Submitted by mike.mcnerney on
This is just a preliminary post to set up this event following agreement at the AGM.
The event organiser will post full details here as and when the planning progresses.
If you are interested in this event feel free to post your interest whenever you wish - it will help the organiser even if you are not a "definite"
Re: Firth of Clyde - date to be confirmed
Submitted by john.jennings on
Gail and John in Snowflake have made a diary note to attend this event subject to date which at this point is open.
Re: Firth of Clyde - date to be confirmed
Submitted by jim.rotheram on
I would be interested in the Clyde rally but would need a couple of months notice of dates
Jim Rotheram Pen Gwyn
Re: Firth of Clyde - date to be confirmed
Submitted by anneke.wallace on
Hi Folks
I'm not sure who the organiser of this trip is but I mentioned in a post somewhere else that I had a trip on my calender this year for a week sailing from Largs somewhere between 28th June and 13th July. I also suggested at the AGM that as my calendar was already very full this year, I would be willing to help or organise a rally on the Clyde next year with a bit longer notice. That said, if anybody wants to join me in July you are very welcome.
The aim of this trip was to do the Crinan canal as neither I nor one of my sailing friends had ever been through and it is supposed to be very beautiful. Depending on the weather we were going to have a leisurely sail and explore around the Kyles, or Arran or right up Loch Fyne before doing the canal. We would either leave the trailer and a car at the other end and drive home or leave the boat in a marina or mooring for another trip on the west in August. I live in Aberdeenshire.
Anybody interested in joining me for the Clyde part of the cruise could just carry on and go back to Largs where there is a good slip and very friendly staff. It is a wonderful cruising area and the facilities for mooring out and about seem to have proliferated since I was last based here. Nothing is set in stone yet and I have still to have a discussion with my two sailing companions.
Anneke Wallace
Rahui (Mac 26X)
Re: Firth of Clyde - date to be confirmed
Submitted by john.jennings on
So that this Clyde event this season does not get diluted I would consider tagging the Largs/Crinan trip onto the front or back as I intend to do both this season.
I visited Largs Haven Marina last week and was helped by a very friendly guy who showed me around the facilities which include a large boat yard where I wanted to park my car for a period while I underwent the RYA day Skipper Coarse from Largs (which starts this Sunday). I will enquire while there this weekend as to the facilities should an event be organised and post their response when I return home.
Tagging the two trips would of course mean both trips starting from the west coast which I would prefer living as I do in Galloway. john.jennings (Snowflake)
Re: Firth of Clyde - date to be confirmed
Submitted by rod.wassell on
hi John
Am laid up with 'flu but at least I get a chance to catch up on emails etc! Having just bought a Navionics set of charts for my iPad I have been nosing around the Clyde area - looks really good. would be great if you could put some flesh on the bones of the idea. does the Marina have a website?
Re: Firth of Clyde - date to be confirmed
Submitted by john.jennings on
Hello Rod I am not the event organiser but I have only today returned home from a week sailing the whole area and it is stunning highly recommended as a venue. There are also several choices for a starting point. The one I was at this week is ' Largs Yacht Haven' ( There is also Troon, Kip Marina and Ardrossan Marina. There are several more but these are the larger ones the are close to the Glyde if sailing around holy loch, Arran and the Kyles of Bute are what rocks your boat. It was great sailing and the views are breath-taking.
I have not enquired at any marina other than Largs who were very accommodating. Hope this helps. John
Re: Firth of Clyde - date to be confirmed
Submitted by anneke.wallace on
John Jennings and I have had a long conversation tonight about the proposal to sail on the Clyde. Basically we are going with my original plan which is to launch at Largs marina , where there is a good slip and parking and to set off on Sunday 28th June for a leisurely cruise exploring the area. There are many possibilities and it will depend on wind and weather where we go. John and Gail are fairly new to the Macgregor and are looking forward to some company to help them along. Both boats intend to go up up Loch Fyne and enter the Crinan canal later that week with Rahui staying on the west and Snowflake making her way back down to eventually finish at Largs.
