Submitted by rick.jones on

On the last night of the 2015 Solent rally we kicked about some ideas for 2016, and concluded that we would propose an event based at Poole instead. This would make an interesting change, while being close enough for those based in the Solent to sail to. I've sailed from Cowes to Poole comfortably in a day (and the reverse!).
I have not yet done any detailed research, but I understand that there are suitable launching facilities at Poole harbour, and there is plenty of marina space.
As for sailing, Weymouth and Portland to the West are reachable in a day, both have sister marinas to East Cowes & Haslar. There are also several sheltered bays along the coast useable for overnight anchorages, including Durdle Door and Lulworth Cove, allowing for a more leisurely sail.
To the East of Poole is Christchurch, then the Western Solent including Alum Bay, Keyhaven, then on to Lymington and Yarmouth.
Poole harbour itself is a maze of myriad islands, offering sheltered exploring if the weather at sea is too harsh.
I suggest a week-long event again, covering two weekends, allowing people to join for a shorter time if they prefer.
Dates: 23 - 31 July, which I think is the first week of school holidays.
Let us know what you think, would you join this event? Any other suggestions?
Rick Jones (Treasurer), former 26X & 19 owner, Isle of Wight
Re: Poole instead of the Solent - end July
Submitted by john.richardson on
Hi Rick,
I would be certainly be up for this.
John Richardson 'Sonny' 26M
Re: Poole instead of the Solent - end July
Submitted by simon.armitage on
Sorry but I have 2 weddings to attend which will keep me away from this and the Round The Island Race as well.
Simon Armitage
Sowenna (26M)
Re: Poole instead of the Solent - end July
Submitted by rick.jones on
An update on where we are with arrangements ...
My first thought was to start and finish at Cobb's Quay, which is a large MDL marina upstream from the opening bridges. They have plenty of pontoon mooring space and a large slipway, but the downside is very little parking space for trailers. The manager said he could probably only accommodate 3! Some members will be sailing in, and we can probably stack Tenacity's 19 trailer on top of a 26 one. I could probably also push them to 4 parking spaces. There is also a charge of £25 to launch and recover (half their normal price!).
However, at the AGM John Richards, who has some local knowledge, told us about a possible launch location at Redcliffe camping boatyard near Wareham on the Frome. This is a tide-dependent location, SW of Poole Harbour, but may prove more friendly, and with more available space for trailers. There is no mooring here, but a little way downstream is Ridge Wharf Yacht Centre, where we may be able to base ourselves. John is going to check all this out in person at the beginning of April and will let us know.
The event will be going ahead at one or other of these locations.
Watch this space!
Rick Jones (Treasurer), former 26X & 19 owner, Isle of Wight
Re: Poole instead of the Solent - end July
Submitted by david.claassen on
Thanks to both of you for your efforts! I hope to have "Logan's Run" there. FYI--mine is a tandem trailer so probably cannot be stacked on top of another.
David Claassen
"Logan's Run"
2006 26M
Re: Poole instead of the Solent - end July
Submitted by liz.healey on
Yes - we are hoping to make it - weather and everything else permitting. We could use either starting point and squeeze Tenacity's trailer into any tiny space, on top, upright, on its side etc. but the question is - where is the pub??
Re: Poole instead of the Solent - end July
Submitted by mike.mcnerney on
Please put Hera down as a "possible" for this event.
(It depends a bit on what other events have been scheduled)
Re: Poole instead of the Solent - end July
Submitted by liz.healey on
Hi Mike, the events are as published in the last couple of newsletters as far as I know. There was mention of Poole, Plymouth, River Avon and Holland at the AGM.
Re: Poole instead of the Solent - end July
Submitted by mike.mcnerney on
Thanks Liz -
I will keep a look out for more news regarding this years events
Re: Poole instead of the Solent - end July
Submitted by john.richards on
I decided to contact the Redcliffe Camping and Slipway people sooner rather than later, and I'm afraid it's not looking good for the proposed date of 23rd - 31st July. The man I spoke to, Charlie Clifford (01929 550258), said that because weekends are always extremely busy and also the 22nd July is the beginning of the school holidays, he's unwilling to allow 6+ MacGregors to launch on the Saturday, and recover on the following weekend. Apparently he said that MacGregors take too long to launch and recover and would hold up all the other people wanting to launch. I pointed out that the MacGregor can be rigged on the trailer well away from the slipway, but he seemed most concerned about the recovery because "it takes so long to empty the ballast tank".
