Submitted by rick.jones on

Original forum:
- On the water:Association events
Despite the success of our online AGMs, we feel we have lost the social aspects of a physical pre-season meeting that previous AGMs afforded. Consequently we will be hosting a social meeting on 23rd April 2022 at Lechlade-on-Thames.
This will be an afternoon event, with dinner in the evening for those that wish to stay on. It will be held at the Riverside Hotel in Lechlade, which it hardly needs stating is beside the river! They have rooms available should you wish to stay overnight, and there are other hotels in the town. Lechlade is quite a small place, so everywhere is in walking distance.
The star attraction will be Richard Kerswell who, as many of you will be aware, last year completed a full circumnavigation of Britain in his 26M, including all the way to the Shetland Islands. He has kindly agreed to talk to us about his adventure, and I'm sure he will have plenty to tell us about the experience, as well as lots of tips for living long periods on board a Mac.
The event is primarily a social one, but there is scope for some river cruising for anyone who would like to bring their boat. There are facilities to launch and moor at Lechlade, or you might want to launch further down-river a day or two earlier and arrive in time for the meeting. We are not making any specific arrangements in this regard, we are leaving it to you, but please post here if you'd like advice from other members who have experience of this part of the Thames.
Please let us know here as soon as possible if you intend to come to this event, and how many in your party. This will enable us to be sure we book appropriate facilities at the hotel.
We look forward to seeing lots of members there!
Rick Jones (Treasurer), former 26X & 19 owner, Isle of Wight
Hi Rick
Submitted by john.richardson on
Hi Rick
Great Idea, put me down to attend, just 1 person, and I'll stay overnight.
Kind regards, and a happy new year to you.
Cheers, John Richardson
I still had an accommodation
Submitted by michael.buxton on
I still had an accommodation voucher from last time!
I'm in the New Inn Hotel.
Just me
Me too, and Nicola I hope.
Submitted by quentin.sands on
Me too, and Nicola I hope. Might even try to bring Margarita if conditions are good.
Quentin Sands (Editor)
1993 MacGregor 19, Margarita
Miriam and I are coming,
Submitted by jonathan.knight on
Miriam and I are coming, hopefully with Mist.
Caroline and I would like to
Submitted by simon.armitage on
Caroline and I would like to come and stay for dinner and the night.
Quentin, could you bring the Janita Shield with you just in case the recipient attends and if not I might be able to present it in person to the new holder at a later date.
It doesn't seem you have actually had the shield in your possession for very long. Blame Covid!
Hi Rick,
Submitted by aktar.hussain on
Hi Rick,
Please put me down for Dinner only, will also try and bring the mrs, Syma, along.
Ros and I are looking forward
Submitted by roly.simpson on
Ros and I are looking forward to this event and are planning to bring Aranah so as to join in / lead any river tripping . We would be happy to fit around others but at present thought we would trail up on the Friday and arrange a berth in the marina at Lechlade . The owner assures me that the slipway and approach to it are suitable for a 26 foot Mac and that he can find berths for those that need them , possibly with electric hook-up. On Saturday we would be happy to do some "show and tell " and from Sunday could do a short foray down-stream either for a lunch and return or a further riverside pub to overnight . Distances are not huge so with advance planning it might be possible for passengers to be dropped off at a waiting car.
The Saturday program is fluid at the moment ( no, I didnt mean drink-fluid ! ) , but it is envisaged that we will have some time together in the upper function-room of The Riverside Inn at Lechlade and a shared meal before or after . This will likely be decided by the end of the AGM on 12th Feb .
Meanwhile....back to this winters fixing and mods !
Mrs Song of Life and I are
Submitted by matthew.rose on
Mrs Song of Life and I are coming and I have booked a hotel (with cancellation up to day b4.... ).
If the weather is decent I intend to try and persuade my good lady that taking the boat is the correct way forward as it is only an hour drive...
Following the discussion at
Submitted by roly.simpson on
Following the discussion at our AGM we are able to announce some further plans for this gathering.
