2017 AGM


Thank you for a superb, as ever, MacGregor Sailor.

Caroline and I would like to book in for the Globe so can you or whoever volunteers to manage the bookings put us down for a double or twin, it doesn't matter which.

Thanks in advance

Simon Armitage

Sowenna 26M.


rick.jones's picture

Hi Simon - and anyone else

Hi Simon - and everyone else planning on coming to the AGM.:

Since the newsletter went to print it turns out that we couldn't get any bulk booking deal at the Globe.

Please would you all therefore arrange your own room bookings.

You can book directly at www.theglobewarwick.co.uk, no advance payment is taken, can be cancelled at no charge up to 2 days before.

There is a good selection of other accommodation in the vicinity as well.

Rick Jones (Treasurer), former 26X & 19 owner, Isle of Wight

Ah well. not to worry. I

Ah well. not to worry. I shall book the Globe anyway as it will only be a short walk 'home' after dinner.

Simon Armitage

Sowenna 26M

Hi everybody,

Hi everybody,

Sue and I will be arriving in Warwick on Friday and are staying at the Tilted Wig 11 Market Place. If anyone else is staying Friday night and wishes to meet up for a drink my mobile is:07850 181768 text or talk.

Nick Beeton

Navigation is a series of plots. In fog the plot thickens...

Apologies, I will not be able

Apologies, I will not be able to attend.

Pat Saddler

GladNick 26M

quentin.sands's picture

Nicola and I have booked into

Nicola and I have booked into the Rose and Crown for Saturday night. To paraphrase.....we are in blood stepped so deep that returneth were as tedious as go'er....

Quentin Sands (Editor)

1993 MacGregor 19, Margarita