He did suggest that we change the dates to sometime during the school term and launch and recover during the week, proposing some time in June. Obviously this is not what we had planned, and in any case I won't be available in June as I'll be in France for the month.
Sorry to be the bearer of bad tidings Rick, but maybe we can have another look at Cobb Quay and work out a plan for storing the cars and trailers somewhere in the vicinity, even if it means getting a bus or a taxi to the marina?
PS I also checked for launching at the Ridge Wharf Yacht Centre nearby, and they have a limit of a maximum of 20ft boat length. So no go there either.
Re: Poole instead of the Solent - end July
Submitted by rick.jones on
Thanks for checking that out John, best to know sooner rather than later.
Based on interest expressed so far, we only have max 3 26's driving in - Hogwash, Logan's Run, & Hera. Tenacity's trailer can easily be stacked, but it's not practical to lift a 26 trailer on top of another. Other likely attendees (I can think of Aranah & Sonny) will be sailing in.
Is Commodore Richard planning to attend? I can't remember what he said, if anything!
Could anyone else with an interest in this event let us know here ASAP please? I will go and talk to Cobb's Quay again soon.
Rick Jones (Treasurer), former 26X & 19 owner, Isle of Wight
Re: Poole instead of the Solent - end July
Submitted by mike.mcnerney on
In 2010 we did a Poole event when some of those attending launched at
Poole yacht Club( see the 2010 events on this website)
Might that be worth considering?
Re: Poole instead of the Solent - end July
Submitted by rick.jones on
Just been catching up with this - I phoned Poole Yacht Club, and they can't offer anything unless one of the party is a member.
I think Bjorn organised it in 2010, maybe he was a member? He lives/lived in Poole.
Speaking of whom, has anyone heard anything of him? He hasn't renewed his subs this year, I guess his boat is still in Greece, or wherever he took it.
Rick Jones (Treasurer), former 26X & 19 owner, Isle of Wight
Re: Poole instead of the Solent - end July
Submitted by rick.jones on
I've booked us in at Cobbs Quay, there's no deposits to pay so it simply means they're expecting us.
I have said 6 boats (that looks to be the total, might be 7), 4 arriving by road, and we'll stack trailers so as to take only 3 spaces. Launch, recover, and parking is £25. We get 10% of standard berthing rates - not sure what they are though. It's an MDL marina, so probably middle-to-expensive. They asked if any boats use MDL as their home berthing, if so we can probably get more discount. I said not, but let me know if I'm wrong.
I am working on the basis of arriving Friday or Saturday 22nd/23rd July (by sea or road), probably spending Saturday night in the marina, then the plan will be weather dependent. If good, we can head either West or East then work our way back to Poole for say the Friday night. If bad weather we may prefer to explorer Poole harbour and remain based at the marina.
Could you all please let me know if that suits you, and in particular when is your preferred date & time to arrive.
John in Sonny - I hope you have your dagger board replaced by then and will be able to make it!
Rick Jones (Treasurer), former 26X & 19 owner, Isle of Wight
Re: Poole instead of the Solent - end July
Submitted by jim.rotheram on
Hi Rick
I'm hoping to join you for the Poole rally. I've been reluctant to express an interest as I broke my arm in Feb and its proving to be a bit of a slow healer. I'm out of the cast now and hoping to see an improvement over the next couple of weeks. Are extra numbers going to be an issue?
Re: Poole instead of the Solent - end July
Submitted by rick.jones on
Hi Jim
Sorry to hear about your arm, hope it heals up well. Would be nice to see you down in Poole.
The only potential issue for numbers is trailers, the manager says trailer parking is limited. He's only guaranteed me 3 places.
