Online AGM 2021

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Original forum: 

  • AGMs

Our 2020 AGM was held online due to Covid lockdown restrictions, and here we are nearly a year later still locked down!

We will therefore be holding our 2021 AGM online, and I'm sure it will be as successful as last year's.

The date and time is Saturday 6th March at 2pm.

To join the meeting using your browser click on this link.

To join using a Zoom app, enter these details:
Meeting ID: 831 9826 0290
Passcode: 510915

See agenda below.

The report of accounts can be found here.

The agenda and report of accounts together are also attached below as a single PDF, should you wish to print it out.

  1. Welcome, especially to new members in the last year.
    Introductions from members present. It’s also been great to meet many new faces through the magazine and Zoom meetings, we hope to summarise these as well.

  2. Summary of Last years activity, despite Covid - on line and on the water.

  3. Accounts and Membership report. See Report of Accounts below.
    Summary of accounts and membership, especially geographical and international spread. Website developments, stats, and impact of increasing Internet use..

  4. Committee confirmation, affirmation and appreciation.
    In line with our current tradition the Commodore will remain in post for a second year so no election is required. Volunteers to take on the work of the other posts are invited, for this year or looking ahead to next.

  5. Presentation of the Janita Shield for 2020/21.

  6. The Year ahead, plans for the Big Mac 2021.
    Reiteration and plans as best we can make in the circumstances.

  7. Looking ahead, proposals for Big Mac 2022 &2023.
    This is our main event of the year, normally held in July or early August, aiming to cater for all levels of experience. We like to move it about so it can be accessible to a wide spread of our members. Hence the committee invites proposals for a 'northern' Big Mac for 2022, and also any advance proposals for 2023.

  8. Looking around, other plans and proposals from members.
    Possibilities for cruise in company. We really want to encourage members to get together, perhaps on a regional basis or through common interest, to enjoy boating together on a more ad-hoc or small group basis. You may wish to share ideas at the AGM or subsequently on the website.

  9. Ask, Show and Tell, a chance to talk about things.
    Things you have developed or discovered, or knowledge to be shared. If you’d like to make a photographic presentation (e.g. of a special trip, historical research, technical developments, etc.) please get in touch in advance. Otherwise a Question and Answer session has always been popular.

  10. Future online meetings. How frequently should we hold them?
    We’re thinking every 2 months, but would members prefer monthly or quarterly?

  11. Any other business.

Rick Jones (Treasurer), former 26X & 19 owner, Isle of Wight