Submitted by roly.simpson on
This year , rather than wait till the AGM to produce a list of events that people can sign up to or comment , wehave decided to encourgae discussion and debate about the various proposals that will be published ion the magazine that is immenent and any subsequent ideas . In this way we hope that ideas will have had a good airing with an idea of best timing and the level of interest among ALL members , not just those that can attend the AGM.
Please dont feel you have top volunteer to run a rally but to be a "go-er" it will require someone to quickly declare that they would be prepared to be coordinator /co-conspirator ( oops , slip or the keyboard there).
Re: Discussion of possible events
Submitted by colin.winter on
Hi Roly,
I wonder if John Denman might be willing to help organise a trip based around the Arun as it is his local port. I think this could suit a range of members as those who do not want a long sea passage could launch and recover in the river while a trip from either the Solent or Chichester Harbour could be a possibility.
If there are no other volunteers I would be happy to come up with some plans for a Channel Isles trip as this area has been home waters for me for a few years and whilst the reputation of the area can be fierce the reality is just fine with careful planning.
Re: Discussion of possible events
Submitted by tony.wright on
not on the agenda but my suggestion would be brittany, so we will go for 3 weeks in may 4th. however, wuold love to do the caledonian canal sometime in Aug/sept? failing that will will try to catch the late venue wherever that may be?
an anside, been reading all the old magazines, great reading and am impressed at the jaunts a lot of people have been on (thumbup!)
Re: Discussion of possible events
Submitted by roly.simpson on
Brittany is good Tony, as you know weve had rallies to the Morbihan area a few times and might be due again since weve gone more or less alternate years. Do I gather that you have a fixed departure of 4th May ? An alternative trip from the French coast that has been suggested tthis year has been to explore the Channel Islands would you be up for that?
Not sure about dates yet. Early May is a bit early for me , since I have teaching commitments till at least late May.
In the future I hope to sail all along the coast down to Bordeaux and then do the canal du midi...but I may have to retire first!
Re: Discussion of possible events
Submitted by tony.wright on
Hi, yes, the 4th is kind of confirmed. I want to tick the brittant box anyway although channel islands sounds good too. Yes, I hope to sail to brittany one day, and many others too. six month sabbatical might be on the cards!
Re: Discussion of possible events
Submitted by roly.simpson on
I am wondering if we have any definate proposed date for the suggested Liverpool city visit suggested by Mike. Was it for Easter or one of the May Bank Holidays?
Im just wanting to kick off a bit more discuission. I was also interested to do upper reaches of the Thames sometime , similar to the trip Adrian described in a back issue last year/yr before. I might manage to get Ros on a river trip but not likely for any other trips this yr .
I will be up for a week in Chanel Islnads in late May/June or even start at La Trinite and proceed along the coast.
Later in year a week in a either Solent or West Country ...or 5 days in each would be good. Plymouth is a good safe sailng venue with easy access.
Finally , perahps a week on the Broads in September.....unless there is keen interest eaarlier in yr from those w children.
Re: Discussion of possible events
Submitted by colin.winter on
I am working on a passage plan based on tides for the late May bank holiday week centred on the Channel Isles. Will post some ideas on the forum soon. If this however clashes with another plan then it will not be difficult to change the dates. The end of May is generally a good time for the area as statistically there is less chance of fog at this time of year. I am suggesting Carteret for those who would prefer to come by ferry to Cherbourg as it seems to have plenty of parking and a good concrete launching ramp.i sailed there last September and although it is only a small place it has a choice of places to eat and 2 chandlers. If sailing across the Channel arriving at the start of the Alderney Race (HW Dover) will see an entrance into Carteret on a rising tide. My suggestion is for a circular route taking in Sark, Guernsey, Jersey, and one other French port St Malo ? Or perhaps Granville finishing up at Carteret.
Re: Discussion of possible events
Submitted by roly.simpson on
that sounds interesting Colin. I am keen to try and join that . Can you land on Sark ?