Anyone else interested who did not want to do the Canal can either join us on Sunday for the first part and further explore the Clyde ie Holy Loch or Loch Long, Loch Goil and return back to Largs. Or, join the Jennings (Snowflake) before the 28th June as they may come north earlier to launch and sail here.
The Clyde is a lovely, relatively sheltered area to sail with many little anchorages, marinas and mooring bouys.
Pilotbooks: Imray Yachtman's pilot Clyde to Colonsay
Charts: Imray 2000 series - 2900 The Upper Clyde
I'm sorry this is a rather vague proposal but my cruise had already been agreed with my crew some time back. I will look up the cost of launching, canal licence etc and post more detail at a later date.
Anneke Wallace, Rahui 26X
Re: Firth of Clyde - date to be confirmed
Submitted by john.jennings on
Thank you Anneke for the very informative chat last evening. Gail and I intend launching at Largs a week earlier say 20th June for anyone that wishes to join us. The Crinan fee is at the present time under review as the authorities decide on whether the trip should be accompanied. Hope to meet lots of Macs for our first rally. Gail and John (Snowflake)
Re: Firth of Clyde - date to be confirmed
Submitted by john.jennings on
Ok so far interest has been shown from: Anneke Wallace; Gail and John Jennings; Jim Rotheram; David Robbens; Quentin Sands; Dennis Bolt; Rod Wassell; John and Jean Hollows. That's going to make quite a gathering if all attend. I am attempting to put together an article for Liz and issue 89 of MacGregor Sailor to attract even more of those interesting folk I met at the AGM! John.Jennings (Snowflake)
Re: Firth of Clyde - date to be confirmed
Submitted by gerard.cairney on
My boat is on the hard' in Largs and I will be using a friends berth for a couple of weeks. I will be taking her back up to Plockton (sea or road; not sure) after that but put me down provisionally.
Gerard Cairney 'Oran na Mara' 26M
Gerard ~ Oran na Mara ~ M26
Re: Firth of Clyde - date to be confirmed
Submitted by john.jennings on
Welcome aboard keep an eye out for the article in the next mag and I will be keeping all up to date on this forum. Many thanks. If you are moored at Largs I am intending to visit on 17th to do the VHF exam. Might see you there? John
Re: Firth of Clyde - date to be confirmed
Submitted by dennis.bolt on
I would be interested although the dates mentioned 28/6 - 13/7 aren't good for me.
Re: Firth of Clyde - date to be confirmed
Submitted by patrick.saddler on
I too would love to join in but have already got other plans in place for those dates. Let us know how you get on through this forum and/or the magazine. It might become a regular event for those of us hardy types in the north.
Pat Saddler
Re: Firth of Clyde - date to be confirmed
Submitted by john.jennings on
Sorry Dennis those are the dates for this one but there will be others I feel sure of it. We will get to meet some time!!! ;) John (Snowflake)
Re: Firth of Clyde - date to be confirmed
Submitted by john.jennings on
I am sure you are correct Pat there are certainly enough people in the north for there to be much more going on!! Many thanks for your interest. Stay in touch. John Jennings (snowflake)
Re: Firth of Clyde - date to be confirmed
Submitted by john-jean.hollows on
We might be able to make the Firth of Clyde trip are you waiting for weather forecast before confirming dates
Re: Firth of Clyde - date to be confirmed
Submitted by anneke.wallace on
Hello John and Jean.
My start date is fixed around the 28th June as my guest crew cannot come earlier and we will finish the week at Croabh Haven marina via the Crinnan canal but I think John Jennings is planning to sail in the Largs area from 20th June. Of course if it is really stormy we would delay a day to let it pass but the week is set. It would be great if could come.
I will try and take Rahui to Largs in the beginning of June for some work to be done and a shake down cruise and for that I will wait for a weather forecast.
