Submitted by quentin.sands on

It was such a perfect day on the lake yesterday so I thought I would share some MaGregoring pics from my phone. A great pre Christmas roam and I am sneaking a night up there next week too. I have my eyes on the events for next year...just negotiating time slots....Merry Christmas to all. 2016 was a cracker for me and Mrs M.
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Your photos
Submitted by simon.wagstaffe on
Good Evening Quentin
The photos look great, we moor up at The Swam Marina (along with about 4 other Macs) from March through to September. If you are passing give us a shout. Boat name is Karmacoma.
Best wishes
The Swan
Submitted by quentin.sands on
Hi Simon
Thanks for the message. Am going up tomorrow to pick up my engine which I have had serviced at Maiden Marine. If the weather isn't too cold, wet and awful I may well drift down your end. I am always wary of going down the river to the Swan just in case things go wrong with the engine but I hope, freshly serviced, it will be fine. I suppose an emergency plan would be to have the anchor on deck, just in case. Will look out for Karmacoma - great name.... Hope we can meet up some day. Quentin