Submitted by quentin.sands on

My own Big Mac adventure was something of a fail. My crew and I left Whitehaven at high water, 630am on Monday 6th August, but struggled from the start with a F4 wind that was coming directly from the Isle of Man. I hoped that we might close haul in a westerly direction but under sail could only hold a course NNW and didn't fancy the Galloway ports. We started to motor into wind over tide but it was very uncomfortable with a fair amount of rolling and slamming and general discomfort. The photographs make the sea appear calm but it was far from it and every couple of minutes we were hit by something quite big. After three hours, with no change in conditions and starting to feel the chill, we (I) chose to turn back and returned on the genoa; this too was a bit of a surf and we were all feeling a little queasy by the time we got in and, having taken stugeron earlier, rather tired too. We slept for an hour or two and seeing no prospect in a change in the weather, put the boat back on her trailer and were back at Ferry Nab and on the Lake by 6pm - which felt rather good. We then spent a couple of days playing and enjoyed some calmer conditions and decent sailing. My crew seem handy with their cameras so here are a few shots to share.