Submitted by rick.jones on

Colin Winter has offered to host an event on the East coast, probably around the Orwell. This is where we held the very successful 21st anniversary bash in 2012, and the sailing is excellent. Here's Colin's comment:
I would be happy to host an east coast event perhaps on the Orwell or other suitable area if there is an interest. Early season before July would be best as I am heading for the Channel Isles in July.
Mid-June would probably be best then, any suggestions for a more specific date? If you're interested, would you be looking for a week, or just a weekend? Let us know.
Rick Jones (Treasurer), former 26X & 19 owner, Isle of Wight
Merry Christmas, everyone.
Submitted by simon.armitage on
Merry Christmas, everyone.
I am interested in this East Coast rally. I am based at Bradwell on the River Blackwater and need to get out more.
It is a bit early to be definite but a long weekend in June suits me at the minute.
Are you sailing a Mac to the Channel Islands, Colin?
Simon Armitage
Sowenna 26M
Tai Tai is berthed at Suffolk
Submitted by graham.kill on
Tai Tai is berthed at Suffolk Yacht Harbour on the Orwell. If available I am most definitely in.
Hi All,
Submitted by andrew.widger on
Hi All,
I am based at brightlingsea and would love to join in.
A 4 day weekend would suit me
Submitted by graham.kill on
A 4 day weekend would suit me in June.
Submitted by david.claassen on
I would be available after 16 June and would be interested in this event. I usually base on the Orwell and usually berth at Woolverstone Marina. It is a bit more expensive, but I really like their slipway, although it is tidal. The slipway at Suffolk Yacht Harbour is nice, but really steep. Do they ever let us use the other slipway? I have also been thinking of using Shotley Gate Marina if going out coastal cruising as it avoids all the river traffic.
Logan's Run
David Claassen
"Logan's Run"
2006 26M
Hi David,
Submitted by graham.kill on
Hi David,
I know you found SYH's slip steep that time you and I went out. I do not use the slip as I have a berth. No idea whether they would let you use the other slip.
BTW I quite like the river traffic - provides an added dimension!
Best regards
Submitted by david.claassen on
Please let me know when you are hitting the water in Tai Tai. I am seriously thinking of bringing Logan's Run up and just leaving her on the trailer at Woolverstone, mast up. I am ready to do the boat tasks needed and get her back sailing this spring!
David Claassen
"Logan's Run"
2006 26M
Submitted by david.claassen on
Any more word on this event. I would love to support it any way I can. I might be up there earlier to sail with my grandson before he gets into his summer, but could not do an extended time until school lets out, which for me is 16 June (last work day).
David Claassen
"Logan's Run"
2006 26M
David & all
Submitted by rick.jones on
David & all
I know no more about this event than what's been posted here. Colin offered to host it but we've heard no more. Colin - are you still up for doing this? I suggest those interested try sending him a Personal Message (click Messages in the User Menu).
If Colin has withdrawn, the rest of you can of course organise something between yourselves. This event isn't on my own list, but I hope those interested are able to make something of it!
Rick Jones (Treasurer), former 26X & 19 owner, Isle of Wight
All Interested Parties...
Submitted by david.claassen on
All Interested Parties...
I would be able to do some work in organizing this event. I don't have the expertise to probably do everything, but can do the tedious bits if asked.
David, 2006 26M "Logan's Run", Huntingdon
David Claassen
"Logan's Run"
2006 26M
Submitted by andrew.widger on
Give me a call, I'm based at Brightlingsea, maybe we could help orgaise something together?
07908 487 883
Submitted by david.claassen on
Andrew, early summer plans are now in a bit of flux, as my oldest daughter is coming to visit...(yeah!) I will give you a call next week or this weekend.
David Claassen
"Logan's Run"
2006 26M