Big Mac 2024 - Norfolk Broads - Wed 24th July to Wed 31st July

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Just to let you know that

Just to let you know that Maximus is all tucked up in Brundall Bay Marina after an uneventful drive up from Southampton , about 5 hours . I find it quite relaxing to cruise at 50 to 55mph and let the cars and lorries sort themselves out. The trailer parking place worked well , with tow car parked back at the marina. The slipway was a doddle ! Looking forward to meeting up with folk on Friday.

Roly and Ros, Maximus , Imexus 27

rick.jones's picture
Excellent news Roly. What are

Excellent news Roly. What are your plans for tomorrow - are you still going to pootle up to Norwich, as was the plan for the fleet?

Rick Jones (Treasurer), former 26X & 19 owner, Isle of Wight

Hi Rick and all; we are

Hi Rick and all; we are unlikely to make it for Friday.
well done on getting your boat(s) there and have a great time! Best regards, Thor

So a month has already gone

So a month has already gone by, and we haven't yet thanked Rick and Roly for sorting out this trip and keeping us on the straight and narrow. Despite a few boats unable to make it a good time was had by all, even an actual MacGregor was amongst the fleet.

What are we going to do with the several hundred photos that were taken? Several options were discussed as I recall?

Quentin is now working on the next newsletter, I'm trying to remember some of the funny bits and Monica threatened to describe it all from her angle....

Thanks Liz ,  It was a nice

Thanks Liz , It was a nice time, wasn't it , and great that past ( no past it ! ) Mac owners could join in. I have sent my memories to Quentin since I wasn't officially the organiser , but I think the more reports the merrier...just to give Quentin the headache of editing it !

Regarding photos, I would quite like to see more real time posting of photos , maybe with short annotation. So, maybe we can start a section in the gallery bit . In fact I would encourage members to more often often use the facility to post photos , maybe with short reports of ways they have recently enjoyed boating . If that takes off maybe we can have a separate menu section for brief reports....Minimacs maybe !

Haha! ....I must admit it the

Haha! ....I must admit it the past I've struggled with uploading to gallery...but I just tried it and it was a cinch...posted some of my memory snaps in Mac2024 page. ....I've made the page open only to logged in members at present but that can be discussed.

rick.jones's picture
Thanks for the pics Roly, I'm

Thanks for the pics Roly, I'm glad you didn't find it too hard in the end - I tried to make the process straightforward!

One point though, you didn't click on "Publish" to finish! I've just done that. A new gallery starts in an un-published state, so that people can't start viewing it while you're assembling and arranging the photos. But, as the guide text says, you must publish it when you've finished otherwise no-one can see it (apart from site administrators).

Rick Jones (Treasurer), former 26X & 19 owner, Isle of Wight

Hello Roly, thanks for the

Hello Roly, thanks for the post, I'll try to do likewise with my pics


Nick & Monica (2008 M)