Saturday 23rd...gather late morning on the terrace at Riverside Inn , Lechlade for informal welcome and light lunch followed by possible demonstration of attending boats and slipway launch/recovery
2pm to 5pm ...a chance to mess about in boats on the water or potter around the historic Cotswold town. . back at Riverside Inn for presentation by Richard Kerswell about his trip around Britain
7pm Questions to Richard between courses and any other discussion
8pm close of organised event but on going social for those staying
Sunday 24th ...possible boat trip down the Thames, 6 miles and 3 locks for pub lunch stop and either return same day or onwards for overnight stop and return Monday.....
PLEASE CONFIRM YOUR PLANS TO ATTEND THIS EVENY ASAP so we can indicate numbers to Riverside Inn. MEALS TO BE BOOKED AND PAID BY MEMBERS DIRECTLY with the venue. to be published.
ANY OTHER BOATS must book with Lechlade Marina asap. So far two boats are booked in and plan to arrive on the Friday 22nd.
I tried to book a dinner
Submitted by quentin.sands on
I tried to book a dinner reservation for Nicola and I - mentioning that we are part of the Mac meet - but they say that they don't take bookings. Anyone know anything different?
Quentin Sands (Editor)
1993 MacGregor 19, Margarita
That's brilliant Roly, Mist
Submitted by jonathan.knight on
That's brilliant Roly, Mist is looking forward to it, Miriam and I will have to come with her!
Also looking forward to meeting up with everyone who can come. I know a number of people have already said they intend to come, however can you re-confirm that you are coming on this stream as it is hard to keep track and we need a reasonably accurate figure for the venue.
Thanks Roly, I'm booked in to
Submitted by liz.healey on
Thanks Roly, I'm booked in to hotel and will book with them lunch and dinner as requested. I'll be up for trips down the river on Saturday please, not sure what I'm doing Sunday, might pop to the Big Smoke while I'm south of Watford Gap to see Ceri
Nicola and Quentin are
Submitted by quentin.sands on
Nicola and Quentin are attending. We plan to bring Margarita earlier in the week and go to Oxford and back, all being well, weather etc Will depart Sunday morning after the event.
Quentin Sands (Editor)
1993 MacGregor 19, Margarita
Trish and I have booked in at
Submitted by adrian.cox on
Trish and I have booked in at the Riverside for Friday and Saturday nights. Looking forward to meeting up with you all!
Adrian and Trish
Shema 2008 26M
Glenis & I are booked into
Submitted by rick.jones on
Glenis & I are booked into the New Inn for the Saturday night, we'll be driving up Saturday morning. Without boat!
Rick Jones (Treasurer), former 26X & 19 owner, Isle of Wight
Hi Rick
Submitted by john.richardson on
Hi Rick
So sorry, I will have to bow out of the do. I hope it all goes well.
Regards John Richardson
I will be there + my good
Submitted by matthew.rose on
I will be there + my good lady if she can get a horse sitter. Currently booked into Riverside for Saturday night but I intend to cancel this and bring the boat along if they can fit me in the marina with leccy.
Bit hectic at the mo but will sort this weekend.
Caroline and I still plan to
Submitted by simon.armitage on
Caroline and I still plan to come.
Submitted by roly.simpson on
HERE YE HERE YE ! ....ALL THOSE THAT HOPE TO GATHER WITH US (and who haven't already indicated above ) PLEASE GIVE YOUR INTENTIONS wont be binding but it would be really encouraging to know we had a decent number to book out the function room . RICHARD KERSWELL IS KINDLY COMING TO TALK WITH US .....
THIS IS THE FIRST FACE TO FACE INDOOR EVENT FOR 2 YEARS so it would be good to get off to a good start. We are really pleased at the attendance to the virtual AGMs but wouldnt it be great to meet up "face to face " . I know there were some that indicated at the AGM that they might just be able to join for the day , that`s fine and is precisely why we have scheduled the evening food and talk to start quite early . If it would make a difference the timing is flexible so please say if a tweek on time will help you .
