Submitted by quentin.sands on

Apologies for the lateness of the Autumn 2024 MacGregor Sailor. It was popped in the post yesterday. If it's not with you within the week, do let us know. Wishing all members a Happy Christmas and a prosperous New Year.
Got ours yesterday, thanks
Submitted by andrew.leach on
Got ours yesterday, thanks Quentin. Very well put together & a very interesting read.
Yes - hear hear, thanks
Submitted by liz.healey on
Yes - hear hear, thanks Quentin, very sad this is your last issue!
Submitted by jonathan.knight on
Not read it properly yet Quentin but it looks an excellent job. Thank you.
MacGregor Sailoer
Submitted by simon.armitage on
Got mine yesterday, Quentin.
Still reading and enjoying it.
Merry Christmas and a Happy, healthy and safe New Year and some good sailing to boot!
Yes , another great issue
Submitted by roly.simpson on
Yes , another great issue Quentin ! I know these things don't just happen by magic , so I thank you for your time and effort on this your last magazine issue.
We normally issue another magazine early in the Spring to promote plans for the year SO I HOPE WE CAN GET AT LEAST ONE VOLUNTEER EDITOR by that time. As you have said in the magazine , there is good software and also the possibility of training / support available so the volunteer should not have to feel afraid. There is also NO MINIMUM TERM it is not an open ended commitment.
Volunteers or interested parties please make yourselves known to Quentin or any committee member.
RolySimpson , Secretary MOA.