We can stack Tenacity's 19 trailer on top of a 26 one, but could be difficult to stack 26s!
It will also depend on who actually comes, some of the interest is provisional so far. I'll have to assess nearer the date, maybe I can wangle some more space.
Keep an eye on the forum.
Rick Jones (Treasurer), former 26X & 19 owner, Isle of Wight
Re: Poole instead of the Solent - end July
Submitted by david.claassen on
I have used Woolverstone several times. It is a MDL marina, if that helps.
David Claassen
"Logan's Run"
2006 26M
Re: Poole instead of the Solent - end July
Submitted by peter.bertorelli on
I'm certainly interested in joining the Poole event. When I was in that area last November I took the opportunity to check four possible launch sites:-
1: Rockley Park, at the western end of the harbour and at the end of a large caravan park. Good slipway and nearby car/trailer park. Sailing school. Shallow approach.
2: Ridge Wharf. Not the most attractive marina. Small narrow steep neglected slip at top of a creek. Narrow road approaches.
3: Redcliffe Farm. Cosy camping field. Narrow road approaches. Narrow river at slip. I spoke to a man in the nearby house, presumably the owner, who was quite encouraging. He quoted £20 to launch and £5 a day camping/trailer car storage. I can imagine busy popular times would make things difficult. I’m surprised if his comment about delays due to emptying of ballast water wasn’t contradicted – surely that never need happen as ballast can be emptied at any time during or after recovery. Perhaps someone set the owner an off-putting example.
4: Parkstone Bay Marina. Large modern marina. No facilities offered.
I didn’t look at Cobbs Quay as it is above the bridges.
Peter Bertorelli
Odin 820 Hakuna Matata
Re: Poole instead of the Solent - end July
Submitted by john.richards on
Thanks Peter, for the record I did check out both Ridge Wharf (slipway not available for boats over 20'); and Redcliffe Farm, and with him I did try and protest the "Macs take too long to launch and recover" objection. I guess if you have a vehicle that struggles to bring a Mac & trailer with a full ballast tank up the slipway, you do have to stay in position while the tank empties? But we're only talking about 5-10 minutes each, so I think it was the number of Macs launching simultaneously that put him off.
But what about Rockley Park? That seems to tick all the boxes, unless they object to all of us showing up together or it's horrendously expensive. Did you find out how much it was to launch there and store trailers by any chance?
Re: Poole instead of the Solent - end July
Submitted by peter.bertorelli on
I've had a reply from Rockley Park Boat Park, on 01202 665001, who run the sailing centre there. they quoted £40 each for launch and recovery and a "concessionary" £10 per day for car/trailer parking.
It might be useful if anyone's near enough to them to have a second look/opinion.
Peter Bertorelli
Re: Poole instead of the Solent - end July
Submitted by rick.jones on
Hi Peter
Thanks for checking that. Quite expensive, going to be around £100 for the week before mooring fees. Cobb's is only £25 for the same thing.
What do others think?
Rick Jones (Treasurer), former 26X & 19 owner, Isle of Wight
Yes, sounds a bit expensive
Submitted by john.richards on
Yes, sounds a bit expensive to me Rick, as compared to Cobb's Quay. Not sure I'd want to fork out £100 before mooring fees myself. Maybe back to plan A again then?
Thanks for your thoughts John
Submitted by rick.jones on
Thanks for your thoughts John. The booking at Cobb's Quay stands, so it's the default option unless there's a collective preference for somewhere else.
First post in the new forum too! Hope you like the new site.
Rick Jones (Treasurer), former 26X & 19 owner, Isle of Wight
Yes, I was surprised at the
Submitted by peter.bertorelli on
Yes, I was surprised at the costs Rockley Park quoted. Perhaps I didn't make it clear that they want £40 for both launching AND recovery. That is £80 in addition to the car/trailer parking charge. Regarding Cobbs Quay I'm concerned that there might only be room for 3 trailers; my boat's twin axle trailer weighs nearly 12 cwt, too heavy to be "stacked".
Had some trouble with the new website – at first kept getting the old website then, when I tried to submit a further comment about the Poole Harbour event on the new website it was unobtainable - out of service – so I’ll try again later.