Re: Firth of Clyde - date to be confirmed
Submitted by jim.rotheram on
Hi Anneke
The 28/06 would be good for me. I could launch at Largs anytime around that date. Would that fit with your itinerary?
Jim Rotheram, Pen Gwyn
Re: Firth of Clyde - date to be confirmed
Submitted by anneke.wallace on
Hi Jim and others
Jim, that sounds good and fits in with my itinery. I am gathering some more detailed information and would like to get a list of email addresses and Tel/mobile numbers for those committed to coming so we can communicate in a more direct way and send round attachments of relevant information. So anybody definitely coming please email or PM me with your details. Also please let me know if you intend to just sail in the Clyde area or come with us after a few days up the Crinan canal. If staying on the Clyde and are new to the area we can sit with the charts and suggest some places to go.
The canal trip is quite costly but it is apparently a very scenic trip. It is an assisted passage this year so hopefully the really hard work is reduced but at a cost . Rough calculation for a Macgregor: 4 night Transit licence £127.60. Return Transit: £99.52. Harbour licence for Ardishaig basin £18
No Boat safety certificate required for a Transit but there may be spot checks on safety issues, gas etc.
Tides - There are tides on the Clyde but not so much that any passage becomes impossible, especially with the Magregor power capacity. They will have an effect on sea state in very windy conditions in some parts.
On the West coast, if you decide to spend a few days sailing from Crinan before returning to Largs, tides play a far greater part and are stronger, with tide races and overfalls to take into account especially in places like the 'Doris Mohr' on the way to Croabh haven.
Largs Marina costs: Overnight berth £3 /m, Hard standing 62p/m/day.
Use of slip, self use £11 with tractor assistance £40 ( tractor can pull out at lower state of tide)
Look forward to hearing from you all
Anneke Wallace (Rahui 26X)
Re: Firth of Clyde - date to be confirmed
Submitted by dennis.bolt on
I could join you for a couple of days but have to be home by evening of 30th, (home is mooring in Lochgoil) so wouldn't be coming through the canal.
Living in the area means I'm pretty familiar with it.
Particularly if you're going through the canal, don't forget insect repellent. The midgies will be vicious by then. We expect them to arrive by the end of this week.
Re: Firth of Clyde - date to be confirmed
Submitted by anneke.wallace on
That's great Dennis, I look forward to meeting you. I will mind about the midges. This trip was a promise to a fiend who could not manage any other time but I have nets from my Croatia cruises just hope the holes are small enough! I will let you know more when I get confirmation from others but I will have the boat at Largs from early June I hope and will arrive for the rally on 27th June.
Re: Firth of Clyde - date to be confirmed
Submitted by jim.rotheram on
Hi Anneke, John and others planning to join the Clyde rally.
I had intended to sail the Clyde area rather than do The Crinan Canal.
Are there any other boats planning just to sail the Clyde? Apart from Anneke the posts seem to be a bit hazy on dates. The weather may be an issue but I am fairly flexible after 20/06 and would enjoy the company of other Mac-ers.
Some clarity on this would be much appreciated.
Jim Rotheram, Pen Gwyn
Re: Firth of Clyde - date to be confirmed
Submitted by john.jennings on
Jim the core date is 27th June. I intend remaining in the Clyde area Anneke has said she will be going up the Crinan but that's where we will turn back to tour the bays and Islands in the Firth of Clyde.Hope this helps.
Re: Firth of Clyde - date to be confirmed
Submitted by dennis.bolt on
I'm around from 24th till 30th. I'm moored in Lochgoil and flexible. All depends on the weather.
Contact me direct.
Re: Firth of Clyde - date to be confirmed
Submitted by jim.rotheram on
Hi Dennis and John
I should like to come up to Largs around the 24/06.
Do we know which boats will be around then?
Also does any body have any thoughts on an itinerary?
