Greetings all. My thoughts are turning to the Autumn edition of the MacGregor Sailor. I am particularly keen to receive write ups and pictures from the Big Mac but also from others who have been out and about on their boats. I am in touch with Greg Kiddell and hope to do a big feature on his UK circumnavigation in Bella, his 26C. What have you been up to? Please let me know your news and accounts of your adventures. You can email articles to
Quentin Sands (Editor)
1993 MacGregor 19, Margarita
Hello MOA members, I am underway with the Autumn edition of the MacGregor Sailor and always eager to receive content from you, however brief. Photographs are very welcome with short explanatory notes. If there are any new members who attended the Norfolk Broads gathering, it would be interesting to have your perspective on the event - bullet points are fine. And, a reminder, I no longer own a Mac and although I will remain a member of the Association, this will be my last task as Editor. The Committee are hoping someone will come forward with a willingness to take on the role.
Quentin Sands (Editor)
1993 MacGregor 19, Margarita