Big Mac 2024 - Norfolk Broads - Wed 24th July to Wed 31st July

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Just pulled out a cruising

Just pulled out a cruising guide to the Broads Ive had in the cupboard for years ! It looks like there are some nice places to stop on route down from Norwich , ( could be Brundall ) and possibly take the cut that goes South Westerly from where can go along the Wavaney a bit . I read that Breydon water is generally pretty dreary with with of strong wind against tide and narrow navigable channel. ....worth it as a way to get up to North Broads but I would tend to favour exploring the Southern Broads to Beccles and then back through the lock at Lowestoft for a second week extended sail southwards down to the Orwell , perhaps to explore up to Ipswich . Plan to overland back to get trailers and pull out somewhere on the Orwell .

However , I could be persuaded by local knowledge to focus on North Broads and make the sea sailing from Gt Yarmouth...but it makes that a longer stretch . I have been in the Ore and Deben with previous Mac trip but access is very tide dependent. Southwold might be a stopping point.


quentin.sands's picture
Interesting thoughts Roly.

Interesting thoughts Roly. Brundall Bay Marina can accommodate us for launching, retrieving and have berths available but cannot store our trailers. Griffin Marina, closer to Norwich, are offering launch, retrieve, berths and parking.

Quentin Sands (Editor)

1993 MacGregor 19, Margarita 

                Looks Perfect

Looks Perfect Quentin

Well done

Andrew Vincent

Black Shadow 26M

Hi all,

Hi all,

Just wanted to register my interest. New to all this as we only purchased the boat a couple of months ago. Various work needs to be done on the boat and trailer but we will be aiming to join you for the week on the Norfolk Broads.

Look forward to putting faces to the names!

Mark and Julie.

The Selkie 26x

quentin.sands's picture
That's good to know Mark and

That's good to know Mark and Julie. We will keep the conversation going on this thread and firm up plans before too long.

Quentin Sands (Editor)

1993 MacGregor 19, Margarita 

Having no experience of The

Having no experience of The Broads I'm happy to follow others in that week but as regards to other East Coast Sailing I'm happy to help formulate a plan. However it depends what week is best for others. I can only do the week AFTER the Big Mac. I can only do the week after.

There are limited safe havens South of Lowestoft...Southwold and then the rivers Ore and Deben , which are OK but require careful navigation to enter. We did however manage both in the past , with great adventure!.

It could be possible to progess under motor sail down to the Orwell and then explore that area at more leisure.

It would be useful to read views of others who might be interested in this extension


quentin.sands's picture
Further to Roly's suggestions

Further to Roly's suggestions for the Broads extension week Rick Jones and myself are working together to firm-up arrangements for the actual Big Mac week. Our most up-to-date thinking is that we will launch at Griffin Marina, close to Norwich, on Wednesday 24th July, and stay on their moorings overnight. Over the following days we will meander down the Yare and then up the Waveney, with a target destination, The Locks Inn at Geldeston. This will involve going under Beccles bridge that has 6 to 8 feet clearance.

After a night or two of jollification in the environs of Geldeston/Beccles we will then retrace our route down the Waveney, and wend our way back to Norwich.

At some point, those that are going out to sea might choose to cut and run through Oulton Broad and Lowestoft while those returning to Norwich might accompany them for some of the way or find time for a look at Breydon Water and Great Yarmouth. Some might be thinking of a two week Broads trip, and choose to head up to the Northern Broads from Great Yarmouth.

For those who are on a one week schedule, we thought a night together in the centre of Norwich itself, on Tuesday 30th, might be a nice way to finish the week before departure on Wednesday 31st.

I have never been to the Broads, so these ideas are not grounded in experience. If anyone has any experience that they can usefully offer, please do.

There has been quite a few expressions of interest and there is still a long time to go but if you haven't yet put your name forward please do join the discussion, when you can. I think we are up to 6 or 7 boats at the moment.

Quentin Sands (Editor)

1993 MacGregor 19, Margarita 

Hi all, I would like to

Hi all, I would like to register my interest in attending this event, I am very much a novice sailing, though I am quite confident motoring, the whole point of buying this boat is to improve my sailing. I look forward to meeting up with everyone and picking your brains! I have been on the broads a couple of times in a hired cruiser, if the weather is good, they are a great place to be. See you there!

quentin.sands's picture
Hi Steve, good to know you

Hi Steve, good to know you are interested in attending. There will be some experienced members on hand to offer advice and encouragement re sailing.

Quentin Sands (Editor)

1993 MacGregor 19, Margarita 

Further to Roly post, my

Further to Roly post, my preference for the optional second week (after Big Mac) is to trail the boats from the Broads and then sail in Walton BAckwaters, and on the Rivers Stour, Orwell and (weather permitting) Deben.

The reason to propose this is that it is 10 nm from Great Yarmouth to Lowestoft and 36 nm from Lowestoft to Harwich. The creeks and Rivers between Lowestoft and Harwich all require offshore wind and careful timing. If we sail from the Broads to Harwich it is a) quite a way to get back to Lowestoft or Great Yarmouth and b) in the event of winds getting up there is a risk of having to take train/bus/taxi to get back to the car/trailer for final recovery.

Visiting and exploring Walton Backwaters, Ipswich and Woodbridge will take about a week.

I have launched/recovered from Titchmarsh Marina near Walton which has a good slipway with pontoons each side and a large carpark.

Unfortunately I will not be able to attend Big Mac but am happy the do the week after Big Mac. I do have "The Broads Cruising and Tourist Map" and Collins/Nicholson "Norfolk Broads Waterways Guide" which I am happy to lend to anyone who needs them.