Re: Firth of Clyde - date to be confirmed
Submitted by dennis.bolt on
Did you get my private message?
Re: Firth of Clyde - date to be confirmed
Submitted by john.jennings on
Jim Gail and I could be at Largs for the 24th if you like. As to tannery I there is a meal planned at Largs in the evening on the 27th when its planed to discuss stops. Gail and I, being new to al of this, are happy to fall in with the group. With Anneke being the experienced one she is taking the lead on the event while Gail and I are happy to trail along and learn. Hope this helps. John (Snowflake) Having said all this we still haven't managed to sail her yet with high NW's at Stranraer where we have berthed her temporarily. Looking forward though to the meeting in June even if Gail and I have to stick to the Largs area due to lack of experience.
Re: Firth of Clyde - date to be confirmed
Submitted by dennis.bolt on
Here's some basic Info. on Clyde if you haven't been before.
Places to go from Largs so you can look at the map and think about it.
Not in any order of priority or interest.
Nearest is Millport on the Cumbraes. There are a goodly number of visitors' moorings and you can anchor in the bay to the east of the moorings by the beach.
There's not a lot in Millport but it's a pleasant enough wee place on a nice day. The mooring can be a bit bumpy overnight if the wind is from the south sector. Make sure you check your chart for the rocks on the way in.
Down the Coast is Ardrossan. The town's not worth visiting but the marina is good with a good restaurant. There's an Asda supermarket close by with a petrol station. Beware approaching the Marina from the north that you don't turn in too early after passing the rocks. There are more just below the surface. You need to approach from South West (check chart for correct
line) Also watch out for traffic lights for ferry. Don't enter or leave if lights are red.
Farther down the coast is Troon Marina. You can get petrol there and there is a very nice restaurant. Also town is close and has everything you could expect from a small town.
To the north of Largs is Inverkip. Nice marina with restaurant I'm not sure if they do petrol. There's a reasonable pub/restaurant in the village.
Rhu is farther north up the gairloch. If you sail faerther up the loch stay away from the submarine base at Faslane or the police boat will chase you. There's not much near the marina, a pub but wasn't all that good when I was last in it. Helensburgh with everything you might want is just a short taxi ride away.
At the bottom of loch long is the Holy Loch with OK Marina and Petrol.
Fairly grotty pub there but Dunoon is a short taxi ride away.
Loch Long- Takes you to Arrochar and Lochgoil. Stay well west of the nuclear weapons loading facility at coulport or again the police will chase you. Personally I wouldn't go all the way up to Arrochar. It's a long boring trip and not much at the top when you get there. I don't know where
you might moor. LochGoilhead is worth the trip (where I live). There are
visitors moorings and pub/restaurants and small shop. Pub resataurant is always open but other two cosed Mon Tue sometimes Wed.
If you're sailing in the narrow lochs the wind tends to blow straight up or straight down them. It can also be very gusty under some weather conditions.
Rothesay on Bute has marina. Go into the inner harbour as it can sometimes be bumpy in the outer harbour overnight. Facilities are in the old Victorian toilets at the harbour. Worth seeing if you haven't been there before. No petrol, at harbour but petrol station not too far away.
Rothesay is not my favourite place. Stuck in the past with not much going for it. The ferry leaving wakens you up early in the morning. Also pay attention to the traffic lights for the ferry on entering and leaving.
Don't enter if they are red.
A little farther north is Port Bannatyne a small but nice marina. Not much there but there is a cafe and pub and restaurant. i would check for a place in the marina in advance also reservation in restaurant if you what to do that.
Farther up the Kyles of Bute is Colintraive. The hotel there has moorings you can stay on for free if you use the hotel, even if only for a drink but they do really good meals and it's a nice place to spend an evening. Thet also have showers you can use in the morning. Not surprisingly it can be busy on the moorings so best to get there early. Nearby there is a sculpture park (Not open every day). It's a bit unusual and a pleasant place to spend a couple of hours on a nice day.
