
quentin.sands's picture

Last week I was sailing in the Solway Firth - see gallery pics - and a couple of fellas stopped by me and Margarita on the Kirkcudbright pontoon. One of them said he has an M, moored on the other side of the pontoon, so we had a good natter and he showed me his pride and joy, Melek - named after his daughter - which he bought from Simon Armitage (past MOA Commodore) when the boat was named Sowenna. The new owner is from Turkey, runs a chippy in Kirkcudbright and one days hopes to see Malek on the Med. You will see from the photos below that he's made some interesting mods!




quentin.sands's picture

Melek mods

Will upload mod pics to gallery

john.pompei's picture

Spotted Mac’s

This week in Holes Bay a Mac "Sonny" which I think was John Richardson's boat


Hi John

I'm pleased to hear about 'Sonny', and that she is still afloat! I sold her in 2020 to a guy who I think primarily wanted to use her as a diving platform. I seriously miss her during these lovely sailing days of sun and stiff winds (but not in those winter maintenance months!).

I hope you're doing well on your new boat, and the best of luck.

Regards, John Richardson

I am so pleased that Parvez

I am so pleased that Parvez is enjoying Sowenna/Melek. His daughter was in the back of the towing vehicle he drove from Scotland to Bradwell and back when he collected her.

Parvez, if you get to read this, join our association, join in our activities and when you get her to Turkey regail us with your adventures. We are short of members in that area.

Thanks for spotting her, Quentin and posting this. Hope you are enjoying your cruise. There are super sailing waters on the East and West coast of Scotland.

Simon Armitage