Submitted by quentin.sands on

Big Mac 22, the annual gathering of the MacGregor clan, took place at the end of July in the Clyde and surrounding waters launching from Largs. At any one time there were 12 boats involved - not all of them MacGregors - and a good time was had by all. The weather was generally kind and all boats enjoyed a good mix of sailing, motoring, fishing and chillin. It's not always easy to sign up to events where you don't know everyone but these gatherings never fail to meet all needs and there was a great mix of folk of all types, new members and old stagers, who rubbed along just fine. Commodore Jonathan and Miriam are organising Big Mac '23 which will be launching in Cardiff Bay. For members, there will be a longer report of the '22 event and more pictures in the next Newsletter.
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