Be careful at the burnt islands after Colintraive. Check the bouyage direction on your map. Farther up the Kyle is Tighnabruich and again you can moor at the Royal Hotel if you use the pub. Very good, if a bit pricey, restaurant.
Around the corner into Loch Fyne is Portavadie. Big new marina with petrol a very nice restaurant - and a bistro now, I think. You can get a ferry across to Tarbert, however there is also a new marina at Tarbert. Pubs, restaurants shops there but NO petrol station at Marina or in town. Loch Fyne is good to sail in. You could go on up to the start of the Crinan but if you're not going into the canal you'd have to come back down to Tarbert or Portavadie to berth for the night. Beyond the Crinan it's a" long way to Inverary" and beyond with nothing in the way of facilities that I'm aware of. I haven't been up that way by boat.
Of all these places, The Kyles of Bute are a must. It's very nice there.
All the places I've mentioned are within a few hours of Largs with the Mac's big engine.
Re: Firth of Clyde - date to be confirmed
Submitted by john.jennings on
A great guided tour Dennis, There is also further information on the Largs Haven Marina Web Site along with details of mooring fees and offers by logging on to:-
Summer Visitor Berthing Offer
Facilities at Largs
We're delighted to introduce our SUMMER SPECIAL visitor offer.
This offer is applicable throughout the year and is perfect if you want to use Largs Yacht Haven as your base whilst you explore the stunning local cruising destinations. Sheltered by the islands of Cumbrae and Arran, our marina has all the facilities you might need including a well-stocked chandlery, bar and restaurant, cash machine, laundry and luxury washrooms.
Navigating to Largs Yacht Haven by road, rail and sea is very simple. Look at our guide to finding the marina.
The staff at the marina are very helpful if you give them a telephone call they will explain how they have a large parking facility for cars with trailers and also an inexpensive tractor launching facility if needed. Launching at Largs represents no challenge and the long stay parking is secure from my experience. John.Jennings (Snowflake)
Re: Firth of Clyde - date to be confirmed
Submitted by john-jean.hollows on
Just a quick note
Our plans are not to have a plan , just a fews options. One would be to go through Crinan Canal and down into Loch Sween as I did this trip about 20 years ago. Two would be to stay in the Clyde. Three would be to stay at home. But it would be good to meet up at Largs to go through the options when we know the weather forecast and what other people's plans are. e.g. Our plans for this bank holiday week was to sail round Mull but still at home as the weather dose not look good, so waiting for a better weather forecast.
Spoke to Largs Yacht Haven about launching and parking. £11 to launch which includes car and trailer parking and showers,They asked if we would let them know how many boats there might be.
John & Jean Hollows
Re: Firth of Clyde - date to be confirmed
Submitted by jim.rotheram on
Hi Dennis, John and Gail and John and Jean,
Very encouraging emails and itinerary ideas. I did send Dennis a private email but it doesn't seem to have arrived and I haven't received any private ones. I'm going to work on arriving at Largs on 23/06. As always in this part of the world, plans are weather dependent but I think we have to be optimistic at this time of year. I've had some great rally's on the Solent and I'm really looking forward to exploring the Clyde. I'll keep an eye on the weather and hope to see you on the 23/24th of June.
Jim Rotheram Pen Gwyn
Re: Firth of Clyde - date to be confirmed
Submitted by dennis.bolt on
I got your private message but you obviously didn't get my response.
My private email is
Re: Firth of Clyde - date to be confirmed
Submitted by anneke.wallace on
Hi All
I have just had a skim through the latest posts, which look very encouraging. Thanks Dennis for an informative list of mooring facilities. I agree the Kyles are a must and just want to add that there are some lovely lunch stop anchorages on the west side of Bute. Also that Otter ferry, up Loch Fyne, north of Tarbert has moorings and a pub and Restaurant on the beach.
