run around the Bill and up to West Bay for the night could be an option, as there more North, South then Westerly so could be easier sailing!
But as crew I leave the big decisions to the skippers.
Re: Poole Harbour, July 24th to Sunday 25th
Submitted by bjorn.sjoling on
Thanks for the input guys.. the plan(s) are taking shape.
We can slip at portland and leave the trailers n cars there for as long as we need for £32. A friday night berth at the marina will be £21.40.
Saturday will be a leisurely cruise to Lulworth/Man-o-war cove with a view to beach BBQ, stocking supplies from Weymouth before departing Sunday we would press on to Studland for a second beach barbie. (there is a very pleasant pub 5mins walk from the beach)
Restless is still planning on heading towards Brighton on Mondays tides passing N or S of the IOW dependant on weather, probobaly overnighting Shanklin/Bembridge.
I'll put more info up when I get a little more time.. got to dash again... Obviously all is weather dependant.
In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice; In practice, there is.
Re: Poole Harbour, July 24th to Sunday 25th
Submitted by mike.mcnerney on
Thanks Bjorn - that's looking like a good plan although not being familiar with the territory, I will gladly leave the plans to the rest of you guys.
I have been looking at launching with you at Portland but there are some specific reasons why we need to stick with our original plan of launching at Poole and remaining fairly local.
So, we will arrive Fri afternoon and launch at Poole YC and stay there for 4 nights. Sunday seems to be the most likely time when we will be able to rendezvous with you at Studland or wherever. We will also sail on Monday but we need to haul out at Poole Tues am. I was hoping to maybe stay a day or 2 longer but we now have to get back.
Anyway, it should work out well and we will look forward to it.
I guess I need to book with the YC for launch, 4 nights mooring with car park and trailer storage. Do you have a contact? Is the launch ramp straightforward? (Well, I know it slopes downwards, but you know what I mean!)
Will anyone else be launching in Poole?
Re: Poole Harbour, July 24th to Sunday 25th
Submitted by roly.simpson on
Hi all,
I shall plan to launch in Portland . the tide appears to be going Easterly in the afternoon on Sat so ok for Lulworth or thereabouts that eve and then on to Studland sunday night or perhaps duck into Poole YC for the night after having had a BBQ ( we may want the showers etc) I would suggest sail up to the Needles and then maybe anchor in Alum Bay for lunch on Monday and return perhaps to Christchurch (in the Lea of Hengistbury head )for evening since tide will be rising at the entrance after 5pm ish which means we will float off if go aground. This would be fairly easy sail from there down to Poole (once you have cleared the long sand bar off the headland) . I would possibly sail back to Southampton on Tues and return to Portland late Tue/Wed to recover my car and trailer.
PS, if anyone is into fishing , I often here guys say that they catch good Sea Bass just off the Needles so maybe we can get our dinner.
Re: Poole Harbour, July 24th to Sunday 25th
Submitted by mike.mcnerney on
Oh yes, fishing is very much on the agenda. I have my new expensive rod/reel on board which so far has yielded 2 mackerel, making them the world's most expensive ever fish. I need to get the average price down fast before the auditors see the figures!
Re: Poole Harbour, July 24th to Sunday 25th
Submitted by bjorn.sjoling on
Time for an update:
Looking at tidal streams (with a bit of tutelage from Adrian L) and weather, we will need a fairly early start from Man-o-war cove (about 06:00) to get to Swanage for about 11:00 in order to avoid too much tide punching. We can then spend the afternoon there and then head off to Studland for the second overnighter from 16:00.
Monday events will be decided by participants Sunday evening on the beach or quaffing a few at the Branks Arms just above.
Anchoring on a rising tide in Man-o-war cove (HW 19:00, LW 23:58) works quite well ( I remember having to get up at 05:00 and pull the boat off the beach as we began to settle :? ).