Anyhow ....looking forward to a good meet up with those on board with this event so far ! ....and a little trip along the Thames !
I am hoping to attend for the
Submitted by john.grisley on
I am hoping to attend for the afternoon and evening of the Saturday. Super excited to spend some time listening to Richard tell us about his adventure. 😃
Unfortunately i am not able
Submitted by david.holgate-s... on
Unfortunately i am not able to attend as I am away for my wife's birthday, have a good weekend and hopefully meet some of you soon.
Hi all, Anne and I are hoping
Submitted by roger.morris on
Hi all, Anne and I are hoping to join just for the Saturday (without Dragonfly). We have commitments on the Sundays being the Sunday following St Georges Day. Hope to see you soon.
Hi everyone just a note to
Submitted by rod.wassell on
Hi everyone just a note to say that we cannot make this hope you have a good time
Sorry I & Tina will not be
Submitted by andrew.leach on
Sorry I & Tina will not be able to attend this year as we have a prior engagement. Wishing everyone attending a very happy time.
Much as I would love to join
Submitted by anneke.wallace on
Much as I would love to join a social gathering, it is just too far to travel at a busy time on the farm. Hope you all have a great time
Sadly I will not be able to
Submitted by patrick.saddler on
Sadly I will not be able to attend.
I hope to see some of you at the Big Mac 2022 on the Clyde however.
Pat S.
Thanks to all who have said
Submitted by roly.simpson on
Thanks to all who have said they plan to attend. So far I make it 20 for dinner. They are just finalising their new menu and when advised to me I shall publish it here to assist you to order evening food. Lunch etc will be ad hoc.
Unfortunately i will be in
Submitted by robert.gardner on
Unfortunately i will be in the US so cannot attend the gathering.
Hope it is an enjoyable gathering
Rob Gardner
Boat is now booked in so I
Submitted by matthew.rose on
Boat is now booked in so I will be joining on the water. Prob going to get up there Friday night 7ish.
Unfortunately I have to work
Submitted by michael.buxton on
Unfortunately I have to work Friday, and then drive..
Is there a likely venue where people will be mid-evening?
Hi Michael, I think the bar
Submitted by quentin.sands on
Hi Michael, I think the bar at the Riverside is a good place to start. You can find our phone numbers in the membership list. Call one of us if you need directions or cannot find us.
Quentin Sands (Editor)
1993 MacGregor 19, Margarita
Hello Rick
Submitted by stephen.parkinson on
Hello Rick
Susan and I plan to attend tomorrow
Have contacted Riverside and provided menu choices
Sorry for late response but was not sure if free to attend
See you tomorrow
Best wishes
Hi Stephen , We have planned
Submitted by roly.simpson on
Hi Stephen , We have planned to gather at The Riverside at 6pm but before that in the afternoon we shall be around with free time to chat and mess about on what boats are here probably from late morning onwards. We shall give a practical demo of launch and recovery. 3 boats now moored up in the marina close by. Call on arrival if you can't find us. 07971074525.
Roly Simpson
Hello Roly
Submitted by stephen.parkinson on
Hello Roly
Many thanks for the update and your mobile number
Looking forward to catching up with everyone tomorrow
Best wishes
Just a quick note to thank
Submitted by matthew.rose on
Just a quick note to thank everyone that came for a lovely weekend, especially the folk that had a hand in organising and of course Richard.
Saressa and I had great fun messing about with boats and I managed to not fall in again this morning :)
Happy to have got in the water in April, even if I do have a dicky motor to sort out for next time..
Boat home safe and sound.
Enjoy your travels those still on the water!
Matt & Saressa
Just to second Matt's message
Submitted by adrian.cox on
Just to second Matt's message. Thank you to all who contributed to the event. The venue was ideal, and the company great. Wonderful to catch up and also meet new faces. Fascinating to meet and hear Richard. A great success!
Thanks from Trish and Adrian!