I have just waved goodbye to 20 Austin 7 cars after a rally I hosted here but will get back to Macgregors as soon as possible. I am planning to come to Largs for a few days to launch next weekend but probably not much time to sail. Will study all your posts shortly.
Re: Firth of Clyde - date to be confirmed
Submitted by john.jennings on
The sad news is that with the terrible wind conditions here in SW Scotland, Gail and I are yet to take our inaugural practice sail in Snowflake. Fingers crossed. I have consequently had to cancel my planned trip this weekend from the Machers (Garlieston) to the Isle Of Man (TT). Fingers crossed. :?
Re: Firth of Clyde - date to be confirmed
Submitted by patrick.saddler on
Is there room for one more?
My original plans for the end of June have fallen through so now I can bring GladNick along with my son as crew.
I should be able to be in Largs on the morning of Saturday 27th.
Do I need to contact the marina to arrange a visitors berth if we are staying around for several days?
Pat Saddler
Re: Firth of Clyde - date to be confirmed
Submitted by john.jennings on
Welcome aboard Pat. It would help you to get in touch with Then you can explain that you are with the Macgregor group and can then discuss the discounts and launching. The group are meeting up in the evening of Saturday 27th for a meal and discussion around planning stops. See you there. Anneke is the lead on this and will no doubt be posting a time and venue. John Jennings
Re: Firth of Clyde - date to be confirmed
Submitted by john.jennings on
Hi Anneke and all Mac's that are joining the Clyde event this year. We got out yesterday, finally in the relatively sheltered Loch Ryan for our first try at sailing Snowflake! We managed half an hour under a jib only and slow motoring but with gusting winds again we gave up to simply drifting and fishing, then back to Stranraer Marina (where we are now moored) under engine power.
The horrid weather has been a real pain so far this whole year and sadly has left Gail and I with absolutely no experience at all of sailing the Mac ‘M’.
The safe conclusion to this is obvious. It would be foolhardy to risk sailing Snowflake around the Clyde islands this year, (perhaps in hindsight a tad over ambitious too). With fair weather we hope to get some sailing hours of experience in the safer waters of Loch Ryan for the remainder of this season and will hope for better opportunities next year. We bitterly regret missing the event and meeting and learning from our fellow Mac users but hey, what price safety. Heres to fair winds and best wishes. Gail and John Jennings (Snowflake)
Re: Firth of Clyde - date to be confirmed
Submitted by jim.rotheram on
Just catching up on posts after some computer probs.
It looks as though everyone is planning to meet up at Largs on 27/06.
I mistakenly thought we were meeting on the 23/06. Its not a problem for me
as I am free over both weeks. I will probably travel up on the 26/06. Does that fit
with everyone's plans? I'm still not clear on how arrangements are being finalised.
Jim Rotheram Pen Gwyn.
Re: Firth of Clyde - date to be confirmed
Submitted by anneke.wallace on
Hi All
I would like to just summarise who is planning on coming and what has been discussed on this thread.
Jim Rotheram - Pen Gwyn
Dennis Bolt, ( only available till 30th June )
John and Jean Hollows,
Patrick Saddler,
Gerard Cairney ?
Anneke Wallace, Johny Johnson and Joke Wardle - Rahui
(John Jennings has now sadly withdrawn)
I did send earlier a PM/email to those interested requesting an email address and tel/mobile number so we can communicate better between ourselves . My email
It looks like most of those who have shown interest can arrive on 27th June to set off on 28th June so this is what should be the start of the itinary. I had suggested it would be good to arrange a meal together at Largs Marina, which I will book if you send me a confirmation email. We can have a discussion then exactly where everyone wants to go having seen the latest forecast.
There are enough boats to sail in company on the Clyde even after Rahui leaves to go up the Crinnan canal.
It was suggested that some people could come to Largs earlier and this is still possible. I will leave Rahui at Largs from Wednesday 10th June and will probably be there to sail from 24th June until my crew arrives 27th June.
