I'm starting this thread to give advance notice that at our Autumn committee meeting we decided to propose that the 2025 AGM should once again be an in person event so we can have more time to share ideas and enjoy getting to know each other more. The spring social idea has been popular with quite a few people attending without boats so we thought we'd include the necessary AGM business together in a broader discussion about events and a general social time.
In order to make this event available to the widest group of members we thought to base it in the English Midlands , probably around Stratford on Avon.
The date we hit on was Saturday 1st of March since this is outside the half term week and well before Easter. PLEASE SAVE THE DATE
If anyone has any strong objections or anything else to propose please put it in this forum thread.
Also , we hope that this thread can be used for advance discussion of any Event proposals or any submissions for the AGM
Happy layup and successful modifications to you all!
sound good!
I've saved the date. It is a bit far in the future to confirm but I will keep an eye on things and let you know. It would be nice to meet up.
Good idea Roly, myself and Tina will be available for that date. Will be nice to finally meet up.
OK, so most of you will have read that we have confirmed a booking of a function room in Stratford on Avon for 1st March , The Encore. There will be a light buffet lunch at a subsidised cost to members. More details will follow regarding timing and cost . For now please save the date and begin to think about the next year as an association. Is there any way you would like to see it develop? What trips would you like to do within the next few years ...and particularly this next year?
Unusually we don't have a form plan for a main summer event , or Big Mac. In recent years we have tried to plan these 2 years ahead and it seemed to be a successful format but the last two years haven't worked out as planned for various reasons so it would be great to get a well attended event this year. PLEASE BEGIN TO SUGGEST IDEAS ON THIS THREAD so we can flesh out some proposals to decide upon ar our AGM .
We generally like to move around our main events or else have a variety to suit those living in different parts of the country. However we do rely on those living in the English Midlands northwards to suggest ideas other than along the South coast ......so , the forum is open! Over to you!
We've just booked a room at the Arden Hotel from the Friday night to Sunday. Looking forward to meeting up with as many as possible.
Ros and I are booked into the Premier Inn Friday and Saturday . (Arden prices had just shot up ) . The Friday was significantly cheaper at just 59.00 so we went for the 2 nights and will plan to explore the area before arriving Friday eve to possibly meet up with anyone there . Now we have got past New Year may I encourage members to take that bold step of actually booking your stay now , unless you plan to just make a day of it . Lets get as many as possible for a jolly social event and some good discussion about events.
So , to kick things off , I wonder if there is any interest in.....
an inland waterways event in April ? a Solent event in early May , trip aboard mid June maybe or later in year , UK Bigmac July ( ?? N Wales )
Hi Roly, Myself and Chris are planning on coming to Stratford but just for the day as we're only 1.5 hrs away.
Definitely up For another Solent event, though I'm away first 2 weeks of June. Would also be interested in N Wales in July.
'89 Macgregor 26D: Getaway
Hi, looking at coming over on Friday and returning home Sunday, which Premier Inn are you staying at Roly?
Staying at the one that sys canalside....The Waterways , Birmingham Rd
Thanks Roly, look forward to seeing you.