Setting off at the appointed hour should see us past the perilous St Albans head at a bit before slackwater, with the last run to lunchtime comfortably relaxed. Anchors/visitor bouys/water taxis or inflatables will be the order of the day, and we can restock for studland.
I've also spoken to poole yacht club. It looks like there will not be in excess of a few boats there,hence they do not anticipate any problems in accomodating our various requirements. Their only concern was a potential 9 boats and trailers cluttering up the yard. They are also happy to accomodate anyone who may come by with a tractor & trailer a night or two before a recovery and de-rig. Again, no constraints on yard times for de-rigging as long as we don't suddenly appear en masse without prior arrangement. All in all chatting to Mark Fulton (gen manager) was a very peaceful process for me as I piled him with options and possibilities, to which his replies were most calming and helpful.
Dinner now.. will post again very soon. Fingers x for weather!
In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice; In practice, there is.
Re: Poole Harbour, July 24th to Sunday 25th
Submitted by bjorn.sjoling on
BTW I utterly delegate the suggestion or reccomondation of a good friday night tavern in Weymouth/Portland to anyone less clueless than I!
feel free to call me on 0788 1963 949 and I'll get on the case.
In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice; In practice, there is.
Re: Poole Harbour, July 24th to Sunday 25th
Submitted by bill.millar on
We expect to launch Avocet at Portland on Friday afternoon and the plan for Saturday/Sunday seems fine. We may have to go to PYC on Sunday afternoon then go fetch car & trailer so that we can recover and drive home on Monday morning - but we may instead be able to stay at Studland on Sunday night. Decision nearer the time.
Re: Poole Harbour, July 24th to Sunday 25th
Submitted by bjorn.sjoling on
Great stuff Bill.
Hope you can stay.
Do you still have the sextant?
In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice; In practice, there is.
Re: Poole Harbour, July 24th to Sunday 25th
Submitted by bill.millar on
HI Bjorn,
No, I'm afraid that the Sextant has just gone. Do you still want the SS tank? I could bring it on Friday, but would have to unload it to you that afternoon in case we are returning early.
Re: Poole Harbour, July 24th to Sunday 25th
Submitted by bjorn.sjoling on
yes, up for the tank. Are you sure it's not too much of a bother to load up, as i can come and pick it up sometime nearer, when i'm ready to install.
Many thanks.
In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice; In practice, there is.
Re: Poole Harbour, July 24th to Sunday 25th
Submitted by bill.millar on
It should be ok.
Re: Poole Harbour, July 24th to Sunday 25th
Submitted by bjorn.sjoling on
Details regarding prices at Poole YC
From: Mark Fulton
To: Bjorn..Sjoling
Cc: Lorna Whitehead
Sent: Wed, 21 July, 2010 10:01:48
Subject: Macgregor Rally 23/07/10 - 26/07/10
Dear Bjorn,
Just to get some clarity and give you costs:
1. Mike McNerney – arrive Friday 23/07 by road; temporary berth Friday, Sunday, Monday (poss. Saturday): fees due – 3 nights @£20.80 = £62.40, slip fee - £21.50, trailer storage - £10.00 Total: £93.90 (plus poss. £20.80 for extra day)
2. S. Hirde & B. Miller – Trailer storage - £10.00, 1 night - £20.80, slip fee - £21.50 Total due per boat £52.30 (possible extra nights @ £20.80 per night)
Please let me know if we should expect any more trailers/boats, I gather now that things have changed that no-one will be requiring meals?
Mark Fulton
General Manager
The Poole Yacht Club
Tel: 01202-672687
Fax: 01202-661174
Dear Mark
Thanks for the info. I shall pass that on.
As we are a reduced group I thought that if any feeding be required that it would fall in your 'a la carte' option of simply turning up in good time. If this is erroneous thought please let me know.
I shall post your details on the web-board so that any stragglers can contact you directly if that's ok.
Many thanks
Björn Sjöling B.Sc
In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice; In practice, there is.