Please email me a confirmation of your planned arrival and your contact details so I can inform the Marina what is happening. However if you need a berth for a longer period it is best to contact them yourselves.
Look forward to meeting you all.
I look forward
Re: Firth of Clyde - date to be confirmed
Submitted by dennis.bolt on
I'm in France at the moment and will contact you when I am home. I just ran into the Morbihan sail. We were walking along the river at Auray when I saw a Mac then another and another (Hera, Aranah and a nameless one) also Humbug. I discovered that David, who I was on Clyde sail with 7 years ago is a friend of one of my neighbours. A small world!!
Re: Firth of Clyde - date to be confirmed
Submitted by john.jennings on
Sorry to disappoint all the Macers coming to Largs later in the month .We have decided we are selling snowflake which is hardly used. We have decided we have come to sailing too late in life and so with some regret we are letting our boat go hopefully to someone in the association though it will be advertised elsewhere. We are looking to recoup costs only by selling at £16,500. She is a very clean example that was used by her first owner from 2006 to 2014 on the river Thames. We have used her half a dozen times on Loch Ryan out of Stranraer Marina. I can tow her to The Lakes if that helps the purchaser. If interested call me on 01988 840741 or email
Re: Firth of Clyde - date to be confirmed
Submitted by anneke.wallace on
I am leaving for Largs this Wednesday and so far I have had two confirmations for arrivals in Largs from Jim Rotheram ( email) and Patrick Saddler ( on this forum) and have contact with Dennis Bolt. John and Jean Hollows could you possibly give me some indication if your plans include coming to Largs and in case my earlier email to you all did not arrive here is my private address
. If you would like to eat with us on Saturday evening I must book as it gets very busy. I will send another round robin email with my home and mobile number.
After launching, the Largs Marina has allocated us all a berth on 'P' pontoon where there are no specific berths but we moor alongside the pontoon just round the corner from the slipway. If there is anyone I have missed out there still interested to come, Please contact me.
Anneke Wallace 'Rahui' 26X
Re: Firth of Clyde - date to be confirmed
Submitted by quentin.sands on
Anneke's first task as the 'gatherer' of this event was to appoint a Rally Scribe and that ended up being me - I passed a late fitness test on my brand new hip which allowed me to be passenger/crew for Jim Rotheram on Pen Gwyn. Jim allowed me a stick but forbade me to bring a parrot. I thought a brief note now, before the fuller account in the magazine, might be of interest to some. Four boats met on the Saturday (2Ms and 2 Xs) but there were several other Macs - maybe three - who were resident in Largs and who said hello including the very jolly Gerard who is having his X moored in Plockton and offered an open invitation to all.
Day one took us up to Port Bannatyne where we had fun in the Russia Hotel - we just about got everyone out alive. Day two took us around the Kyles to Tarbert - drinks aboard Rahui. Day 3 was a day off - it was just very blowy and we just didn't fancy it - although Pat Saddler and son Mark on Glad Nick returned to Largs - which was part of their plan and no reflection on the company. That night we socialised on John and Jean's immaculate Lady J and the whisky was good. The next day all three boats headed up Loch Fyne and at lunchtime Rahui and Lady J disappeared up the Crinan canal. Jim and I meandered up to Loch Gair where we rested before a night/day sail back to Largs. Anneke tells me she and her crew sailed serenely through the Crinan and then through a benign Dorus Mohrp and then a lovely sail on Seil Sound and Loch Melford before returning to Craobh where they were runited with Lady J. Everyone home safe and sound.
Thank you Anneke for playing the leading role - experience was gained and good fun was had by all.
Quentin Sands (Editor)
1993 MacGregor 19, Margarita
Re: Firth of Clyde - date to be confirmed
Submitted by quentin.sands on
Quentin Sands (Editor)
1993 MacGregor 19, Margarita