AGM 2022

rick.jones's picture

Original forum: 

  • AGMs

Hello all members

This is a pre-announcement for next year's AGM.

The last two AGMs have been held online using Zoom, and proved to be very successful, in particular in terms of the number of members who were able to attend. Even though we are now allowed to have physical meetings, we have decided to continue with the online format for the AGM so as to make it easy for as many members as possible to attend.

We have set the date for Saturday 12th February at 3 pm, a Zoom invitation will be circulated nearer the time. However, we would like to know if there are any items you would like put on the agenda for discussion.

We would also like any nominations for committee positions. All committee posts come up for re-election every year, and we are always keen for members who might like to help run the Association to get involved. The positions are Commodore, Secretary, Treasurer, and Editor, current nominations respectively are Jonathan Knight, Roly Simpson, Rick Jones, and Quentin Sands.

If you would be interested in taking on one or these roles, or maybe shadowing the current holder with a view to more involvement in future, please contact one of the committee. Also do the same if there is anything you'd like put on the agenda.

We will send out a written notice of the AGM in early January, and our rules require that this notice includes a full agenda and all committee nominations, so please make sure to inform us of anything by New Year.

Social meeting

We also plan to have a physical meeting in the spring at an inland waterways venue, details yet to be decided. It will probably be soon after Easter, and will be primarily a social event based at a hotel, but with the option for members to bring and launch boats if they wish. We hope to have an interesting speaker to address the gathering too! We will present full details at the AGM at the latest.

Rick Jones (Treasurer), former 26X & 19 owner, Isle of Wight


Hi, fellow members,

Hi, fellow members,

I will be standing down as Commodore at the A.G.M having done my allotted stint. Jonathan Knight has been nominated as successor.

John Pompeii will be standing down as Vice Commodore but, to date, we have no volunteers or nominations to take his place.

This is a plea to members to consider volunteering for this position to help keep the association running smoothly.The committee is small and experienced and will help you through the roll which is not too arduous and can be a lot of fun. It is a great feeling to be at the centre of the association helping members, making suggestions about agendas, Big Macs and other gatherings. Most of this work is done via emails (we have our own group) and the occasional Zoom meeting so you can help run the club from the comfort of your own home.

Please feel free to contact me, Rick, Roly, Quentin or John if you need further information.

Don't be shy, the Association needs you.

Thanks in advance

Simon Armitage



DONT FORGET ! ITS THE AGM .....on 12th Feb at 3pm ....and we`re ZOOMING !

We decided to keep the AGM as on-line, as it has necessarily been the last two years , since we have noticed a good spectrum of participation so we are really hoping for the same . There is a bit of official business to deal with but the main deal will be a summary and celebration of what happened last year , and in particular the person noted as giving the best contribution to the Association / Mac ownership . Its decided by the Commodore ...but maybe not too late to sway his vote ! ! ?

We also want people to think about the proposed 2023 Big Mac event and any smaller plans for cruising in company . Its great fun when we get together to sail and share ....PLEASE COME ARMED WITH SUGGESTIONS .

Also ANY SUGGESTIONS FOR CHANGE OR DEVELOPMENT of the Association ....its YOUR Association .

Looking forward to the usual gallery and many more ....its especially nice to meet new members and we generally try to have time to say something about ourselves .

Of course there is the SOCIAL event planned for 23rd April at Lechlade at the head of the Thames where we can truly meet F2F to compare sails and shackles and maybe also take a Mac or two on the river !

Best of Mac-ing to yer , Roly

I will have to offer up my

I will have to offer up my apologies, I am afraid, as I shall be sat on a plane at 15.00 on Saturday.

I have pencilled in the 23rd April and provisionally booked a hotel, although I may well cancel this in favour of boat if the weather plays ball.

rick.jones's picture

Final reminder - AGM tomorrow

Final reminder - AGM tomorrow (Sat 12th Feb) online!

Yes it's finally here - the 2022 AGM is tomorrow on Zoom. We hope lots of members can join us.

The Zoom invitation is as follows:

Zoom app:

  • Meeting ID: 831 9826 0290
  • Passcode: 510915

We will open the Zoom meeting at about 2:50 to give everyone the chance to get set up by 3:00.

These details, as well as the agenda, are in the short M.O.A.N. newsletter posted out a few weeks ago. A copy is attached below to save you hunting for your print copy!

Rick Jones (Treasurer), former 26X & 19 owner, Isle of Wight

Hi Simon,Rick and Roly

Hi Simon,Rick and Roly

we are in Ibiza for a few days but hope to make the meeting if possible via roaming data, so may be hit and miss regards to all

Ian Tyrrell

chris.hawksworth's picture

Hi, Sorry for the short

Hi, Sorry for the short notice but please accept my apologies for not attending today. Just like to say thanks very much to the committee for all the time and effort they put in.

Hopefully see you all in Scotland later in the year, if not before.

Best Regards



'89 Macgregor 26D: Getaway

Thank you for an excellent

Thank you for an excellent meeting everyone.


A very big thank you to Simon

A very big thank you to Simon for filling the role as Commodore for the last two years.

We forgot to discuss it during the meeting but my understanding is that he has agreed stay on the Committee as retired Commodore which will be of great help in view of his long experience with MacGregor's.


rick.jones's picture

Thanks to everyone who joined

Thanks to everyone who joined the AGM online, I feel it was a very successful meeting. We had 20 members attending in total.

If you'd like to sit through over 2 hours of us all nattering then you can watch a recording of the session:

Topic: MacGregor Owners AGM
Date: Feb 12, 2022 14:46 London

Meeting Recording: Click here
Access Passcode: 4pMYX9H?

Rick Jones (Treasurer), former 26X & 19 owner, Isle of Wight

Thank you to all for the

Thank you to all!

Thanks to all for the meeting. Very encouraging to see faces , familiar and unfamiliar!

Trish and I have booked at Riverside, Lechlade and plan to arrive on Friday. Looking forward to catching up then.