Good to try to avoid the fog, I recall being in fog between Alderney and Cherbourg a number of yrs ago....v thick.
I will be happy to arrange a south coast rally , early to mid July for a week , perhaps starting from Chichester to explore eastern Solent and perhaps around Selsey Bill.
Re: Discussion of possible events
Submitted by colin.winter on
Sark has some good anchorages but they are not all that comfortable in a south westerly. The Macgregors could however dry out in the harbour subject to space. If the weather does not suit then Guernsey is only an hour away in a MacGregor or Jersey not much more under power or 4 - 5 hours sailing. Nice cheap duty free petrol in Jersey for boats - about 80p a litre last time I bought some.
Re: Discussion of possible events
Submitted by bill.millar on
Suggestion for an Easter cruise.
Kennet & Avon Canal and Avon River from Bradford-on-Avon to Bath & Bristol.
Friday 29th March: Launch at Bradford-on-Avon Marina where there is a suitable slipway plus storage for cars and trailers. Departing that afternoon down the canal for a distance of about 13 miles to Bath for overnight.
Saturday 30th March: morning free in Bath. Afternoon cruise 8 miles and 7 locks to Bristol for overnight.
Sunday 31st March: morning free in Bristol. Afternoon cruise back through Bath to overnight at Bathampton.
Monday 1st April: morning return to Bradford Marina for recovery and drive home.
Total distance about 42 miles. Cruising time according to recommended guide about 16 hours including locks.
Bill & Jean
Avocet 26X
Re: Discussion of possible events
Submitted by bill.millar on
Suggestion for Summer cruise
Up the Seine to Paris.
Leave the mast at home and cruise on the canalised section of the River Seine from above Rouen hopefully to Paris.
No dates yet decided, although sometime between 11th & 20th June would suit some owners.
Ferry crossing of the channel . Caen, Le Havre or Dieppe probably the nearest ports. We have considered launching at Le Havre and boating upstream, but it’s a voyage of 110 km to Rouen on a boring bit of river with nowhere to stop on the way and has to be done on the incoming tide and in daylight. The return is even more problematic with tide. All difficult to plan date-wise and very expensive in terms of fuel.
Therefore we propose to launch at Muids, 60km on the river above Rouen and 184km from Paris. This site has yet to be checked for suitability, but appears to be satisfactory. Speed limit on this section is 20km/hr and whist we might not cruise at this speed it should be possible to reach Paris in 2-3 days (there appear to be only 3 big locks to negotiate on the way). A day or two in Gay Paree should be enjoyable before the return to Muids, all depending on time available.
Bill & Jean
Avocet 26X
Re: Discussion of possible events
Submitted by bill.millar on
Suggestion for September cruise
Kiel & the Baltic
Many years ago we sailed north from Kiel to some lovely ports and islands on the east coast of Jutland. In September we propose to return to what the Pilot book suggests is one of the great cruising grounds in the world and we would be delighted if any Mac owners would like to join us.
Plan is to take the ferry from Harwich to Esbjerg and then drive about 60 miles to launch at Fredericia which is an ideal centre for cruising in the area. Lots of pleasant harbours, Danish food, reportedly cheaper mooring charges, little tide, eyeball navigation, sheltered waters.
No fixed dates yet, but 2nd and 3rd week in September appeal at the moment. DFDS Ferries offer free travel for caravans in September, but have yet to be persuaded that a Mac on a trailer is equal to a caravan!
Bill & Jean
Avocet 26X
Re: Discussion of possible events
Submitted by liz.healey on
We would be interested in the Kennet and Avon trip - perhaps discuss at AGM?
East Solent Rally
Submitted by john.richardson on
Hi Roly,
Re the AGM discussion on proposed East Solent rally Sat 25th May 2013. Myself and Bob Farmer (both in 'Sonny') are up for this one.
Regards, John Richardson
Re: Discussion of possible events
Submitted by mike.mcnerney on
Please note this thread is now closed - this was a discussion on POSSIBLE events.
Please see the separate posts for each individual actual event (under Rallies, 2013)