26M for sale…. Asking £12,500 ono

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26M for sale…. Asking £12,500 ono

2005 26M for sale due to purchase of another boat.

50hp Yamaha 4-Stroke (fuel injected) low hours.

Spray hood and full cockpit enclosure.

Sat on 4 wheel MacGregor trailer.

All up together and was out last week at Solent mini Mac.

Lives out the water near Andover

Photos on either Facebook or Apollo Duck

Matt on 07498 429065

What have you bought?

What have you bought?


Hi Jonathan.  An Odin 820

Hi Jonathan. An Odin 820 deposit down. Still coming to BigMac if you will have me:)

very jealous and ofcourse.

very jealous and ofcourse.


When  I moved my M to

When I moved my M to Bradwell Marina on the Blackwater there were 2 Odin's and 4 Macs in residence all moored on the same pontoon. We often met up on each others boats for tea, coffee or beer and I was very impressed impressed with the Odin although I did think there was some plagiarism going on.

Good luck with her.


Not sold the Mac yet so

Not sold the Mac yet so dropping price to £14800. Photos are on Apollo Duck. . Odin is a different beast and getting the mast up is a right old faff...(still not got it up yet......)

Love the fact I can get the Mac rigged and in the water in 45 mins / out the water and on the way home in a similar time. Perhaps there is a use case to keep both....

Can't believe it has not sold

Can't believe it has not sold yet.. Anyway, reducing price. £13,800

That's a very low price for

That's a very low price for an M.

I am sorry for you. I had to

I am sorry for you. I had to wait 6 months before mine sold but then she did not have a tailer and there was a lot of competition atthe time. Have you discussed this with your broker? Is the broker earning his commission or just sitting there?

Maybe potential buyers will think it is too cheap.

Good Luck


Just advertised on Apollo

Just advertised on Apollo Duck & Facebook Marketplace and here, not through a broker. Figure if someone is actively looking for one they will find it but I could be more active..

Not the end of the world if I end up keeping it until next season but a shame for it to be sitting there with a dry bottom!

That is a very good price for

That is a very good price for an M.

I sold Maggie Jane, a 26X for similar price at the end of June. I did exactly what you have done and used Apollo duck . I think I had 5 inquiries with 2 serious .

Unfortunately I do not have the contact that was still interested as I have closed down the add that had his contact details .

good luck, I am sure you will sell at that price.
you only need one person to come off his holidays after watching sail boats ! The good news is that we both bought our new boats before we sold our last so we can enjoy the season!


Rob Gardner
