Online AGM - part 1

rick.jones's picture

Original forum: 

  • AGMs

Following the inevitable cancellation of the regular AGM, we have been working on alternative arrangements.

The most important thing is the formal election of officers to the committee, which will be done via this forum thread - see below.

We also intend to set up an online meeting which will enable all members with Internet access (using phone, tablet, laptop, or desktop) to participate. This will allow us to chat about all the other stuff we discuss at AGMs, and should be fun! We need to organise the technology first, but will announce a date and time for the meeting as soon as possible in another forum message. So keep an eye on those notifications of forum messages in your email!

So for now, we must deal with the election of officers. As usual, there is only one nomination for each position, but we need to have the members' approval of the appointments. Here are the nominations:

  • Commodore: Simon Armitage​
  • Vice-commodore: John Pompei
  • Secretary: Roly Simpson
  • Treasurer: Rick Jones
  • Editor: Quentin Sands
  • Webmaster: Rick Jones

Dave Newton, who was elected as "additional committee member" in 2018, is standing down. He is still happy as always to offer his (impressive) technical skills for the benefit of members, but prefers not to be a member of the committee.

Please indicate your vote by replying to this thread. If you support all the nominations just state "in favour of all". If you disagree with any nomination, please state "against position" (e.g. if you object to me being treasurer state "against treasurer"). If this is the case you may, if you wish, explain your reasons.

To abide by the rules and the conditions for a quorum, we need a majority in favour from at least eleven votes to appoint the committee.

Please post your votes, and we look forward to seeing you at a live online meeting in the near future.

Also note that because these meeting forums are for members only, you will always need to login to the web site to view the content - as you have done to read this.

Rick Jones (Treasurer), former 26X & 19 owner, Isle of Wight


chris.hawksworth's picture

In favour of all

In favour of all


'89 Macgregor 26D: Getaway

In favour of all. 

In favour of all.

And very appreciative of all the work you, the commuter members and Dave Newton have down over the past year.

thank you

Ann & Keith

Star 26M

david.claassen's picture

In favour of all....with my

In favour of all....with my profound thanks and appreciation

David Claassen

"Logan's Run"

2006 26M

In favour of all

In favour of all

In favour of all.

In favour of all.

John Richardson 'Sonny' 26M

In favour of all

In favour of all

In favour of all.

In favour of all.

Bob Norrish


In favour of all, and thanks

In favour of all, and thanks for all you do!

David & Paula Bayliss (Marmite 26X)

In favour of all, with much

In favour of all, with much appreciation.

Robert Perrett (Breezer 26M)

In favour of all.

In favour of all.

In favour of all.

In favour of all.

David Kirk
26X Glissando
Dumfriesshire, Scotland

In favour of all

In favour of all

Also a big thanks to all the members whose information on the forums has been invaluable to us over the last 3 years

Aquila 26X 1914

In favour of all.

In favour of all.

Brilliant job.

Miriam and Jonathan

In favour of all.  Well done

In favour of all. Well done everyone, keep safe.

Pat Saddler

GladNick 26M

Obviously I cannot vote for

Obviously I cannot vote for myself but am totally in favour of the rest of my colleagues.

Simon Armitage

In favour of all.

In favour of all.

J Pot

john.pompei's picture

As per Simon but I vote in

As per Simon but I vote in favour of the rst of those standing.


In favour of all  

In favour of all

Stephen and Julia

Macgregor 26x (2003)

duncan.cairney's picture

In favour of all

In favour of all


tom.obrien's picture

In favour of all

In favour of all

In favour of all

In favour of all

In favour of all.

In favour of all.


Martin & Lena

In favour of all 

In favour of all

Rod and Jill

In favour of all

In favour of all

keep up the good work - its appreciated.

Mike & Dot Clarke - Tarka 26M

In favour of all

In favour of all



quentin.sands's picture

Aye, aye to all appointments.

Aye, aye to all appointments.

Quentin Sands (Editor)

1993 MacGregor 19, Margarita 

In favour of all. 

In favour of all.

Many thanks, chaps.

Stu x

rick.jones's picture

Thanks everyone, and for your

Thanks everyone, and for your confidence in the committee. Including my own vote, which I'm registering now as "in favour of all", we have 29 votes in favour and none against, so I declare all the nominees duly elected.

The real AGM was scheduled to take place tomorrow afternoon, and just in time we've decided to hold an online meeting using the very popular "Zoom" service tomorrow at 3pm. See the separate thread announcing the meeting, which contains all the joining details.

Rick Jones (Treasurer), former 26X & 19 owner, Isle of Wight

Thanks Rick for organising

Thanks Rick for organising this . I hope a good number will be able to join in and have a fun and useful discussion . I shall plan to be on Aranah if my WIFI extends that far ! ,which Im not sure it does, bother.


john.pompei's picture

Yes Thanks Rick.

Yes Thanks Rick.


If your Wi-Fi doesn't reach the boat you may be able to "piggy back" your phone's personal hotspot.

See you tomorrow at 15:00


In favour of all

In favour of all

Marc Lodewyckx 26M Mateva

How are you getting past the

How are you getting past the 40 minute duration for zoom Rick?


rick.jones's picture

"How are you getting past the

"How are you getting past the 40 minute duration for zoom?"

Simple - pay for a month's subscription! It's actually a lot less than we would have spent on the physical meeting.

Details of the meeting are in the forum post "Online AGM - part 2", and I've also sent a direct email to all members with the same info.

Rick Jones (Treasurer), former 26X & 19 owner, Isle of Wight


In the absence of any vote rigging bribes I'll support the Rotten Borough too


(I think we should get rid of democracy. All in favour raise your hand!)

Dave Newton Sailbadthesinner

In Favour of all, With many

In Favour of all, With many thanks.

peter cullender, Helena Rose. 26M.