Hi Peter
Submitted by rick.jones on
Hi Peter
Hmm, that's even more than I thought! I'd like to stick with Cobb's Quay until we know how many confirmed boats are coming, then talk to them about trailers.
Sorry about web site issues, there's been inevitably a few bedding in problems. I'm keeping a close eye on it. If you had bookmarks directly to the old forum they won't work, and could have been taking you to the wrong place. I've made the old forum address invalid, so you should now just get an error. The site also goes offline for a few minutes in the early hours every day for automatic backup.
Please make sure to subscribe to the forums to get email notifications.
Rick Jones (Treasurer), former 26X & 19 owner, Isle of Wight
Hello all,
Submitted by john.richardson on
Hello all,
My daggerboard is ordered from the US and hopefully it will arrive soon. 'Sonny' has also some electric & electronic issues as well as an annoying leak from the deck fitted glands for aerial and mast light. Meanwhile, as it's on stilts, I've been busy cleaning her up - she's looking good so far! Her engine needs a service and antifouling is to be done. Hey ho - life afloat! Anyway, I'm sure to be there in Poole in July. Good Sailing to all! John Richardson Sonny 26M
Hi Rick,
Submitted by john.richardson on
Hi Rick,
Is there a firm meeting-up plan in place yet - I would prefer to sail over on the Saturday, but if the consensus is for Friday then I'll be there.
Regards, John (Sonny)
Hi Rick
Submitted by rod.wassell on
Hi Rick
I'm still coming (usual caveats permitting) Saturday is best for me - got any details about the intended launch site?
Hi all
Submitted by rick.jones on
Hi all
The plan is to convene on the Saturday, I shall sail over on the Friday so as to be there in advance, but Saturday is fine for everyone else.
We will be using Cobb's Quay, please would all those coming by road confirm as soon as possible, I'm told there is limited trailer space so I might have to do some negotiating! Rod - I've got you down as a definite trailer.
Just have to make sure my own boat is OK, I'm in Holland doing the Friesian event at the mo but got problems with a water leak and had to cut short :-( Thank goodness for automatic bilge pumps!
Rick Jones (Treasurer), former 26X & 19 owner, Isle of Wight
I am still planning to attend
Submitted by david.claassen on
I am still planning to attend. I have not gotten the boat wet yet, and need to attend to trailer maintenance, but am looking forward to the event!
David Claassen
"Logan's Run"
2006 26M
I have 110 things to do on
Submitted by rod.wassell on
I have 110 things to do on the boat but will be there - Yes I need trailer space thanks Rick
Tenacity is still hoping to
Submitted by liz.healey on
Tenacity is still hoping to be there, we could arrive Friday evening or Saturday - which ever is best
It seems that there are
Submitted by john.richards on
It seems that there are forces conspiring to prevent me ever taking my Mac out. I have just received a notice that I have a long-awaited orthopedic consultant appointment at the hospital on the 26th July, which if I don't attend may mean waiting another 4 months. So, sorry Rick, but Hogwash and I are not going to be able to make the Poole event at the end of the month.
Still, one less trailer to find a home for! :)
Oh dear, unfortunate timing :
Submitted by admiral on
Oh dear, unfortunate timing :-( I fully understand your not wanting to miss your appointment though. Health must take priority!
I look forward to seeing Hogwash afloat at a future event!
Time for a final roll call
Submitted by rick.jones on
Time for a final roll call for this event. My understanding at the moment is we have the following boats -
By road:
By sea:
Mike, are you still planning to attend?
Jim, likewise, and you expressed an interest in launching at Mercury and sailing over, is that still your plan?
Roly, I haven't heard from you either way, will you want to join?
I suggest that people gather and launch on the Saturday, I will book moorings for Sat night. I will sail over on the Friday to be sure I'm there in time, if you want to arrive Friday and launch Saturday that's fine, please let me know.
I'm assuming we stay for a week, what is people's preferred day to head home the following weekend?
I'll think about an itinerary nearer the date when the weather is predictable.
Rick Jones (Treasurer), former 26X & 19 owner, Isle of Wight
Hi Rick
Submitted by liz.healey on
Hi Rick
Temacity still planning to be there though she is currently at our boatyard waiting for the engine to be serviced. Our man says end of next week and that he has all the parts! so we'll see. I don't think we mind what day we head back.
I think Rod is coming with a friend, Jill busy - something to do with a pregnant dog I think!
Hi Rick,
Submitted by john.richardson on
Hi Rick,
Bob and I will arrive Saturday afternoon by sea, and I want to be home on Friday 29th but don,t make any special plans for that I'll just leave when I have to.
John Richardson Sonny 26M
Submitted by rod.wassell on
Im still intending to come provided my car is fixed in time!
I am taking two sailing buddies with me
Hi Rick
Submitted by mike.mcnerney on
Hi Rick
Sorry to be late confirming this but family commitments here at home mean we can't get to this one.
Hope everyone has a good time!
Mike and Bobbie
I have just been told that my
Submitted by david.claassen on
I have just been told that my daughter will be having both knees operated on 25 July, and I am the designated carer. Sadly, this will prevent me from attending this event. I will look forward to joining you all at a future time.
Logan's Run
David Claassen
"Logan's Run"
2006 26M
My boat's ashore to drop and
Submitted by peter.bertorelli on
My boat's ashore to drop and overhaul the swing keel which has seized so I'm afraid it might not be ready in time for Poole. Apologies. Peter B
Events this year seem to be
Submitted by rick.jones on
Events this year seem to be cursed! So many people have had to drop out, all for valid reasons, just doesn't seem to be a lucky year. I even had to cut short my participation in the Holland event with water coming into the boat.
David - I hope all goes well for your daughter, and Peter, I'll book your place at Poole in case you can make it, there'll be nothing to pay if you don't show. If you can get there but a day or two later, let me know, I'm sure we can arrange to rendezvous somewhere.
Rick Jones (Treasurer), former 26X & 19 owner, Isle of Wight
Thanks Rick! She should come
Submitted by david.claassen on
Thanks Rick! She should come through all right...just will need lots of extra help for a bit.
David Claassen
"Logan's Run"
2006 26M
Following a degree of
Submitted by rick.jones on
Following a degree of attrition, here are the expected attendees for Poole:
By road:
By sea:
Rod & Liz (& Peter if you make it) - what time-ish do you expect to arrive on Saturday? Depending on weather I may wait until Saturday to sail over, rather than Friday and be sitting around most of Saturday waiting! John will be sailing in Saturday anyway.
As a provisional plan for the week, assuming reasonable weather, I thought we could go to Weymouth/Portland and back. That would entail Sunday and Monday nights in anchorages, Tuesday at either Weymouth or Portland marina (anyone any preference?), then Wednesday & Thursday in anchorages on the way back, and Friday back at Cobb's Quay. John wants to be back on Friday so could go straight home instead of back to Poole.
Available anchorages (E to W) are Studland Bay, Swanage Bay, Chapman's Pool, Lulworth Cove, and Durdle Door / Man o' War Cove. One slight issue is that Lulworth ranges are in use daytime on weekdays, which means a southerly detour of over 5 NM to get between Durdle Door or Lulworth Cove and St. Alban's Head to the East. However, I think it should be feasible to stop at a couple of those places on the way to Weymouth, and again on the return (not necessarily the same ones).
That gives Pilchard and Tenacity Saturday to pull out and head home - unless you want to stay until Sunday which I'd be happy to do. Potter around Poole harbour on Saturday maybe.
I haven't sailed any of these places myself, so I'm keen to explore the area, but I'm taking my info out of the almanac. I'm very happy to be guided by anyone with more local knowledge to please let me know what you think. The weather outlook for the week is pretty vague, it's still a bit too far ahead to be sure.
If this plan does come off, it means two nights each way away from civilisation, so please be prepared with provisions and sufficient fuel for more than two nights + 3 days, in case we don't make Weymouth as planned. Obviously we can re-provision at Weymouth when we get there. Also ensure you have a functioning anchor and are confident in anchoring overnight. We can probably anchor and raft for added security. All anchorages apart from Durdle / Man o' War have scope to go ashore to the pub using a tender, so if you have a functioning one please bring it (I don't unfortunately). In practice, one tender between 2 or 3 boats is usually enough.
Any views or comments on the plan are more than welcome, the aim is a week that everyone will enjoy! Looking forward to seeing everyone on Saturday.
Rick Jones (Treasurer), former 26X & 19 owner, Isle of Wight
Hi Rick,
Submitted by john.richardson on
Hi Rick,
I would favour Weymouth over Portland any day. Weymouth is a busy but great seaside town and still has a working harbour, and has some great pubs and plenty of restaurants. The Marina is right in the town centre. Portland has not much to offer except a rough pub where Bob and I once counted ourselves lucky to have got out alive!
To be honest 4 nights of anchoring in a weeks sail would certainly test me and Sonny! However, would we really need that many nights under anchor? If the weather is reasonable and we can use the inshore channel around St Albans, I reckon the distance from Cobbs Quay to Lulworth Cove is approx 25nm - an 8 hour trip? From there to Weymouth is a doddle (or a Durdle?) The inshore channel is at slack water at high water Dover which on Sunday is 14.47 so it seems feasable. Tides would be with us after St Albans is behind us for an hour or so. It does mean leaving Cobbs Quay at around 10.00 - would we have enough water under us for the Cobbs Quay channel?
I will be bringing my tender although its oar-powered rather than outboard.
John Richardson 'Sonny' 26M
Submitted by richard.greenway on
Unfortunately I cannot attend as my mother has be very ill. Blot clot & DVT so I am having to do a lot of checking up on her.
My boat is also not serviceable at the moment as I haven't finished off the repair yet due to a lack of funds as BREXIT has meant projects have been delayed so funds are a little bit tight in the construction sector at the moment.
So please accept my apologies .
Richard Greenway
Hi Rick
Submitted by rod.wassell on
Hi Rick
We will arrive early afternoon hopefully.
Not sure about anchorages though, (Thinking of crew comfort) Having gone to Weymouth many years ago I'm sure we did it in a day there and a day back?
Hi Rick
Submitted by liz.healey on
Hi Rick
We've got our boat back! So far so good. We plan to arrive Saturday late morning/lunchtime, staying Friday night near Gloucester.
Also, on the Thursday, Dave will jump ship to head to Cardiff to fraternise with "The Minister" ! - just for the day. He says it doesn't matter where we are as long as he can hail a taxi.
Thanks for all the comments,
Submitted by rick.jones on
Thanks for all the comments, Weymouth it is then John!
Heading straight to Lulworth on Sunday has the benefit of not being a range day, so no need to keep out of the danger zone, perhaps that is a better plan. That would mean Monday night at Weymouth - maybe sail the area on Tuesday and stay a second night?
Rod - yes it could probably be done in a day each way, but I feel that as we have a week it would be more pleasant to do some leisurely sailing! If we head to Weymouth as above, we can decide on the detail of the return at the time.
I have booked the Cobb's Quay BBQ area for Saturday evening (no charge, the manager offered so I accepted!). So hopefully everyone will be present and rigged in time for a team BBQ. It's some kind of pit arrangement, but he recommended putting instant BBQs into it to help keep it clean. There is a shop on site and also a local Co-op where BBQs and meat can be purchased, or if possible buy in advance and bring with you. Just avoid the brand that didn't work at Yarmouth!
I have booked 5 boats in, on the basis that Peter can make it, it's better to book too many than too few. Peter - keep us up to date on progress with your center-board.
Rick Jones (Treasurer), former 26X & 19 owner, Isle of Wight
That all sounds good. Many
Submitted by liz.healey on
That all sounds good. Many thn=anks.
Yes, avoid the Waitrose BBQ - too posh perhaps - anyway I got a voucher and 2 huge bags of wood out of the deal (from the manufacturer Big K)
Is there a good chandlery
Submitted by liz.healey on
Is there a good chandlery near/at where we are going? That is - one that sells things other than clothes??